With Su Yuan's current equipment and strength, even a zombie covered in bone armor would not be taken lightly by him.

What surprised him a little was that those mutants were all the products of mutated cats and dogs. There are all kinds of breeds, including the teddy that Su Yuan hates the most!

These guys who used to huddle under human feet and act cute all day long have now become ferocious and terrifying.

The dozen or so second-level teddy dogs looked like dog heads mounted on the bodies of curly sheep when viewed from a distance.

Even the cute kitten has turned into a ferocious beast like a tiger.

If anyone dared to pet such a cat, Su Yuan could not help but give him a thumbs up and exclaimed, "It's so life-threatening!"

The tractor spewed black smoke and rushed into the gap in the fence.

Su Yuan immediately threw the zombie crusher, Pai Daxing, back to where he was, and at the same time shouted to Xiao Lan to fire quickly!

"No... no! I don't dare to look at it." Xiaolan shouted with a cry: "The mutant running in front is too ugly. I don't dare to look at it. There is no way to aim."

Su Yuanxin said, Xiaolan is not a delicate vase. She has killed countless zombies with a single bow. What kind of mutant could make her look like this?

When Su Yuan observed the corpse group before, he focused on the quantity and level. I only took a cursory glance at the appearance of the mutants and didn't pay much attention to them.

Now that he heard Xiao Lan say this, Su Yuan immediately looked at the front of the corpse wave.

At this glance, Su Yuan couldn't help but tremble violently despite his strong nerves that had been tempered by countless mutants.

"...Holy crap! It's really ugly!" Su Yuan almost vomited out his last night's meal.

It was a big cat with no hair on its body, and its skin was so saggy that it looked like a 180-year-old old lady.

The pleats are layered one on top of another, swaying left and right when running. Anyone who looks at it will get goosebumps all over their body.

"No! This is a hairless cat!" Su Yuan finally recognized what kind of monster this thing was.

But then he suddenly thought that it would be okay if they were all zombies. The unfinished wall could still block them.

But cats are so incredibly capable of jumping that a wall might not be able to stop them.

"Fire, fire quickly!" Su Yuan shouted: "Can't you pick one that looks decent? Hurry up and aim at another one."

The fat man on the side looked anxiously, as if he were a little later, it would be too late.

"Get out of the way, I'll do it." The fat man grabbed the launcher from Xiao Lan's hand, squinted his eyes and took a random look, then pressed the trigger.

A low buzz immediately sounded from the muzzle. A little light gathered deep in the barrel.

Su Yuan felt that all the hair on his body and hair stood up.

The buzzing sound went from weak to strong, and in the blink of an eye, a beam of light as thick as the mouth of a bowl shot towards the tide of corpses right next to Su Yuan's head!

The dazzling beam of light disappeared in a flash!

Wherever it passed, all zombies and mutants touched by the light beam, whether they were second or third level, were all silently disintegrated into ashes by the light beam!

There was no blood spilled, no broken arms and limbs splashed, and the dense tide of corpses was easily divided into two halves.

The power of the crystal energy cannon really shocked everyone present.

Perhaps it was because the crystal energy cannon was far more powerful than expected. So much so that after this shot, the people on Su Yuan's side were stunned for a short time.

By the time everyone realized that this was no longer the time to be in a daze, the fastest mutants were already at the foot of the wall!

Dozens of mutants comparable in size to tigers and lions rushed at the same time, followed by hundreds of ferocious zombies hungry for blood.

This visually striking picture makes people feel as if the earth is shaking under the feet of the zombie tide.

Lao Caibanzi and the others, who had just escaped, thought they could sit back and relax when they saw that the crystal energy cannon split the zombie tide into two with just one shot.

But the crystal energy cannon, which they had high hopes for, completely failed after one shot. After asking, I found out that Su Yuan had only charged one energy point into the crystal energy cannon.

At this moment, he was watching the tide of corpses pouring in through the gap in the wall. A group of people were as anxious as ants on a hot pot, running around nervously, not knowing what to do.

Su Yuan threw a resistance fire ring very simply, blocking the mutant cats that were rushing forward.

At the same time, he turned to the old waiter and shouted, "Why don't Sanglong and Black Eyes come back?"

The old waiter immediately shook his hands and said, "This... this is a long story. They..."

"It's a long story, so let's stop talking about it now." Su Yuan said decisively: "Helena, give them the armor to wear! It doesn't matter if it's a semi-finished product, I can't care about that much now."

Suddenly, the ugly hairless cat jumped onto the four-meter-high wall, then aimed at Su Yuan and pounced down!

Its blood-red eyes were full of ferocious light, and it seemed to regard Su Yuan as a delicious mouse.

The speed of cats is extremely fast. Su Yuan still had to block the gap in the wall, unable to jump away and dodge, and could only fight head-on.

However, Su Yuan had no intention of dodge. He secretly upgraded the air composition around his body to a pure oxygen environment.

After waiting for the opponent to rush forward, he immediately released another ring of resistance fire!

The low roar of the air explosion, accompanied by a strong shock wave, spread to the surroundings.

Although the lethality of the fire resistance ring is not very good, its "repel" effect is indeed very significant.

The ugly hairless cat, under the impact of the flames, suddenly stopped its diving momentum and let out a painful whine of its lungs being squeezed.

However, this ugly natural hunter actually took advantage of the impact of the fire resistance ring to roll twice in the air and unload most of the impact.

Then the two hind legs kicked hard on the inside of the wall and rushed towards Su Yuan again!

The fire resistance ring is not the fire resistance torch after all, and the fire resistance ring requires the coordination of air and fire elemental abilities.

No matter how strong Su Yuan is, he can't fire continuously without gaps. So he immediately turned sideways.

Before the opponent pounced, he adjusted his posture to meet the attack and pulled out the syringe in his hand.

The next second, this cat, which weighed at least 600 kilograms, had already extended its fangs and pressed down on Su Yuan!

Su Yuan, however, released the syringe.

With his left hand, an overpressure explosion shook the hairless cat's bones and internal organs.

With his right hand, a wind blade cut deeply into the gap between its ribs!

The hairless cat immediately raised its neck and let out a shrill whine.

It jumped up and pounced sideways, and blood was scattered everywhere as it rolled like raindrops.

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