Gradually, Aya's figure became blurred.

Although in this dark canyon cave, the sunlight seemed to break through all obstacles and come here, just to shine on Aya.

A surge of natural power rose from Aya's body, blending with the sunlight. Golden halos bloomed from Aya's palms from time to time.

The elves in other caves around suddenly broke out in a commotion, sounding very excited.

They rushed to the door of the cage desperately, grabbed the iron bars, and shouted something about "ancient power". Some elf elders who were also imprisoned in the cave cried and laughed, as if they were crazy.

Aya seemed unaware of all this. She just leaned in Su Yuan's arms and immersed herself in the sunshine.

After a while, the sunlight was so strong that it seemed to tear the sun down and throw it into the valley.

[At this point, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Network →🅣🅦🅚🅐🅝.🅒🅞🅜]

Even the blood elves gathered at the entrance of the cave where Su Yuan and Aya were, looking inside nervously.

At this moment, the most excited ones were the daylight elves.

Just as the power of the blood elves comes from blood and the power of the night elves comes from the night, the source of power for the daylight elves is the sun!

Because the sunlight was unprecedentedly strong at this time, the daylight elves standing at the entrance of the cave and being exposed to the strong sunlight seemed to have opened a plug-in, and actually broke through the cage!

The elder Yunshan rushed to Su Yuan's side and bravely squeezed away the blood elf guards in front of him.

You can see that the veins on his face are bulging, and the corners of his eyes are almost cracked!

Elder Yunshan pointed at Su Yuan with gnashing teeth and shouted, "You dirty, mean, corrupt, evil half-blood elf! Get away from our Aya immediately! Stay away from our Dawn Elves!"

In the legends handed down from ancient times by the elves, the earliest elves were called "Golden Elves". No one knows how the Golden Elves appeared, but their strength and nobility are beyond doubt!

Nowadays, all elves, whether they are daylight elves, night elves, blood elves, gray elves, etc., are derived from Golden Elves.

Occasionally, elves will revert to their ancestors, transcending the scope of ordinary elves and beginning to evolve towards Golden Elves.

This kind of elves with reversion is honored by the elves as "Dawn Elves", because the sun that rises at dawn, the sunlight that falls is like the color of gold. And the Dawn Elves are destined to grow into real Golden Elves, just like the sun hanging high in the sky.

But since the inheritance of the elves' tree of life was cut off, no Dawn Elves have appeared for endless years.

In the cognition of all elves, the Dawn Elves are beings that can lead the entire elf race to become powerful.

The various strange phenomena that appeared on Aya now are exactly the characteristics of the Dawn Elves in the legend.

Su Yuan was furious when he heard Elder Yunshan's extremely vicious curse!

Although Elder Yunshan's curse words were not very bad, considering that the elves' curse vocabulary has always been pitifully scarce, it is possible that when Elder Yunshan scolded Su Yuan just now, he had used all the words he knew that he thought were insulting.

In this way, Elder Yunshan's scolding of Su Yuan as "dirty, mean, depraved, and evil" is simply too vicious!

It is just as insidious as digging up the graves of the extinct and kicking the doors of widows in human society!

At this time, there were still elves who arrived a step late. Seeing Elder Yunshan scolding Su Yuan for being a half-blood elf, they wondered, "He looks like a human."

"No! You are all deceived by his evil appearance." Elder Yunshan said with great sorrow:

"I saw the Blood Lord say that he was a half-blood elf with my own eyes. Damn it, if I could find out earlier, I should have killed him earlier, so that he would not have the opportunity to blaspheme our noble Dawn Elves."

"Fuck you elves, now you think Aya is noble?" Su Yuan pointed at Elder Yunshan's nose and scolded, "What the hell did you do just now? When your own people bullied her, why didn't you say she was noble?"

It doesn't matter if Su Yuan doesn't speak. When he speaks, his body leans forward because of the action of stretching his arm to point at people. Sister Aya, who was leaning on his chest, actually took the initiative to hug Su Yuan.

As a result, all the elves outside the cave entrance went crazy!

They threw all the offensive words they knew at Su Yuan to express their anger because Su Yuan had blasphemed the noble Dawn Elves.

Su Yuan only had one mouth, so he could not scold so many angry elves.

So he decided to fight back with action. Su Yuan lifted up Aya's pretty face, pursed his big mouth and kissed Aya's face!

"Oh, no!!"

"How could you do this? How dare you?"

"You dirty, lowly..."

Seeing this scene, all the elves outside the cave were in grief and wanted to commit suicide on the spot.

"I am a dirty, lowly, corrupt, evil half-blood elf? Bah!" Su Yuan twisted his mouth and stared at the elves outside the cave with cold eyes, "You want me to leave? I won't, what can you do to me?"

"I have blasphemed. Not only do I use my words, I also use my hands!" Su Yuan took his arm and directly held the noble Dawn Elf in his arms.

And in the eyes of all the elves who wanted to kill him, they opened their big hands and followed Aya's thrilling curves, blaspheming unscrupulously!

A row of black handprints were immediately left on the elf girl's snow-like skin, making all the elves' blood vessels look like they were about to burst.

Aya's eyelashes trembled under the sunlight and she opened her eyes gently.

She still only had Su Yuan in her eyes, and she turned a deaf ear to all the sounds from the outside world. No matter how hoarse the elves shouted, she turned a deaf ear.

Seeing Aiya open her eyes and looking at him, Su Yuan's heart was a little frightened. At this time, Aya looked like a goddess worshiped by countless creatures in the temple, as if smelling the breath exuding from her was a sin.

"Ahem," Su Yuan blushed a little when Aiya's eyes were as pure as the starry sky. He turned his head and looked away.

Unexpectedly, Aiya stretched out a finger and put it against Su Yuan's mouth, then raised her face, took the initiative to bring her soft jelly lips together, and kissed Su Yuan's unshaven mouth deeply.

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