In fact, the word "divine blood" is not for wood-type mutant creatures. Its real meaning refers to people who use divine blood!

If any fool drinks the divine blood directly, it will turn into a real plant in a short time, and it will be deader than dead!

The correct way to use "wood divine blood" is to inject it directly into the human blood vessels like an infusion.

If Su Yuan had not rescued the extraordinary businessman in his previous life, this adventure might have become a disaster that would have killed him.

Su Yuan thanked his previous life in his heart, and then cut the back of his hand without hesitation!

This knife directly cut the thickest vein on the back of his hand, and blood immediately sprayed out like money.

This is not because Su Yuan was too excited and cut hard, but if he wants to use the divine blood, he must first expel as much blood as possible from his body. It is said that this can reduce the pain when fusing the divine blood.

The bloody red blood soon gathered into a stream in the narrow tree hole. Su Yuan was not afraid that the smell of blood would attract zombies.

First, it was because the place was shrouded in a strong fragrance; second, the remaining blind zombies were dealt with by Dugu Pang and others, so he could rest assured and complete the fusion with the divine blood.

When Su Yuan's face turned pale as paper and his eyes were black so that he couldn't even move his fingers, the time was almost right.

He didn't need to find a syringe needle, but directly cut the block of wood wrapped in the "wood divine blood", and then used the air power to gather the divine blood into a ball and fit it to the wound on the back of his hand.

Then he compressed the air around the divine blood, and the divine blood was naturally squeezed into his veins.

As soon as the divine blood touched the wound, a cool and itchy feeling came immediately.

Then, starting from the wound, Su Yuan's flesh and blood quickly turned into a substance similar to plant fiber.

Su Yuan concentrated and calmed down, counting the time silently in his heart.

What he is doing now is to use the veins in his left arm to transport the divine blood back to the heart.

Then within twenty seconds, the divine blood will start from the left ventricle of the heart, flow through the aorta and several arterial branches derived from it, and be sent to the corresponding organs.

The artery branches out several times, the diameter gradually becomes thinner, the number of blood vessels gradually increases, and finally reaches the capillaries. Here, substances are exchanged with tissue cells through intercellular fluid.

In this process, all body cells except the hair and nails on the surface of the body will be transformed by the divine blood.

Twenty seconds, every second seems as long as a century for Su Yuan. It is not just the physical pain, but the terrifying feeling of watching his flesh and blood body turn into wood is the most heart-wrenching.

Fortunately, as long as he can feel the pain, it means that he has not lost consciousness. He can also drive his arms, legs and feet at any time.

These fibrous materials that are spread all over his body are the key to the regeneration of broken limbs in the future!

No matter how slowly Su Yuan feels that time passes, twenty seconds is actually just a blink of an eye, just a few sips of water.

After the divine blood circulated in his body for a week, Su Yuan's flesh and blood returned to normal again, and it felt the same as before the divine blood was fused.

He raised his left hand in front of his eyes, and saw countless thin threads like woolen threads wriggling wildly on both sides of the wound that had just been cut.

Like countless nanorobots, the wound was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye. In the blink of an eye, it was restored to its original state without leaving any scars.

Su Yuan clenched his fists tightly, feeling the surging vitality in his body like the sea.

Although the "Divine Blood of Wood" is not a treasure that specifically improves strength, Su Yuan's strength was still improved by one star in just twenty seconds.

He became a junior two-star extraordinary person, and the edge of his extraordinary badge also changed from one star to two stars.

Just as Su Yuan was about to express his feelings, the old madman suddenly squeezed in from outside the tree hole and blocked the light tightly.

"What are you doing? Oh my god! Why is there so much blood? Are you having your period?"

Su Yuan was furious. He resisted the urge to kick the old madman to death and picked up a crystal tree core and stuffed it into the old madman's mouth.

The latter took the tree core and immediately started to chew it happily.

This thing is rich in life energy, and it won't hurt to eat more. Maybe it can cure the old madman's mental illness, so Su Yuan let him eat it.

The rest of the tree trunks were like rotten mushrooms. Su Yuan was too lazy to push the old madman to make room, so he put the tree core that was originally wrapped in "wood god blood" and had the richest life energy into his bag. Then an overpressure explosion opened a big hole on the other side of the tree trunk and crawled out.

At this time in the air, the dark light was still struggling with the crystal core formed by the god's altar.

The golden sand grains around the crystal core were increasing, and it had already taken the shape of an altar. But Su Yuan found that the dark light was not at a disadvantage. Many sand grains had lost their golden light and turned black.

At this time, Dugu Pang, Cheng Xue and others were seen running towards this side from a distance, and Liu Xianguang also joined them from another direction.

The number of people behind them, except for Liu Xianguang's side, Dugu Pang and Cheng Xue's side had a lot of new faces. It was probably other survivors they rescued while climbing the stairs.

At this moment, these people walked with the wind, and each of them had a red face.

Not counting the one killed by Su Yuan alone due to the natural gas explosion, the remaining hundreds of zombies were all killed by their own hands.

A group of people who were timid, hiding and lingering, and dared not face the zombies, now can overcome their fear and kill the zombies with their own hands. Anyone would feel like they have been reborn.

But they know who gave them this courage.

Humans are social creatures and are easily influenced by their own kind. The first dozen survivors, led by Su Yuan, walked around in the zombies at close range with smelly torches.

Then Su Yuan cut open the natural gas pipe with a knife. They dared not abandon the torches and could only run to the roof according to Su Yuan's instructions.

How many zombies did they encounter along the way? The fear in their hearts had already been quietly disintegrated in this process.

For example, a group of people who went to the battlefield for the first time, how many of them dared to be the first to pick up swords and guns and charge the enemy camp?

But if there was a majestic commander who dispatched and issued orders, and personally went down to the battlefield to solve 99% of the enemies.

Then this group of rookies who had just entered the battlefield could gain infinite courage from this commander.

There were a few people who, after killing zombies, became so arrogant that they thought that zombies and Su Yuan were nothing special.

After seeing the chaos tree, as big as a hill, fall at Su Yuan's feet, they immediately put away their arrogance.

Dugu Pang jogged along, looking at Su Yuan as if he were looking at an idol. But when he ran closer, his face suddenly changed!

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