Then he held the broken knife and slowly pushed the door of the boss's office open a gap!

The smell outside is fishy with a hint of spiciness. After taking a breath, you will immediately feel as if your trachea has been hit with a steel ball.

Instantly, he regretted it. If I had known better, I should have kept the cigar and not thrown it away. At least it could neutralize the stench of the dog.

Su Yuan stood quietly, carefully sensing the subtle vibrations in the air.

He can achieve an effect similar to bat echolocation by sensing the air, and can paint a blurry picture in his mind.

Although it is far less intuitive than what you can see with your eyes, it is still much better than blinding your eyes and not being able to see anything.

Points, lines, surfaces, countless fuzzy lines gradually took shape in Su Yuan's mind. If the mutant creature is a fish, then what Su Yuan perceives is water. The surrounding walls and debris on the ground are the rocks in the water.

Because he wanted to get hungry first, he temporarily changed his plan and planned to lure away the many mutated creatures in the mall.

Otherwise, as he said, sheep eat grass and tigers eat sheep, attracting bigger guys, and things will become more difficult.

He is familiar with the habits of various mutated creatures and knows that it is easiest to lure away the lamp-killing grimace moth. All he needs to do is create light.

Su Yuan first roughly sensed the location of the nearest window, and then quickly lit a piece of alcohol. The moment the flames rose, he threw it out!

With the light of the fire, a large group of black smoke-like dimming moths rushed towards the alcohol block, followed closely by dozens of pheasant-sized bats!

Su Yuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief. If the dimming moths and bats in the mall now reach the first level, even if you give him 800 courage, he will not come out to seek death.

Unless, like the mantis he catalyzed, he locked a large number of similar creatures into a narrow space and let them kill each other crazily and devour and evolve during the period when the apocalypse just broke out.

Otherwise, there should be no first-order mutated creatures appearing in just two days before the end of the world breaks out.

He threw three lit alcohol blocks one after another, attracting many mutated creatures away from the window and also providing lighting for himself.

"It's now!"

Su Yuan took a deep breath and rushed towards the window like lightning. Without any pause, he jumped out!

Of course he didn't intend to commit suicide by jumping off the building. The moment Su Yuan jumped out of the window, he grabbed the window sill with both hands and used his strength to jump to the fourth floor window.

He was like a dexterous parkour athlete, jumping from the fifth floor to the ground in just a few ups and downs.

He had already thought of a plan before he came out.

Just leave a few hundred meters away from the mall and light a few cars on fire, and the group of moths with strong phototaxis will fly towards the light of the fire.

Once they leave, the bats will follow them. Send these two plague gods away, even if there are still some left, it will be easy to deal with them.

No matter how powerful a single mutated creature is, Su Yuan can still deal with it. But facing gregarious creatures like moths and bats, Su Yuan, who didn't have the ability to mass-destruct, could only run away with his head in his arms.

Su Yuan still remembered the approximate location of the crude oil carpet, and even if he couldn't see it, he could still stay away from those things by smelling the stench like rotten fish and shrimp.

At this time, the moon was rising, and although it was not full of moonlight, it was still much better than the dark environment in the shopping mall.

Su Yuan randomly selected a car that broke down on the roadside and slashed the fuel tank with a knife, causing gasoline to pour out immediately. Then he ran dozens of meters away, hid behind another car, lit the alcohol block and threw it.

There was a loud "boom" sound, and the car was lifted more than three meters high by the air wave from the explosion of the fuel tank, and then fell heavily to the ground. The car body ignited a raging fire.

The explosion and the sky-high flames not only attracted the Grimace Moths and bats, but also attracted the surrounding zombies.

But Su Yuan was not worried. Anyway, there is no need to worry if there are too many debts, and there is no need to worry if there are too many lice. Anyway, the area is already surrounded by zombies. No matter how loud the explosion is, what will happen?

Half an hour later, Su Yuan finally turned back panting.

He still took the exterior stairs. At this time, the fifth floor of the shopping mall was quiet, with no sound at all.

His eyes were used to the darkness and he could barely see clearly. He found that the fifth and fourth floors were connected by two escalators. The two steel plates in front of the elevators had been removed. They should have been made by the eight hanged people before their deaths.

If a zombie climbs up, he will immediately fall into the elevator shaft.

Su Yuan walked around again, confirmed that the environment was safe, and then went back to call Dugu Pang and Liu Xianguang out.

He pointed to the door of the finance room and asked Dugu Pang, "That grandson with the shoehorn face is inside. It would be too easy to just rush in and kill him. Do you have any ideas?"

Dugu Pang was so angry that his teeth itched. If it wasn't for her shoehorned face, how could Bai Ying be so seriously injured?

"Of course you can't kill him directly! Damn that white-eyed wolf, I won't give up until you pee out of him! And those people who are with him are not good people either."

Liu Xianguang didn't know the whole story. Seeing the fat man gnashing his teeth, he was a little confused.

When he heard what Fatty said about Shoehorn Face, the group not only locked him and Su Yuan out, but even blew them up with grenades, he immediately joined Fatty in cursing Shoehorn Face.

"What I hate most is the bastard who locks people out. Ding Yufu locked me out at the beginning. If I hadn't been smart, I would have been fed to the zombies long ago."

The two of them got together to discuss and came up with an idea to find something to block the door of the finance office and let Shoe Horn Face starve to death inside.

As a result, Su Yuan vetoed it.

Su Yuan took the two of them and made a rope with a pile of clothes and pants, and made a noose at the other end of the rope.

Then he threw the rope down the escalator to the fourth floor. After trying several times, he finally caught a zombie.

The three of them worked together to hoist the zombie up, and then trapped the zombie's hands and feet and dragged it to the door of the finance office.

During this process, the zombie screamed desperately, but Su Yuan and the other three did not say a word.

Then the three of them did the same thing and got three more zombies, all tied up like dumplings, and placed them in front of the finance office and the other door that had locked them out at the beginning.

Su Yuan asked the fat man to go back to the dark room and get four pieces of fresh beef from the refrigerator, and then put a hanger on the zombie's head, so that the zombie's head would only tilt to one side, and the beef with blood was placed on the other side of the zombie's head.

The zombie could smell the meat, but could not eat it, so it could only keep screaming and shouting.

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