"That... boss..." Dugu Pang swallowed his saliva and asked with a trembling voice, "What does this smell like? It smells so good!"

Everyone else also twitched their noses and looked around for the source of the smell, not even caring about the weird scene where the dim light overhead and the miniature altar were in a stalemate.

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"Could this big tree be a fruit tree? Why is it so fragrant?" Dugu Pang looked at the fallen Tree of Chaos, "It's a bit ugly, but the smell..."

As he was talking, Dugu Pang had already walked to the tree hole opened by Su Yuan. He saw at a glance the crystal-colored wooden blocks inside the tree hole, which looked like peeled lychees!

I saw him take a handful of saliva, stick up his butt and crawl into the tree hole. That anxious look was like a senior official from Ximen who saw Pan Jinlian.

Dugu Pang picked up a piece of tree core the size of his fist, put it to the tip of his nose and smelled it. His eyes suddenly opened like light bulbs, he opened his mouth and stuffed the piece of tree core into his mouth.

The sweet and refreshing sap from the tree core flowed between his mouth, and the rich aroma suddenly filled his entire mouth.

Dugu Pang immediately let out a groan. The feeling of comfort made him tremble all over, and he narrowed his eyes in comfort.

Then he suddenly opened his eyes, and like a black bear, he leaned down into the tree hole. He opened his hands to the left and right, and tried his best to pull the pieces of the tree core into his mouth.

Liu Xianguang and Cheng Xue looked at each other in confusion. After looking at each other, they also joined the fat man's action.

Suddenly, dozens of people were like locusts, enlarging the small tree hole to the size of a garage, all squeezing in to grab the tree core.

After Su Yuan estimated that everyone had eaten at least one piece, he raised his hand and pulled Dugu Pang and Cheng Xue out of the crowd.

"Don't just eat! The explosion just now will soon attract zombies from half the city. Find something to put those tree cores in, and get out of here as soon as possible."

The two nodded hurriedly. Then I remembered that when they were on the roof of the building, they did see a lot of zombies moving this way.

So the two of them immediately called to everyone, took off their coats and used them as packages to pack the tree cores.

For a moment, everyone seemed to have entered an open-air bathhouse, all taking off their clothes. Even lesbians like Bai Ying and Yao Hong took off their thin shirts without hesitation.

There are even some clever ones who take off their stockings and use them as bags.

This tree core has an immediate effect on restoring physical strength. These survivors, who had been hungry for two days, only took a few bites, and they were as ferocious as chicken blood. In a few blinks of an eye, all the tree cores have been packaged.

"Boss, where are we running?" Dugu Pang only had a pair of underpants left on his body to cover his shame, and the rest was taken off to hold the tree core. Of all the people, he was the one who stole the most.

Su Yuan identified the direction, stretched out his hand and pointed, "Go that way. Before the zombies gather into a wave of corpses, find a way to rush out of the city and go to the military station outside the city."

Everyone nodded immediately, and then rushed out screaming like a group of thieves who had just stolen something and were in a hurry to escape.

Su Yuan raised his eyes and looked at the strange remnant souls and the altar of gods that were still in a stalemate in mid-air, wishing that these two uncles would die together.

In that case, he would not have to worry about being hunted down like a dog-skin plaster at the altar of the gods, but he could also take this opportunity to get rid of that weird remnant soul.

No one wants to have another unknown tenant living in their body, especially since this guy's origin is too mysterious. Its existence is a great pressure for Su Yuan.

The more he thinks about his past life experiences, the stranger he feels, as if there is a pair of invisible hands controlling something.

The current situation of two tigers fighting each other can be said to be a once-in-a-lifetime situation, a good thing that cannot be found even with a lantern.

Su Yuan smiled in his heart, said "Bye bye" in his heart, and then ran away without looking back.

When the old lunatic saw that everyone was running away, he hurriedly followed them as if he was holding a pot in his stomach.

He also had a lot of collected wine bottle caps in his pockets, and when he started running, they made a lot of noise.

Su Yuan thought to himself that the old guy was worried that the zombies couldn't find him. He stopped, grabbed the old madman, and asked him to throw away all the junk.

How can the old lunatic agree?

He had worked hard to dig this out from the trash, and immediately covered his pockets tightly, making Su Yuan look like he was robbing a helpless old man.

Little did they know, this old guy could run at a speed that was enough to overtake the Olympic sprint champion by eight blocks!

In the end, Su Yuan succeeded in seizing the old madman's entire inventory. These fatal bottle caps were thrown into the air by Su Yuan, and the goddess scattered flowers directly.

But I didn't expect that the old madman's reaction was so violent!

I saw him push Su Yuan hard, then took two steps and jumped. He raised his foot and stepped on Su Yuan's thigh to gain strength, and then kicked on Su Yuan's shoulder!

With Su Yuan's height, plus the old madman's own height, and his two arms raised high.

The old madman's fingertips were at least three meters above the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the old madman was heard shouting: "My precious crystal!"

The next second, the old madman's whole body was like a spring that was pressed to the limit.

With a "swish", he stepped on Su Yuan's shoulders and jumped to a height of more than six meters above the ground, reaching out to grab the bottle caps thrown into the air.

If this set of actions was performed by an elite soldier of the special forces, Su Yuan would not be surprised at all. But in fact, this was an old madman over fifty years old!

Su Yuan's eyes immediately followed the old madman's movements and looked up.

This look was not a big deal, and he was immediately scared to death!

The two hands raised by the old madman had already touched the area where the residual soul and the altar of the gods were located.

The space there kept twisting. The two mysterious things seemed to be in another world, and everything around them was twisting and changing wildly.

And the hand of the old madman stretched into that area was like a data model in a computer. The skin, muscles, blood vessels, ligaments, and bones of the hand were very intuitively and in a weird dimension, showing up in front of Su Yuan at the same time!

Su Yuan could even clearly see the rhythm of every muscle fiber of this hand, the propagation of every nerve signal, and the flow of every red blood cell!

Time seemed to be adjusted to a slow state at this moment, and the old madman rose slowly but resolutely.

His wrists, elbows, arms, and then his head slowly entered the strange range.

All the parts of the old madman's body that entered this range were presented to Su Yuan in a way that transcended dimensions.

Su Yuan could say without exaggeration that from now on, he was definitely the person in the world who could see the old madman most clearly, and he could not see any more clearly.

Even more bizarre things were still to come. When the old madman's head entered that area, what was dissected and displayed was not just body tissues such as flesh, blood, and bones.

Instead, the old madman's memories were displayed in a form that Su Yuan could not describe!

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