The picture was very messy. When Su Yuan realized that these things were the memories of the old madman, most of the memory pictures had flashed past.

When Su Yuan focused his attention and tried hard to see the contents of these pictures clearly, the display of memory fragments was nearing the end, and only the last few pictures were left.

These last few pictures were also the clearest ones.

Su Yuan first saw the old madman with neat clothes and meticulously combed hair, holding a small metal box in his hand.

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It must be said that the old madman in this look really looks like a doctoral professor. At a glance, it can be seen that this is a respected intellectual.

There are also many people wearing fully enclosed protective clothing around him, and various instruments and equipment are placed in the distance, which looks like a huge laboratory.

Then, the old madman also put on protective clothing. He took the gray metal box and walked to a heavy metal door.

The door had six layers and was two meters thick!

When the door opened, there was a god altar inside!

When Su Yuan saw this, he couldn't help but his heartbeat began to accelerate. A question popped up in his mind.

"How could the god altar be in the laboratory? What exactly do this old madman want to do? What is in the metal box?"

He noticed that there was no golden light flowing on the surface of the god altar. From this, it can be judged that the time in the picture should be before the end of the world.

The old madman walked to the altar and turned to say something to another person wearing protective clothing beside him. The man nodded and operated a few times on an instrument.

A giant screen next to it lit up immediately, showing a mural painted on the rock wall of the cave with paint.

The picture structure is very simple, but it is very vivid!

The content of the mural is a group of people gathered under a pyramid-shaped building. The shape of this building looks almost exactly the same as the god altar.

It's called a person, but it's actually a circle with two lines drawn on the left and right, which are the arms. Two more vertical lines are the legs. It's as simple as it can be.

Then, the picture on the screen switches, which should be the content of the previous picture.

Two characters with more detailed lines than others lift a tied person onto the building, and then cut a piece of something off the head of the tied person with a knife.

Because the picture is too small and the mural seems to be very old, this thing is just a blurry dot in the picture.

Then the picture turns again, and people put this thing in the center of the building. Then everyone kneels down, and light begins to bloom on the building... that is, thin lines radiating out.

At this time, the old madman in the picture has finished reading the mural on the screen. He took a few deep breaths, and seemed to be very nervous about what he was going to do next.

Suddenly, the old madman moved!

He was seen holding the metal box in both hands and walked up to the altar of the gods with firm steps.

The staff behind him all stared at his back, as if they were all worried about him.

At this time, Su Yuan suddenly remembered that a member of the rescue team codenamed Mountain Cat had said that when the old madman participated in an experiment on the altar of the gods, he used an unearthed artifact from 65 million years ago.

Su Yuan took a breath gently, "Could it be that the so-called artifact is in the box?"

Judging from the weight of the metal box, it is estimated that the things inside are probably radioactive elements, otherwise these testers would not wear such heavy protective clothing.

The old madman walked to the center of the altar, put the metal box on the ground, and then slowly put a hand on it.

As a bystander, Su Yuan seemed to feel the solidified atmosphere and couldn't help holding his breath.

He also wanted to know what was in the box.

Finally, the lid of the box was opened. What was revealed inside made Su Yuan's face suddenly change!

"...Silver...Silver crystal core!!"

Su Yuan felt shocked like a thunder in his mind. At that time, the doomsday had not yet arrived, and there were no mutant creatures. Where did the crystal core come from?

Moreover, why was this crystal core silver?

Mutated creatures range from weak to strong: first-level white crystal core, second-level purple crystal core, third-level blue, fourth-level cyan, and fifth-level green. There has never been a silver crystal core!

The fifth-level mutant creatures are already equivalent to gold-level extraordinary people. What kind of mutant creatures will the silver crystal core correspond to? How many energy points are they worth?

At this moment, Su Yuan's mind seemed to be a mess, and he couldn't figure out anything at all.

Before he could think about it again, the old madman in the picture had taken the crystal core out of the box and put it on the altar!

At this moment, a dazzling golden light suddenly lit up on the altar, and all the pictures were shattered at this moment!

The illusion that the passage of time was slowed down also disappeared at the same time.

The old madman in reality screamed "Ah", and a silver light was pulled out of his body!

After the silver light left the old madman's body, it was instantly infused into the remnant soul.

Rather than saying it was infused, it would be more appropriate to say that the silver light was extracted from the old madman's body by the remnant soul.

The appearance of the silver light immediately broke the delicate balance between the remnant soul and the altar of the gods!

If the remnant soul and the altar of the gods are compared to two equally powerful warriors, then the remnant soul that has obtained the silver light is equivalent to suddenly increasing its power by a decade!

The altar of the gods, which could barely compete with it, was almost instantly broken through by the remnant soul, and the golden light on the altar dimmed visibly.

The altar of the gods without the golden light was so strange that it gave people a feeling of losing vitality.

But the remnant soul was not feeling well either, as if doing so was extremely consuming for it. Its translucent body was like a snowman thrown into the fire, evaporating rapidly in the process of eroding the altar of the gods.

For some reason, Su Yuan seemed to feel a deep and strong hatred and resentment from this remnant soul!

This hatred was so strong that the person who felt it wanted to tear everything he could see in front of him to pieces before he would stop.

It was like an unyielding soul fighting against fate!

When the last golden light of the God Altar dimmed, the residual soul was also at the point where it could be dissipated by a breath.

The God Altar became dim and dull, like a rusted copper block.

The residual soul rolled up the miniature God Altar and turned into a ray of dim light again, shooting towards Su Yuan's forehead!

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