End of the World: Start by controlling a god's altar

Chapter 62: It bared its teeth at me

So instead of telling them now, it’s better to observe them for a while. After confirming their character and loyalty, it would not be too late to tell them this huge secret.

As for why he knew that there would be a severe thunderstorm in thirteen days, did Su Yuan need to tell them that he had traveled back from nine years later and had taken advantage of the heavy rain to escape from the city?

Damn it, who would believe it?

So Su Yuan once again resorted to the method of "taking care of the left and right". He looked at the time, made an estimate in his mind, and murmured to himself: "It should be almost done."

The emergency lighting installed in the shopping mall lasts about sixty minutes. Once the time is up, the light immediately becomes very weak.

When the lights outside dimmed, Su Yuan stood up suddenly, "You guys stay here, I'll go out for a while."

Dugu Pang said anxiously: "It's so dangerous outside, what's the urgent matter that we can't wait until dawn before going out?"

"I can't wait." Su Yuan shook his head and said, "If you wait until dawn before going out, you might get run away by someone with a shoehorn face. I won't destroy him today. I will write the character Su upside down."

If you dare to pull the hair out of a tiger's ass with a shoehorn face, you should be prepared to be bitten to death by the tiger!

He told everyone to step back and stood in front of the door leading to the boss's office.

At this time, after an hour of rest and a large amount of food, Su Yuan's dried-up mental power finally recovered, enough to fire another [Overpressure Explosion]. Even if there are mutated creatures blocking the door, there is no need to be afraid.

As for the danger Dugu Pang and the others were worried about, Su Yuan also had a plan in mind.

Not all mutant creatures’ first attack targets are humans. They are also living creatures and have their own food chain.

This is like a jungle full of jackals, tigers and leopards, but not all rabbits are dead.

As the saying goes, birds have their own ways, and animals have their own ways. With nine years of experience in the apocalypse, it was not impossible for Su Yuan to go out alone at this time.

The secret door opened, but there was still darkness in front of him. But in the middle of the field of vision, there is a gap as high as one person, with a faint blue light shining through.

Liu Xianguang said that the secret door in the CEO's office was set up in a filing cabinet. You also need to push open the filing cabinet door to really see what's going on outside.

Su Yuan tightened the remaining half of the Mantis Knife in his hand and did not rush out. Instead, he put his eyes on the crack of the door and quietly looked out.

It turned out that the faint blue light came from a tropical fish ecological tank more than two meters long. The light may come from the fish tank's own battery, so that the fish tank cannot maintain oxygen supply and temperature during a power outage.

Three humanoid shadows were slowly wandering in the spacious and empty boss's office.

As soon as Su Yuan smelled the rotten smell, he knew that these three were zombies and not living people.

He pushed open the cabinet door with a creak, and the zombies immediately roared and ran towards him.

To Su Yuan, the three zombies were like the difficulty of passing the first level of Super Mario. He solved the attack easily and happily.

Dugu Pang and Liu Xianguang were immediately frightened when they saw Su Yuan encountering zombies as soon as he went out. As a result, before they could even take a breath, the short battle was over.

Liu Xianguang saw that there was no fatal lamp-extinguishing grimace moth in the boss's office, so he stuck his head out to take a look.

Suddenly, he pointed at one of the three zombies with a fat head and shouted: "He is Boss Liu, hey! The two female zombies next to them are really good-looking. I haven't seen them before. They are probably the newly recruited secretaries of the old sex batch." "

When Su Yuan looked at Boss Liu's body, the picture of the green luminous bug immediately came to his mind, which made him sick to his stomach.

Liu Xianguang squatted next to Boss Liu's body and groped for a while, then took off a bunch of keys from his belt. Then he turned around and rummaged under the boss's desk, and finally brought a box of Wahana handmade cigars to Su Yuan.

He has seen Su Yuan smoking, and Vahana handmade cigars are the Maserati of tobacco. After finding such a good thing, he naturally thought of using it to honor Su Yuan.

Su Yuan also felt itchy when he saw this thing. He took out one, and Liu Xianguang hurriedly lit it for him. He threw the rest back and divided it between Liu Xianguang and Dugu Pang.

Liu Xianguang pulled out a hundred-dollar bill from the drawer and lit it as a match to light a cigar. As a result, he choked and coughed.

Just listen to him curse: "Damn it, I worked so hard for this thing before. Now it hurts my throat even if I light a cigarette."

So he threw the money away and honestly lit a cigarette with a special cigar lighter.

Three grown men guarded the three corpses, sitting there puffing away smoke and enjoying this rare and pleasant time.

Su Yuan remembered that Shoehorn Face's group broke into the finance room. They must be guarding the pile of waste paper in the safe now, staring with hunger.

The tree cores collected from the Tree of Chaos had long been thrown away in a panic. The situation at that time was so critical, who could care about that?

Su Yuan thought to himself that maybe he should get down to business first and deal with those white-eyed wolves when he came back.

Dugu Pang kept looking at the ornamental fish in the fish tank, and occasionally poked them with his fingers. Suddenly he screamed and took two steps back.

Liu Xianguang hurriedly asked him what was wrong and could he not be so surprised?

Dugu Pang pointed at a [Red Tail Crown] in the fish tank and stammered: "...it...it bared its teeth at me! Moreover, I saw that there seemed to be another mouth in the fish's mouth. It was scary. Kill me!"

"Could it be that even the fish have mutated?" Liu Xianguang also leaned over to take a look, but he stared for a long time without waiting for the fish to open its mouth again.

There happened to be a scoop net on the top of the fish tank, so Liu Xianguang wanted to take the fish out to take a look.

Su Yuan stopped him and said, "Don't look, the fish has indeed mutated."

In his previous life, he had seen someone accidentally fall into a river, and in less than two seconds, all the flesh and blood on his body was eaten away.

People can still deal with mutant creatures on land, but once they fall into the water, even if they are extraordinary, they will only have a dead end.

Su Yuan looked at a transparent glass on the wall of the office, wondering why the moths didn't fly over when they were lighting cigarettes and starting fires.

Liu Xianguang said that this glass can only be seen from the inside out, and nothing can be seen from the outside in. It is said that Boss Liu specially asked someone to install it in order to find excitement in the office.

Su Yuan waved his hand, "Okay, you don't need to say it, I know what the excitement is."

If Liu Xianguang continued to talk, he might think of the luminous insects again.

He took two puffs of the cigar, threw the cigarette butt on the ground and crushed it with his feet, and asked Liu Xianguang and Dugu Pang to hide back in the dark room.

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