At this time, Cheng Xue suddenly said "Huh", pointed at the zombie that had climbed up from the ground, and said, "Look! The zombie's neck seems to have been damaged by the impact. Why is it spinning in circles?"

The fat man was in no mood to look closely, and waved his hand, saying, "Who cares what's wrong with him? Let me go over, I guarantee that with one cut, all the problems will be gone."

"Wait a minute," Su Yuan also called the fat man.

The zombie had an iron clothes rack on its head, and its head was facing the left, always looking to the left. It would spin involuntarily when it took a step forward.

"Hey!" The fat man laughed, "Interesting. Give it a steel pipe, and it can do a pole dance."

Su Yuan took a look and thought that the zombie's neck might have been damaged by the car, so he didn't take it seriously.

He was about to ask everyone to move on, when Bai Ying suddenly said, "I know what's going on. Look at the hanger on the zombie's head."

Bai Ying used her hands to make a hanger shape and explained to Su Yuan:

"The side of the hanger with the hook is just stuck on the zombie's left forehead. When the hanger is put on the head at this angle, the pressure exerted on the head by the side with the hook is slightly greater than that on the side with the hanger beam."

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"In this case, there will be two forces, one large and one small, applied to the head at the same time. The brain is in a self-protection mechanism, which will make the muscles rotate along this force.

It is precisely this kind of twisting The force of turning the head is not very strong, and it will not trigger the self-protection mechanism of the human body's muscles.

In other words, the muscles will not resist this force, but will follow the instinctive reaction and turn the head to the side with greater force.

So the zombie's neck will always face the side of the hanger hook. This conditioned reflex has a scientific name, called-hanger reflex.

The Kajimoto research group of the University of Electro-Communications in Japan specializes in studying this hanger reflex. "

The fat man laughed and said, "The little devils are full of food, right? What's the point of studying this thing?"

As a teacher, Bai Ying naturally exudes a confident charm when it comes to academic issues. Then she answered:

"Why is it useless? There was a person who had the disease of [cervical muscle tension disorder], and the patient's neck could not turn to the sides. The Kajimoto research team used the hanger reflex to apply pressure to the patient's forehead on both sides, and they really cured it."

The fat man laughed and said, "Putting a hanger on the head can also cure diseases? I don't believe it, Fatty."

Then Dugu Pang walked over, and while the zombie was spinning in place and turned to face the wall, he suddenly raised his foot and kicked the zombie's lower back, pressing it tightly against the wall.

Then the fat man reached out and took off the hanger on the zombie's head. The moment the hanger left the zombie's head, the zombie's head returned to normal, and began to turn around, trying to turn around and bite the fat man.

The zombie was very powerful, and even with the fat man's physique of more than 200 pounds, he was unable to suppress it.

The fat man was so scared that he quickly put the hanger back on the zombie's head, but he didn't expect that it didn't work this time. The zombie was holding the hanger, but its head could still turn freely.

Bai Ying reminded from behind: "Oh no! No, the position you put it on is not right! You must use the inner side of the side with the hook, aiming it at the position slightly above the left or right eyebrow."

The fat man barely suppressed the zombie, and in a few seconds he was already sweating all over. It was unknown whether he was scared or tired.

Hearing this, he still blamed Bai Ying: "Why didn't you say it earlier? You almost let me feed the zombies!"

He kept complaining, and quickly moved the hanger on the zombie's head, aiming the side of the hanger with the hook at the right eyebrow of the zombie.

The effect was immediate!

The zombie's head immediately seemed to be fixed to the right, as if it had been cast into a fixed position.

The fat man was excited to see the prey, and kept moving the hanger back and forth on the zombie's head. The zombie's head turned to the right and left for a while, and it worked every time.

When they were having fun, they accidentally saw Su Yuan's face turn from sunny to cloudy, and they immediately realized that they were wasting time.

The fat man quickly raised his knife and sent the poor zombie back to the Western Paradise.

Before leaving, he did not forget to take the zombie's head away. It would be harder than climbing to the sky for others to take advantage of him.

The team continued to move forward. The fat man asked Bai Ying why the zombie didn't know to take off the hanger on his head?

Also, even if the hanger was not taken off, with such a small force of the hanger, the zombie should be able to turn its head freely, right?

Bai Ying explained: "If it were a human, of course they could control their neck muscles and turn their heads freely with a hanger on their heads.

But zombies seem to have only instinct left to guide their physical actions, so the effect of this trick based on human conditioned reflexes is particularly significant on zombies.

As for why zombies don't take off the hanger? You see, zombies don't know how to dodge even when facing an oncoming knife, let alone a small hanger on their heads."

Finally, Bai Ying added that, in fact, it is not necessary to use the side of the hanger with the hook to apply pressure to the left or right forehead of the zombie.

As long as the pressure exerted by the hanger on the head is guaranteed to be a relative force from the left front to the right back, and from the right front to the left back, it will be fine.

Because the skin on the forehead is exposed and hairless, it is more sensitive to pressure, so it doesn't matter whether the hook is in the front or the back.

I just told Fatty that he must use the hook to aim at the tip of the eyebrow on either side, and this is the most clear way to say it.

Fatty was overwhelmed by what he heard, and he seemed to understand but not quite. His biggest headache was studying, and he didn't expect that even at the end of the world, he couldn't escape the fate of being nagging by the teacher in his ear.

Dugu Pang thought to himself, I'm not as good at talking as you, and I'll let you taste my mobility in bed when I have a chance.

Hearing Bai Ying still talking endlessly, he quickly waved his hand and said, "I understand, I understand. I don't need to know the principle, I just know that the hanger head can control zombies."

As the two were talking, they happened to meet a small car for cleaning the room in the corridor, with more than a dozen iron hangers on it.

The fat man's eyes lit up, and he reached out and grabbed the bundle of hangers. He was obviously planning to put the hangers on the zombies' heads the next time he encountered a zombie, so as to avoid chopping it off.

Su Yuan said helplessly: "If you have the strength and skills to put the hangers on the zombies' heads, why don't you just kill the zombies with one knife?"

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