End of the World: Start by controlling a god's altar

Chapter 57: Light-extinguishing ghost-faced moth

Even Su Yuan couldn't undo what had happened.

And the person who triggered the fire alarm button knew that he had caused a big disaster. He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot, desperately hitting the alarm button, trying to turn off the alarm.

As a result, he made a mistake in his haste and touched the switch of the lighting fixture!

Everyone felt that the scene in front of them was suddenly bright, and the fluorescent lights in the quarter area of ​​the fifth floor were all lit up at this moment.

All this happened too quickly, perhaps less than a second.

Su Yuan sighed in his heart, "Su Yuan, Su Yuan, are you unlucky for eight lifetimes? It's only been a few days since the doomsday, how come you have encountered more bad things than in the past few months?"

The lights came on, and the mall immediately became like a beacon in the dark!

What Su Yuan was most worried about still happened.

You know, this is the fifth floor!

A five-story commercial building is taller than many eight-story residential buildings. The lights here can be seen very clearly from two miles away!

I heard a dense sound like hail outside the window. The densely packed human faces were hitting the glass like crazy, and the number was countless!

There were also a few gray-haired mice as big as rabbits on the ground, which were frightened by the sudden light and ran around.

Almost in an instant, the glass was smashed into pieces, and a large group of human faces rushed in from all directions like a puff of black smoke!

Su Yuan's eyes condensed. This time the light was bright and the light was sufficient. He finally saw what those winged human faces were.

"Oh no! It's the light-extinguishing ghost face moth!"

This is a mutant insect moth that will not actively attack people, but the deadly thing is that the scale powder on their wings is highly toxic and can cause blindness!

If a person's eyes are contaminated with even a little bit of it, the blood vessels in both eyes will burst within three to five minutes, and he will become blind.

The world after the end of the world is like the great explosion of life in the Basaltic Period. There are many types of mutant creatures like stars in the sky. The light-extinguishing ghost face moth is just a general term for a classification, not a specific creature.

Just like people say monkeys, but golden monkeys, macaques, and capuchins are all monkeys. The same is true for the moth.

Su Yuan is not a researcher. He just took a quick glance outside before, so it is normal that he did not recognize it.

This moth with a human skull pattern on its back is not the most difficult one among the moths, and its size is not the most exaggerated, equivalent to the size of an adult's palm.

But the bad thing is that the moth has a characteristic. What kind of face-shaped pattern on their backs represents which creature they will choose as the parasite to hatch the next generation!

In other words, the moth with a human face on its back will lay eggs in the human body!

It only takes a few hours for the eggs to hatch into larvae, hiding in the human body to eat meat and drink blood!

During this process, the person is still alive and can clearly feel his internal organs, flesh and blood being eaten by the insects bit by bit. That kind of pain is more uncomfortable than slow slicing.

The man who caused the disaster was so frightened that his lips turned pale when he saw that the light attracted so many big moths.

He was trembling all over and couldn't even say a complete sentence. But he was not completely scared and knew to turn off the light immediately.

As a result, he used too much force and slapped the light switch, which broke!

Su Yuan cursed: "Fuck, are you a spy sent by the zombies?"

The switch was broken and the light could not be turned off. This was undoubtedly a death sentence for everyone present!

Su Yuan had been through many battles, and even at this time, he did not lose his composure.

He didn't want to care about the survivors, but when he saw Dugu Pang, Bai Ying, Cheng Xue and others, he felt that he couldn't put everyone in the damned category just because there were one or two idiots.

"Don't worry about the alarm and the light, lie on the ground quickly. Cover yourself with clothes, the more the better."

The light-extinguishing ghost face moth looks for a parasitic host by sensing human body temperature. Their eggs need human body temperature to hatch.

Zombies without body temperature are useless to them, and there is no need to expect the light-extinguishing ghost-faced moth and the zombies to fight each other to a draw.

This is a clothing specialty area, with plenty of clothes. As long as you get into the pile of clothes and make the light-extinguishing ghost-faced moth unable to feel the temperature of people, you can temporarily escape.

Su Yuan pulled down a whole row of hangers, and fifty or sixty pieces of clothes were like a thick quilt, and he piled them all on the old madman.

At this juncture, the guy who was ridiculed by Su Yuan as a spy sent by the zombies, saw that the light switch was damaged and the alarm could not be turned off, and actually picked up a fire axe, intending to smash the switch and the alarm button to see if he could turn off these two deadly things.

When Su Yuan saw him raise the axe, his blood ran cold!

"Stop it! The switch cannot be smashed!"

At this moment, time seemed to freeze.

Su Yuan raised his right hand, and the air flow gathered at his fingertips. He wanted to use his supernatural power to push away the idiot who swung the axe. If he had a gun in his hand right now, he would not hesitate to use a bullet to open the man's skull!

Others showed horror on their faces. The moths that covered the sky and sun like locusts filled everyone's vision.

They flapped their wings, and the dust-like scales scattered like snowflakes, flashing strange light under the light.

It looked beautiful and spectacular, but it contained deadly danger!


Su Yuan’s energy flow was a step too late after all, and the fire axe hit the wall switch of the lighting lamp hard.

Su Yuan’s breath was choked, and he thought, it’s over...

A large group of shining electric sparks, accompanied by a "crackling" sound, burst out from the broken switch.

The circuit was short-circuited by this axe!

All the lights, including the piercing fire alarm bell, went out at the same time as the sparks flashed.

The surroundings fell into darkness again. The [Spy] panted and grinned, "Haha... Haha, it's finally turned off. Got, saved."

"Got saved your grandma's leg!" Su Yuan was so angry that he cursed: "Do you know what will happen if the mall loses power?"

Someone said unconvinced: "Then what do you think will happen? Do you want us to lie on the ground and wait for death like you said?"

"That's right, if you can't protect us, don't give orders. Why should we listen to you?"

Su Yuan pulled the old madman out of the pile of clothes and thought, what do you think I want to care about you? You can do whatever you want. It's hard for the Bodhisattva to save the damned ghost.

Seeing that Su Yuan stopped talking, those people began to panic. What will happen if the mall loses power?

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