When it was almost dark, Sanglong and his companions returned triumphantly in a farm tractor.

Not only did they empty a rural store, but they also brought back the body of a second-order mutant!

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This mutant had a big head and a small body, like a fox with a water tank on its head.

Its body was only the size of a husky, and it was stabbed at least twenty times in the anus, and its death was extremely miserable.

But the real fatal injury should be caused by a shoe print on the neck.

"Well done! Who killed this?" Su Yuan looked at Sanglong and his companions with a smile on his face.

"It's... it's me." Dark Eyes grabbed his hair and smiled shyly.

"We sneaked into a village. There was no zombie or living person in the village, and we thought it was a wasted trip.

After entering the village, we got lost, as if we were trapped in a maze, and we couldn't get out no matter how hard we tried."

At this time, Xiaohuoguo rushed to say, "That's right. Then Heiyanquan suggested that we squint our eyes, use the Zhanlang Knife as a walking stick, and walk like a blind man."

"What a bastard! This idiot got so lucky that he poked the mutant's shit eye with his knife."

"After the monster was poked by him, we kept getting confused and trapped in a maze. We were so angry that we stabbed it with our knives."

"The monster is still running. Heiyanquan pushed Sanglong, and Sanglong didn't stand firmly, so he stepped on the monster's neck and crushed it to death."

Su Yuanxin said that your experience was a close call, but the mutant's death was really aggrieved.

A mental ability was analyzed from the mutant.

Su Yuan rewarded Black Eye Circle for his merits and gave him a set of second-generation armor.

Everyone was overjoyed and shouted that they would go again tomorrow.

Su Yuan said seriously: "You are lucky today. You met a mental mutant. Mental mutants are generally weak.

If you met a power or speed type, it would definitely not be so smooth."

After hearing this, everyone's expression was restrained, but the heat in their eyes did not diminish at all.


At night, Su Yuan was worried. He came to the Deep Sea Scorpion alone and stared at the detection screen within a range of 20 kilometers.

Logically speaking, if it was really a large migration caused by the ancient war tree, there should have been a tide of corpses here.

But these two days have been strangely calm, and there have been no zombies and mutants attacking.

Su Yuan, who had been thinking all night, fell asleep at dawn until he was awakened by Helena's tail.

"Get up! The zombies are coming!"

Su Yuan rubbed his eyes, still half asleep and half awake. "Zombie tide? Zombie tide!"

He stood up suddenly, "Fuck, it's finally here!"

There was no zombie tide before, Su Yuan thought it might be because Master Guangming and Boss Tieyan killed almost all the nearby zombies in order to collect crystal cores in the past two months, and cleared a vacuum zone.

Now when he suddenly heard that there was a zombie tide coming, Su Yuan immediately thought that these zombies must have migrated from somewhere else.

At this time, Su Yuan's mood was very complicated, like a little girl waiting for her lover to come, afraid that he would not come, and afraid that he would mess around.

The foundation of the coral reef fortress was only half dug, and the wall was not yet completed. If the zombie tide was too large, it would be difficult to resist under the current conditions.

Su Yuan ran all the way from the bottom of the pit to the ground, but there was no sign of the zombie tide.

Helena said, "Why are you in such a hurry? The zombies are still 17.5 kilometers away from here."

Su Yuan then remembered that the detector on the Deep Sea Scorpion was always on.

I had been staring at that thing all night last night, but when I woke up, I suddenly heard that a zombie tide was coming, and I forgot it in excitement.

Since the zombie tide has not arrived yet, there is just enough time to deploy defenses.

Su Yuan aimed the crystal energy cannon on the Turtle at the direction of the zombie tide. Patrick was also deployed by him at the gap in the wall.

"How big is the zombie tide?"

Helena replied, "There are about 300 zombies and more than 50 mutants. The level is not clear yet."

"Fortunately, fortunately, they should have flowed out from some village." Su Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. This number is barely acceptable.

But his heart couldn't help but lift up. The great migration has finally begun to affect here. It is foreseeable that from now on, there will be no more peaceful days.

When a shadowy figure appeared at the end of his sight, Su Yuan immediately aimed the crystal energy cannon at it.

This is a pure energy impact without any attributes. No matter whether it hits or not, it will burn the crystal core of 500 energy points.

Su Yuan's hands trembled slightly. Because he found that this ship-borne weapon, which he called a "cannon", could actually fire continuously!

"It is said that war is about making money, and this is so damn true." Su Yuan thought to himself.

If the finger pressing the firing button was lifted a little slower, I am afraid that the remaining 1,000 energy points would be emptied in an instant.

At this time, Xiao Lan dragged her weak body and said to Su Yuan: "Let me do it. I have the ability to lock the mental power, and as long as the eyes can see it, it will not miss."

Su Yuan thought about it and it was right. If such an expensive cannon missed, it would be painful. But if he didn't fire it himself, he felt itchy again, and finally decided to have fun first.

Through the scope, two tractors and a farm tricycle suddenly came into Su Yuan's sight.

Su Yuan was stunned, thinking that the sun really rose from the west. Since when did zombies also equip mechanized troops?

Looking closely, he found that the people in the car were actually the old vegetable board and others who were chased by the zombies!

This time, they were really scared. The exhaust pipes of those diesel vehicles were spewing sparks.

Helena hurriedly shouted: "Don't fire yet. We haven't been tested and calibrated yet, and it's easy to hurt our own people."

"A bunch of good-for-nothings, just kill them with one shot." Su Yuan said this, and he had already put on the Eda armor and rushed out.

Patrick was still blocking the gap in the wall. The old vegetable board drove the tractor at the speed of an F1 car. If they don't move this thing away, they will crash into it and die.

At this time, the Turtle, equipped with a crystal cannon, was also "crunching" to adjust the firing angle, trying to use the height difference between the fortress and the distance to attack the zombies.

This time, Su Yuan was closer, and he took out the Eye of the Giant Beast to look at the zombies. The level of the zombies is generally around level two.

Although there are many zombies, the combat effectiveness of most zombies is weaker than that of mutants of the same level. So there are a few scattered level three zombies, which is not a big deal.

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