This remark woke the dreamer up. The fat man threw away the hanger in anger and cursed inwardly: "The boss is right. I am not taking off my pants to fart?"

However, even Su Yuan did not expect that the hanger that he looked like taking off his pants to fart at the moment would become his trick to win by surprise later!

"... Zi... Zi... Is it here? Does anyone hear it? We are trapped in the Yingcui Pavilion Chinese Restaurant on the 10th floor. Please come and save us."

A woman's sobbing voice for help suddenly sounded near Dugu Pang's big fat butt!

In the silent corridor, this sudden sound scared everyone and made them tremble.

The fat man even covered his butt with both hands and looked at Su Yuan with a pale face.

Seeing that Su Yuan did not mean to blame him, he took out a very delicate intercom from his butt pocket.

"Um... well... this is what I just took from a zombie. I thought if I could find another one, I would tell you about it."

Su Yuan nodded. Now that the communication system is paralyzed, no matter how expensive the mobile phone is, it is no different from a brick.

However, the radio equipment can still be used, not to mention that the fat man picked it up. Even if he saw a wireless walkie-talkie or a radio, he would put it away for backup.

At present, everyone has walked to the door of the stairwell leading to the tenth floor. It must be said that the woman on the walkie-talkie is really lucky to receive this request for help at this time.

Dugu Pang asked Su Yuan for his opinion, then picked up the walkie-talkie and pretended to blow a breath, and then said:

"Hu... I am Dugu Pang, the deputy captain of the search and rescue team. I received your request for help. Please report the current situation of your location."

Perhaps Dugu Pang was too involved, and he even frowned at the walkie-talkie, trying to make his voice sound more serious.

Su Yuan, Cheng Xue and others all pursed their lips to hold back their laughter when they saw the fat man's funny look.

A response came from the other side of the intercom, and the woman cried with joy:

"We are in the largest private room of Yingcui Pavilion Chinese Restaurant on the tenth floor. Come and save us!"

At this time, it seemed that someone snatched the intercom of the woman opposite, and replaced it with a man with a low and hoarse voice.

"What do you do for a living? Why are you here now? We are almost starving to death, do you know? How many people are there? How long will it take to save us?"

Dugu Pang raised his eyebrows when he heard it, "Which vegetable field are you from? How dare you talk to us like this!"

Su Yuan sneered. There are always idiots in this world who can't recognize the situation.

If you meet such a person, you don't need to pay attention to him at all. The cruel end of the world and the cruel mutant creatures will naturally teach him how to be a human being.

Dugu Pang was about to start cursing, but the man on the other side of the intercom got angry first, "Do you know who I am? Where is your Captain Wang? Ask him to talk to me!"

"Where is Captain Wang? Our captain's surname is..." Dugu Pang said this, and suddenly paused, as if someone had grabbed his neck!

He covered the intercom with his hand, stared at Su Yuan with wide eyes, and found that the latter also looked serious, obviously hearing the information that the other party had inadvertently revealed in his previous words.

Dugu Pang took a breath, sucked his teeth and said, "Is there really a rescue team? Moreover, it seems that the people upstairs have contacted the rescue team, otherwise why would they ask to see Captain Wang by name?"

There was a whisper in the team immediately. They were all very excited when they heard the news of the rescue team. If they could meet up with the official rescue team, it would be equivalent to completely ensuring their safety.

But Su Yuan didn't think so. He didn't care whether there was a rescue team or not. Now he just waited to solve the trouble of the altar of the gods in front of him, and then he was ready to go to Jiangbei to inquire about Su Linger's news.

"Hello? Hello?" The man on the other side of the intercom saw that the fat man stopped talking halfway, and couldn't help but urged: "If your captain's surname is not Wang, what is it?"

"What's it to you?" Dugu Pang shouted at the intercom.

Then, he asked Su Yuan: "What should we do? Should we go to save people?"

Su Yuan nodded, "This disaster is far more terrifying than you think. There are not many humans left, and we must save those who can be saved. But..."

Su Yuan looked downstairs through the glass. The zombies in the two blood pools are still evolving under the nourishment of countless tooth-leaved iron wire vines. The tree of chaos is also much thicker than before. Every second of delay, their enemies will become more powerful.

And Ding Nan, the golden hexagram pattern in her eyes is exactly the same as the three magic flower mantises that were first catalyzed by the God Altar to hunt down Su Yuan.

Is it the God Altar that is playing tricks in all this?

Su Yuan's heart was like an hourglass that kept ticking. Time was running out for him.

He no longer hesitated and kicked open the door of the fire escape, leading everyone to the tenth floor by stairs.

The iron door was kicked, and immediately there was a loud "bang"!

Su Yuan explained to the people around him: "Zombies and tooth-leaved iron wire vines are very sensitive to sound. Instead of being on guard against them all the time, it is better to make a sound to lure them out."

As Su Yuan himself said, too few humans survived this disaster. It is not difficult to pass on these experiences in dealing with mutant creatures, but it can greatly increase the survival rate of these people. Why not?

This loud noise was like the pleasant bell of a school cafeteria, and dozens of zombies wandering in the corridor were immediately attracted by the sound.

However, the zombies with only instinct left were obviously not very good at climbing stairs. They fell down as soon as they lifted their feet. In the end, the zombies pressed one on top of another, and the ones on top were completely stepping on the ones below. They used their hands and feet, crawling and rolling to rush towards Su Yuan and his team.

Since there were zombies, it meant that there were no tooth-leaved iron wire vines nearby. Everyone in the team had a stinking torch, and encountering zombies was the least threatening situation.

Su Yuan signaled everyone to stand against the wall with torches, and wait until the chaotic zombies rushed into the corridor, and then continue to move upstairs.

Ding Yufu and others who followed them did not have stinking torches to protect themselves. They were ready to escape when they saw Su Yuan kicking the door. Almost when the zombies rushed into the corridor, they followed Ding Yufu and disappeared.

Although Su Yuan was kind, he was not a saint. He has done his best by passing on the survival skills he knows. For those who don't believe in him, Su Yuan doesn't bother to care about their life or death.

He passed through the zombies and came to the tenth floor of the Galaxy Hotel. Before he pushed the door open, he could hear roars coming from inside. Even if he used his butt to think, he knew that the number of zombies on the tenth floor, which was a restaurant, must be quite large.

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