End of the World: Start by controlling a god's altar

Chapter 59: You are such a good person

Su Yuan didn't know whether the blood of the wood god had any effect on this poison, and he didn't dare to take the risk. For the time being, he didn't have time to pay attention to the shoe-horn face.

He hurriedly took off the arm guard of the bone armor zombie on his arm and put it on the injured arm of the old madman.

Then he pulled up the old madman and Bai Ying, whose neck was bleeding, and turned to run to another door farther away!

Everyone was running away frantically. Some people accidentally fell down, and immediately stood up and continued to run, not daring to stay on the ground for a moment.

Before the swarms of moths had time to embrace the nanny hotbed of their next generation, the scale powder like thick smoke had already covered the sky and the sun and drowned them.

People kept falling to the ground, covering their eyes, rolling and screaming loudly.

That scene was like a hundred spirited young men holding a bag of cement, dancing at the head of the village at the same time.

When Su Yuan and his friends finally arrived at the door of the second room, they encountered exactly the same situation as before. The door was ruthlessly closed by several survivors who ran there first!

One of the people looked back at Su Yuan before closing the door. It was a look that was as if they were avoiding him as possible, looking at him like a plague god.

In their eyes, Su Yuan, who had saved them, seemed to be non-existent. They only cared about the moths that were following Su Yuan and getting closer and closer.

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Su Yuan was not the kind of 2B youth who thought that if everyone gave a little love, the world would have a better tomorrow.

He had expected this ungrateful scene in front of him, and he would even feel uncomfortable if something like this didn't happen. After all, the end of the world he was familiar with was a world where people eat each other.

Su Yuan gritted his teeth, mobilized his remaining little mental power, and stretched out his hand to grab the void in the direction of the window!

The invisible and immaterial air was immediately controlled by an equally invisible force, turning into a gust of wind that blew behind him.

The strong wind drove back the lamp-extinguishing ghost-faced moth and the poisonous scale powder that were chasing closely behind. Su Yuan picked up the old madman and Bai Ying again and looked for the next hiding place.

Several people who were about to be covered by the poisonous scale powder finally got a chance to breathe under this strong wind.

They ran away in a hurry to find a place to hide, including Liu Xianguang. He shouted to Su Yuan gratefully: "Thank you, thank you! You are such a good person, a great person!"

"Get out!" Su Yuan was anxious, "Who are you scolding? I'm not a good person."

In Su Yuan's impression, he has never seen a good person get a good reward. Usually, the end of a bad person is extremely miserable.

So, doing good things is okay, but being a good person is not!

At this time, there is no place to hide around. Is it going to be here today?

Liu Xianguang wiped the cold sweat from his face, pointed to the corner, and said, "Over there! Run over there, there is a secret door!"

Su Yuan looked in the direction Liu Xianguang pointed, and there was nothing on the wall except wallpaper.

But Liu Xianguang's tone was very firm, and after he finished speaking, he took the lead and ran over.

At this time, there was no other place to go, so he simply trusted Liu Xianguang once. At least, he Liu Xianguang would never joke with his own life.

So Su Yuan led people to follow, and did not forget to pull two clothes from the shelf and put them on the old madman and Bai Ying's heads to prevent them from being blinded by the poisonous scale powder.

I saw Liu Xianguang groping on the wall for a while, and then I don't know what mechanism he touched, and the bare wall suddenly cracked!

Then, a secret door hidden behind the wallpaper opened. This turned out to be a well-hidden dark room!

Everyone was saved from death and hurried in.

When the secret door closed, everyone collapsed on the ground, limp as noodles.

Some people hugged each other, crying and laughing, feeling lucky that they had escaped again.

"That damn shoehorn! If I had known he was such an ungrateful person, you shouldn't have rescued him!" Dugu Pang gritted his teeth and cursed Shoehorn Face for being ungrateful.

Su Yuan patted Dugu Pang on the shoulder. It was useless to be angry now, there would be plenty of opportunities to make Shoehorn Face regret it in the future.

He counted the number of people and found that there were only six people hiding in the room, including himself, the old madman, Cheng Xue, Dugu Pang, Liu Xianguang, and Bai Ying, whose life and death was unknown.

He walked over and kicked everyone except the old madman and Bai Ying.

"It's not time to rest yet. Find something to plug all the gaps!"

Everyone jumped up again as if their butts were on fire. Fortunately, there was no window in this room, so they only needed to pay attention to the vents and door cracks.

Liu Xianguang also turned on the mobile phone lighting. The room was about four meters wide and seven meters long, with a huge double bed in front of everyone.

A few steps forward, the ground was filled with all kinds of canned food, dehydrated vegetables, instant noodles, compressed biscuits, and a large number of bottled mineral water piled to the roof!

"Rich people really know how to have fun." Liu Xianguang shouted excitedly, holding up his phone and walking a few steps forward, there was actually a freezer!

It was full of quick-frozen dumplings, cold fresh steaks, pork, chicken, duck, and fish.

Further forward, there was a small bathroom with a shower and a bathtub. At this time, even the bathtub was filled with various biscuits and chocolates, as well as many snacks that girls like to eat, and there were several bags of rice.

There were even more than a dozen boxes of alcohol blocks and a set of kitchen utensils with pots and pans!

At the end of the room, there is another secret door.

"What on earth is this place?" Su Yuan asked Liu Xianguang, "It's so hidden here, how did you know?"

Liu Xianguang chuckled, opened a box of chocolates and took a big bite, and answered vaguely, "This is a child without a mother, it's a long story."

"When I was Ding Yufu's driver, I often took him out to have affairs. The extravagance of rich people is something that a poor guy like me dare not even think about. Once at a group sex party, the owner of this mall became friends with that bastard Ding Yufu."

"The two of them boasted about their glorious deeds of having sex with women together . Mr. Liu, the boss of the mall, boasted to Ding Yufu that his wife was a tigress, so he built a secret room behind the office of the general manager of his own mall, where the secretary could do the work when there was something to do and the secretary could do the work when there was nothing to do. "

"He also brought Ding Yufu here for a visit. That was when I knew there was such a good place here. "

"See the other door at the end of the room? That's the general manager's office. That old pervert left two secret doors inside and outside the room to prevent his wife from blocking the way. "

"There is also a surveillance screen over there, so that when he plays with women here, he can also keep track of the situation in the office at any time. "

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