One second, two seconds, three seconds passed.


All the emergency lights in the mall lit up!

And there was only one way to turn them off at the same time, that is to find the tripped switch and restore the power supply to the mall.

This was obviously impossible. Lighting a candle in a toilet is asking for shit. Lighting a lamp at night in the end of the world is even more like asking for death!

Su Yuan pulled up the old madman, called Dugu Pang and Cheng Xue and others around him, and took them to run away.

Don't think that you can be a superhuman and have superpowers, and you can kill people in all directions. Elephants can be bitten to death by ants, let alone facing so many light-extinguishing ghost moths alone!

Moreover, the lights will soon attract more mutant creatures. Once their eyes are blinded by the scale powder, even Su Yuan can only regret it.

"Fire system, fire system! When I am promoted to a black iron-level superhuman, I will get a fire system superpower no matter what!"

Su Yuan missed the fire system superpower in his previous life. It has been less than two days since he acquired the Qi attribute ability, and there are too many ways to use it that he has not had time to comprehend.

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But if he now has the fire attribute ability that he is very familiar with. Su Yuan can even challenge it beyond his level, because he has bronze eight-star level fire experience in his head.

Even if it is the lowest level fireball technique, he can use it with power comparable to Uchiha Madara's Haohuo Extinguishing!

However, the more ideal, the more skinny the reality. Now, Su Yuan can only imagine in his mind the scene of killing the insect swarm in one second.

The lamp-extinguishing ghost-faced moths gather in the light to mate. When they complete the great harmony of life, it is time to find humans to be childcare nannies.

Encountering such a guy, it is no wonder that the eight people hanged themselves. Perhaps they tried to escape from here before they died, but were blocked by the crude oil fungus mat outside and could not leave.

Then they encountered the light-extinguishing ghost face moth, and saw with their own eyes the tragic scene of their friends and colleagues being eaten from the inside by countless maggots.

Moreover, the eyeballs of the eight people disappeared, with only two black blood hanging on their faces. I think they were poisoned by the scale powder of the ghost face moth's wings.

At this time, the lights in the mall were bright, and there was no need to run around like a headless fly. Su Yuan led a few people around him and ran towards a room with a half-open door!

There were three big characters on the door of the room: [Finance Room]. The area of ​​the finance room is usually not too large, and because it is located in a remote corner of the mall, the space is relatively closed, which is an ideal hiding place that cannot be more ideal.

The people who targeted the finance room were not just Su Yuan's group. There was another group that also chose the finance room as a place to hide, and it was even closer to the door than Su Yuan. The leader was the middle-aged man with a shoe-horn face.

Seeing Su Yuan also running towards this side, he not only did not wait for Su Yuan to come, but closed the door without hesitation!

Thanks to Su Yuan's quick eyes and hands, he rushed over and held the door tightly!

Shoe Horn Face is just an ordinary person. How can he compare with Su Yuan in terms of strength? The door was immediately opened halfway.

Shoe Horn Face was like a beast that was forced into a corner and was about to go crazy. He roared and grabbed the door and refused to let go.

At this time, four men who ran into the finance office with Shoe Horn Face appeared. While cursing loudly, they rushed over to help Shoe Horn Face pull the door.

"Damn it, Lei Laomu! Get away, okay? You go hide somewhere else! Otherwise, the bugs behind will rush over!"

In order to prevent theft, the finance office is equipped with a heavy anti-theft iron door. If it was a wooden door, it would probably have been broken by these two forces!

In fact, it would not take more than a few seconds for Su Yuan, Dugu Pang and others to go in, but they were unwilling to wait even for these few seconds.

Suddenly, a round object was thrown out of the finance office by the shoe-horn face.

Su Yuan looked back and his face suddenly changed wildly!


As soon as he saw this thing, he immediately kicked the grenade.

Then he flew up and threw the old madman under him.

There was a loud "bang" and smoke and dust!

Su Yuan felt a heat on his back, and more than a dozen shrapnel tore his flesh and blood and penetrated deeply into his body.

His eyes turned red in an instant. How long has it been? How long has it been since he suffered such a big loss!

Su Yuan stretched out two fingers, inserted them into the flesh of his thigh without changing his face, and clamped the shrapnel directly out!

The wound began to heal rapidly under the effect of the God of Wood Blood. If there was no God Blood, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die this time.

It was obvious that the grenade came from the same direction as them. Maybe it was picked up from the rescue team members who died at the entrance of the Galaxy Hotel.

In this case, the person who fired the gun in the dark was also the one with the shoe-horn face!

Dugu Pang fell to the ground and felt that all the bones in his body were broken. His ears were buzzing and he could not hear anything.

He shook his head hard and found that there was another person lying beside him, half of his body was pressed under him. It was Bai Ying who had been following him.

Bai Ying's neck was cut by the shrapnel, leaving a long bloody wound. The warm blood quickly covered a large area like a stream.

She tried to reach out to the fat man, her mouth opening and closing, as if she wanted to say something.

But Dugu Pang couldn't hear anything. He panicked and covered the wound on Bai Ying's neck with his hands. Blood spurted out from his fingers again, and he couldn't cover it.

Dugu Pang's feelings for Bai Ying couldn't be called love. According to his own evaluation, he was the kind of person who liked every girl he met, and the final result depended on whether the other party liked him or not.

But it was true that he had a good impression of Bai Ying. He even thought about finding a safe place to live with Bai Ying.

Now watching Bai Ying die tragically beside him, Dugu Pang felt that the blood in his body was burning.

He had only one idea in his head, which was to press the shoe-horn face on the chopping board, cut it into pieces with a knife, and then fry, roast, cook, and deep-fry it all!

At this time, Cheng Xue exclaimed: "Come and see the old man's hand! His...his hand..."

The old madman had been knocked unconscious by the explosion, and his injured right hand was now injured again. The back of his hand was also cut by shrapnel, leaving a one-inch long cut, and a yellow-brown liquid like snot was flowing out.

And the number of the light-extinguishing ghost-faced moths above his head was so large that it was like a dark cloud, and the light was blocked by them.

Many of them had finished mating and began to swoop down to find living people to parasitize. The moths came fiercely and scattered everywhere, and they could not be killed.

The poisonous scale powder like billowing smoke was carried by them, and anyone who touched it would become blind.

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