The people who noticed that their necks were slashed stepped back in horror, their eyes full of fear. Their faces were distorted, and their hands were tightly covering the wounds on their necks, fearing that blood would spurt out in the next second.

Fortunately, that didn't happen. Su Yuan only used the wind blade to cut a layer of skin on their necks.

There are blood elves everywhere here. If there are nine people spurting blood from their arteries at the same time, you will know even if you think about it with your buttocks, the blood elves will definitely swoop over like flies that find rotten eggs.

"You should be lucky that you didn't ask me what it felt like to have my throat cut." Su Yuan squinted his eyes and glanced over, as if there was invisible power wherever he looked. No one dared to stay in Su Yuan's sight. .

People first hid in the deepest part of the cave, trying to stay as far away from this dangerous guy as Su Yuan.

Immediately afterwards, they found that Su Yuanxiang had hit a relatively flat ground at the end of the cave, and people immediately rushed to the entrance of the cave against the rock wall in a pee.

They huddled together in panic and gave up nine-tenths of the entire cave to this strange couple.

Aya smiled softly, her big eyes turning into crescent moons.

It was this feeling, this feeling that no matter what danger there was, no matter who wanted to harm her, Su Yuan would stand up and block all wind and rain for her!

"Eat," Su Yuan helped Aiya to a relatively flat place for her to sit down, and then gave her the food sent by the blood elves to eat.

The elf girl held the food and looked deeply at Su Yuan with her big eyes.

"Eat! Don't be embarrassed, I'm not hungry." Su Yuan was really not hungry. If he was not in a hurry to return to the Coral Reef Fortress, the food in his storage medal would be enough for him to live here for a year.

Aiya still didn't speak, and just looked at Su Yuan deeply, as if she wanted to carve his appearance into her mind.

"Look, why don't you believe it?" Seeing Aiya's refusal to eat, Su Yuan thought Aiya was worried that he would have nothing to eat, so he took out a bottle of mineral water from the storage medallion and shook it vigorously.

The clear water gurgled in the bottle, and a smile gradually appeared on the elf girl's lips, and she suddenly took the fruit generously and started eating it.

Su Yuan was stunned for a moment. He had a feeling that this elf girl seemed to have made a major decision in her heart at that moment!

Just now Aya refused to eat his food, just like when she was a virgin, the little girl was too shy to spend money from her boyfriend.

But looking at Aya's expression when she is eating now, she looks like an old couple. It is so natural and natural for the wife to eat and drink her husband's food.

" seems like something terrible has happened to me." Su Yuan murmured.

Su Yuan sat silently next to Aiya. Aya's side is always surrounded by the faint fragrance of plants. The smell is like lying on a green lawn in the morning sun after a rain.

The elf girl looked much more energetic after eating. If Aya before was like a little white flower that was about to wither, now that she came to Su Yuan's side, she was like a bud hanging with dewdrops.

She suddenly turned around, gently leaned her head on Su Yuan's arms, and rubbed her affectionately.

When the humans at the flashing door saw this scene, their jaws almost dropped to the ground in shock!

One of them couldn't help but slapped himself in the mouth and murmured: "What did I see? A sun elf girl took the initiative to throw herself into the arms of a human?"

This action infected everyone like a plague. Everyone couldn't help but slap themselves in the face to make sure that what they saw in front of them was not an illusion.

Feeling the burning pain on their faces, people realized that Su Yuan had not lied before. What he said about the elf girl being his wife was actually true!

At this time, Aiya suddenly raised her head, stretched out her hands to hold Su Yuan's face, and said very seriously: "Look at me, remember my appearance. If I die, please don't forget me, okay? ? If possible, I really want to be with you forever."

Su Yuan scratched his head in confusion, feeling that the energetic girl's feelings were a little too passionate.

But looking at Aiya's pure and flawless eyes without a trace of impurity, Su Yuan nodded unexpectedly.

Because he found that the way the elf girl smiled and looked up had been deeply engraved in his heart unknowingly.

This picture is so beautiful that even the mermaid princess curled up her tail in embarrassment.

Look at the excitement that stars are shooting out of her eyes, that is, there is no paintbrush and canvas here, otherwise this little guy will 100% paint this picture.

Aya leaned her face back again, raised her hand to pull the broken hair around her ears, and murmured in a low voice: "I really hope my mother can see all this. It's a pity..."

Su Yuan noticed that when Aiya said this, she gently made famous circles with her fingers on the place where the pendant originally hung.

"That seed is very important to you, isn't it?" Su Yuan held the circled finger in his hand and asked carefully.

He was really afraid that Aiya would say something like, "That's what my mother became."

Because according to what the transmitter said, some special elves will indeed transform into seed forms after death.

Su Yuan remembered that the seed Aya hung around her neck as a pendant was the one Aya threw out when she was trying to prevent the blood elves from coming to kill Su Yuan.

If the seed was really transformed from Aya's mother, then Su Yuan really didn't know how to compensate Aya.

Aya shook her head gently, "That's the relic my mother left me. It doesn't matter, as long as you are by my side."

"Huh..." Su Yuan breathed a sigh of relief. It turned out to be just a seed with special commemorative significance.

At this time, he suddenly remembered that there was a jar of elf seeds in the storage space? I remember that there was a seed in it that looked like a golden pearl, why not take it out and give it to the elf girl?

After Su Yuan took out the seed, he was shocked to find that this seed might not be suitable as a necklace pendant because it was too big.

It's a pity that there is only one. If there is another one like it to make a pair, it can be given to the elf girl as a walnut to play with in her hands.

"Huh? This seed is so strange, I've never seen it before." The elf girl noticed Su Yuan's embarrassment, took the seed with a smile, and held it in her palm, "Thank you, Su. I like it very much."

When the seed reached Aya's hand, it suddenly burst into a ball of golden light, and even the thin sunlight outside the cave seemed to be attracted, condensing into a thick beam of light shining on Aya's body.

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