End of the World: Start by controlling a god's altar

Chapter 328: Invisibility is not invincibility

Su Yuan succeeded in one strike, but he didn't want to fight. Because these guys who were full of hunting instincts in their minds actually knew how to cooperate as a team.

In the few seconds when he was fighting with the hairless cat, the other three mutants had already seen this gap and rushed to Su Yuan's back!

But as a beginner controller, the biggest difference between Su Yuan and other extraordinary people is that no matter how tense the battle is, he can always keep an eye on all directions and listen to all directions.

How could those mutants who wanted to sneak attack escape his perception?

Su Yuan swept his leg without looking back and kicked one of the mutants fiercely in the eye!

He kicked the mutant's eyeball on the spot, and half of his skull was flipped over by him.

The other two mutants still opened their mouths fearlessly and bit Su Yuan fiercely!

But Su Yuan was wearing Eda armor, and this bite almost knocked their teeth off their gums.

One could even see the look of surprise in the mutants' eyes, similar to the look of surprise when a person bites a piece of bread and suddenly bites a stone.

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Su Yuan directly hugged the mutants' necks, and his hands simultaneously ignited a pale blue high-temperature flame.

In an instant, the two mutants were burned into two frantically struggling fireballs.

Because Su Yuan was blocking the gap in the wall, the large group of zombies behind him had rushed to a distance of only five or six meters from him, almost squeezed into a ball.

And the reason why Su Yuan had been blocking this place was waiting for this moment!

He immediately activated the zombie crusher. Five huge tooth blades spun wildly like a chainsaw.

In the zombie tide, a flower of death composed of flesh and blood immediately bloomed.

At this time, the people of Lao Caibanzi had already put on their armor and came to support Su Yuan tremblingly.

Su Yuan turned around and found that they had all the parts of their armor, but they had not had time to install the spikes on the joints, the side blades on the calves, the shield blades on the arms, and the serrations on the back.

To put it bluntly, the armor they were wearing was just a set of plate armor with only the most basic defensive capabilities. It was enough to make these cowards who only knew how to run away stand on the front line with courage.

But they only walked behind Su Yuan and did not dare to move forward.

This group of people have not yet become extraordinary people. This heavy armor made it difficult for them to move, and their flexibility was almost zero.

Su Yuan had an idea and summoned all the metallurgical worms that he had withdrawn to the rear before the zombie tide came.

Metallurgical worms can easily carry a ton of inferior sea soul gold. Using them to carry people in armor, isn't it easy?

So when Patrick was frantically throwing blood plasma and broken arms and limbs, Lao Caibanzi felt his body move.

Like everyone else, he was grabbed by the metallurgical worm's two mechanical claws at the waist and pushed to the gap in the wall.

Suddenly, there was a wailing sound of crying for parents, which shook the earth. Su Yuan almost suspected that they were scared to death in the armor.

Fortunately, Dugu Pang and Liu Xianguang did not need Su Yuan to worry about them. They also rushed to the front line wearing semi-finished armor, setting an example for Lao Caibanzi and others.

The tin cans standing in a fan-shaped arc were drowned by crazy zombies.

When the zombies climbed on them at first, the people in the armor were all scared to death.

The "squeaking" sound of nails and teeth scratching the metal armor made people's teeth sour and their hair stood on end.

When they found that they were protected by armor, this wave of zombies and mutants, which were only level three at most and all physical attacks, could not break their defense at all, their bravery was immediately revealed.

Even though the heavy armor made them raise their swords as slowly as frozen turtles, when they chopped down, they only needed to release the strength of raising the swords.

Gravity alone could complete the slashing, and the strength and speed were quite good.

Soon, the zombies and mutants realized the horror of the zombie crusher, and they all entered the wall from places where Patrick could not attack.

In addition to the disadvantage of huge energy consumption during operation, another disadvantage of Patrick was also exposed, that is, lack of mobility.

This killing weapon originally used in water can only be a good start when placed on land. After that, it is difficult to play an effective killing effect.

The inside of the zombie crusher is designed with a structure similar to that of a submarine. There are also mechanical paddles on the bottom and around for paddling.

So when in the water, Patrick is a complete killing maniac. But on land, he can only stand still to output.

It’s not that Helena didn’t think of modifying Patrick’s land drive ability. The key is that the more mature the design, the more difficult it is to change.

In such a short time, Helena didn't have any particularly good ideas.

Su Yuan's ideas have always been simple and crude. After he found this problem, he immediately sent six mechanical trilobites to rush under Patrick and then directly lifted him up!

I thought that this would give the zombie crusher enough mobility. But in fact, Patrick lost his balance as soon as he left the ground, and the tooth blade deviated and chopped directly to the ground.

In an instant, Patrick was like a broken saw blade, and after a crazy bounce and jump in the zombie group, he fell far away.

Although Su Yuan's impromptu idea did not succeed, it had an unexpected effect!

Patrick's crazy ejection completely dispersed the zombies and knocked down nearly eighty zombies in one fell swoop.

At this time, the number of zombies had been reduced by more than half, and there were only a dozen mutants left.

If there were no accidents, it would only be a matter of time to resolve the battle and win.

Su Yuan slowed down the intensity of his attack and deliberately trained Lao Caibanzi and the others. He would only rescue them when zombies or mutants broke through their defense.

Cheng Xue and Xu Jiajia, who were previously arranged by Su Yuan to hide in the back because their superpowers were not suitable for fighting, could not hold back.

Seeing that the situation was not so dangerous, the two of them ran out regardless of Su Yuan's ban and wanted to kill zombies together.

Su Yuan stopped the two women and asked Fatty and the others to release two zombies for them to practice.

The two zombies who were fortunately selected howled excitedly and pounced on Su Yuan, who looked easier to bully. Because Su Yuan had taken back the Eda armor at this time.

Cheng Xue and Xu Jiajia were both wearing first-generation armors with decorations all over them. Only through the gaps in their helmets could one see their eager eyes.

Xu Jiajia bent over and faced the zombies. Her figure gradually faded, and after three steps, she was completely invisible.

However, the zombies immediately discovered someone approaching by smell. They left Su Yuan behind and attacked the invisible Xu Jiajia.

Xu Jiajia immediately realized that Su Yuan had a reason for not letting her participate in the battle. Invisibility does not mean invincibility.

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