In fact, Cheng Xue knew very well that the world had changed. Her classmates, friends, and even her parents had met with misfortune.

She didn't want to die, and she was even more afraid of becoming a zombie that was neither human nor ghost.

She squatted opposite Su Yuan and showed her perfect body curves to Su Yuan without any hesitation.

If Su Yuan asked her to take off this dress, she would not refuse.

How many people would accompany her for money without her liking her? Now she was fighting for her life, and everyone had only one life!

Even if something really happened with Su Yuan, she was much nobler than those who sold their bodies for money.

Everyone has read novels and TV dramas about the end of the world. You can guess what the weak will encounter in such an environment without experiencing it yourself.

She was very glad that Su Yuan was not the kind of person who treated the weak as non-human.

From the time they met until now, she had never seen Su Yuan make conditions to anyone. Perhaps Su Yuan's attitude towards people was a little cold, or indifferent.

But if a stranger can do this, what else can you ask for?

Maybe Cheng Xue was thinking too much, she didn't notice that the beef was burnt.

When she smelled the burnt smell and found something was wrong, the steak that should be eaten medium rare had been cooked to fifteen, and it was almost burnt if it was fried any further.

Cheng Xue's heart was suddenly panicked. If she couldn't even do this, what if Su Yuan hated her or disliked her...

Thinking of this, she quickly raised her head to look at Su Yuan, and was shocked to find that Su Yuan was no longer opposite her.

At this time, Su Yuan was leaning his ear against the door, listening to the movement outside.

Liu Xianguang and Dugu Pang both stuck out their butts and looked at Su Yuan eagerly.

"What's it like? What is that squeaking outside?"

"Not only squeaking, I also heard a lot of people smacking their lips. It's scary!"

"Shh" Su Yuan raised his finger and signaled them to shut their mouths. After listening for a while, he frowned and said with a somewhat ugly face:

"It should be some kind of bat. The one smacking his lips is not a person, but a bat preying on the moth. It seems that there will be a lot of fun tonight."

Dugu Pang touched his chin and asked in confusion: "Isn't this a good thing? Bats eat all the moths, and then at dawn, they all go back to find a place to sleep. We should do what we should do."

Su Yuan laughed dumbly, "What are you thinking about? Bats eat moths, is there nothing to eat bats?"

"I can tell you that although our Qingzhou City is not small in area, it will not take a year for this city to be covered by jungle, and it will be a three-dimensional jungle!"

"In a normal jungle, the plants at least grow on the same ground plane. But this is a city, with high-rise buildings next to each other. "

"Everywhere you can see now will be covered with all kinds of dangerous plants in the future. Cities that once supported millions of people will become a paradise for mutants."

"When the end of the world comes, it is not the most terrible thing that humans turn into zombies. What is really terrible is that the food chain of the entire planet will be reshuffled, and it is no longer us humans who are firmly at the top of the food chain, but countless mutants!"

"We will return to the prehistoric era, struggling to survive in the cracks, and we may become feces in the stomachs of other creatures at any time."

"You still expect bats to help us clean up the light-extinguishing ghost moths. I am afraid that these bats will attract stronger predators. At that time, sheep will eat grass, tigers will eat sheep, and they will be more fierce than each other!"

Dugu Pang, Liu Xianguang, Cheng Xue and others were pale and trembling with calves after hearing Su Yuan's words.

Dugu Pang fell to the ground with a plop, and a layer of cold sweat broke out on his forehead. "...Then...then we, then won't we be trapped here to death?"

Su Yuan shook his head, "No! There will be a heavy thunderstorm in thirteen days. At that time, we can take advantage of the heavy rain and sneak out of the city directly. If we can successfully reach the military station outside the city, it will be even better."

"During this period of time, it is just right for Qi Ye and Bai Ying to recuperate. However, after thirteen days, the danger outside will be far from what it is now. You must be mentally prepared."

"Hmm? What's the smell?" Su Yuan sniffed, "My beef!"

He threw the last piece of fish in the can into his mouth and rushed to the frying pan.

Cheng Xue screamed "Ah", and was at a loss and kept saying sorry to Su Yuan, asking Su Yuan to give her another chance, and she promised not to mess it up again.

Dugu Pang stretched out his big hand like a palm leaf fan, pushed Cheng Xue aside, and said disdainfully: "Your cooking skills are too trendy. Do you know who your brother is? A top chef! A male god in the cooking world! Stay aside and watch me show off my skills to the boss."

He looked around, pulled a women's vest over his head and wrapped his hair up. Let's not talk about the cooking skills, just the style is quite good.

In less than three minutes, a medium-rare steak was brought to Su Yuan by the fat man.

Originally, Dugu Pang had prepared a set of rhetoric, wanting to talk about the cooking method and details of this steak. Although the ingredients are ordinary, the more ordinary the ingredients are, the more they can reflect his skills as a top chef.

As a result, Su Yuan took it, sipped it clean in two mouthfuls, smacked his lips, and said: "It tastes okay. Keep going, don't stop."

Dugu Pang didn't expect Su Yuan to eat so fast. Usually when he was the chef at the Galaxy Hotel, the guests would chew slowly and savor the flavor. For a customer like Su Yuan who ate two steaks at a time, he was really caught off guard.

He hurriedly called Cheng Xue to help him, and the two of them worked together. Finally, the speed of the steak coming out of the pot kept up with the pace of Su Yuan's eating.

Seeing that the time was almost right, Dugu Pang smiled and approached Su Yuan, "Boss, how do you know so much? It seems that you know all kinds of mutant creatures? And your special ability, can you teach me?"

Liu Xianguang also came over and asked, "Yes, yes, and how do you know that there will be a heavy rainstorm in thirteen days? Are you a hidden great Yin and Yang master who can predict the future?"

Su Yuan laughed and said, "No wonder you are so attentive, it turns out that you are thinking about this."

But he didn't plan to tell them how to use the God's Altar now. First, he didn't trust them enough. Once he cultivated an enemy for himself, it would be more trouble than gain.

Secondly, even if he told them the information about the altar of the gods, there was no altar available here, so it would be useless.

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