Everyone's face changed color when they heard the fat man's weird words, and the atmosphere suddenly became depressing.

Liu Xianguang came up with an idea. He said that they should tie up the woman first and let her go when they leave early tomorrow morning.

Cheng Xue hurriedly said that this method would not work. What if a good person was wrongly accused? Besides, the woman had a four-year-old child. If she was tied up, who would take care of the child?

She, Xu Jiajia and Bai Ying all felt that Su Yuan was a little too cautious. The woman had a half-grown child. As long as she was not crazy, she would never dare to have bad thoughts about so many of them.

Everyone talked about it for a long time but couldn't come up with a solution. The old madman was carefree and didn't think about these things at all. He fell asleep as soon as he leaned his head on the pillow.

Finally, Su Yuan decided to proceed with everything according to the original plan. The women went to bed, and he, Dugu Pang and Liu Xianguang kept watch in batches. Even if the other party really had bad intentions, how much could a woman like her do?

Dugu Pang was an absolute hawk this time, and volunteered to take the first shift.

He found a chair and leaned it against the door. In this way, as long as someone opened the door, the chair would slide.

In order to prevent bad things from happening in his sleep, he secretly took apart a sweater in someone's closet, tied one end of the wool to the door handle, and the other end to his hair.

Then he took Su Yuan's broken knife with full energy, thinking that if the woman dared to come up in the middle of the night, he would give her a hard blow.

As a result, he waited until Liu Xianguang got up to change shifts, but the woman did not move.

When Liu Xianguang was on duty, it was already around midnight. He took the wool from Dugu Pang, and soon fell asleep in a daze.

I don't know exactly when, Liu Xianguang just felt the wool in his hand suddenly move, and he immediately opened his eyes with a start!

I saw a figure standing in front of him in the dark, and he seemed to be holding a knife in his hand!

Liu Xianguang thought something was wrong. He didn't hear the door opening. How did this person get in?

He was so scared that he was about to scream, and then he heard the figure suddenly raised his finger and said "hush" to him.

Liu Xianguang thought, what the hell are you saying "hush" for? Are you going to chop me and let me hold back and not make a sound?

Just when he was about to shout desperately, the figure finally spoke.

He heard the man take a deep breath first, and then asked: "Do you smell anything strange? It seems... it seems to be diesel!"

As soon as the man spoke, Liu Xianguang immediately recognized it as Su Yuan's voice, and his heart, which was hanging in his throat, was immediately put down.

He patted his chest and panted, saying, "Oh my God, I was almost scared to death by you. I thought that woman was going to cut me with a knife."

Then he took a breath and shook his head, "I didn't find any strange smell?"

Su Yuan said, "No! It's definitely diesel. Go wake everyone up!"

Liu Xianguang saw that Su Yuan didn't seem to be joking, so he didn't dare to neglect it and hurriedly woke everyone up.

Because they were always worried that the woman had bad intentions towards them, everyone didn't take off their clothes when they slept. Now it was no trouble. In less than ten seconds, everyone stood in front of Su Yuan.

Su Yuan asked Liu Xianguang the same question he had asked him just now, but everyone shook their heads and said they didn't smell it, and asked him if he was hallucinating.

"No, absolutely not!" Su Yuan said firmly: "Just because you can't smell it doesn't mean I can't smell it either. You pack up your things, I'll go downstairs to take a look."

It was only then that he realized that the people around him were just ordinary people, and he was the only extraordinary person who had been strengthened by the altar.

And the physical fitness of extraordinary people in all aspects is far from that of ordinary people. Others can't smell it, which can only mean that their sense of smell is not sensitive enough.

Su Yuan was seen holding a flashlight in his left hand and a broken knife in his right hand, walking down the stairs. Cheng Xue also reminded Su Yuan that if everything was normal, he must not scare the woman. If she saw him, he should say that he came down to the bathroom to pee.

Su Yuan raised the flashlight to indicate that he heard it.

As soon as he walked downstairs, the faint smell of diesel became stronger. Su Yuan wondered if his sense of smell was too sharp, and he could even smell the diesel smell in the warehouse in the distance?

He shone the flashlight around and found nothing unusual, but the feeling of uneasiness in his heart showed no sign of fading.

He happened to walk to the door of the room that the woman entered when she brought food to the child, and Su Yuan thought he might as well open the door to take a look. If the woman and the child were both asleep, then it was really possible that he was overthinking.

He put his hand on the door and pushed it gently, and the door creaked open with a palm-wide gap.

Su Yuan thought that this woman was really bold. A bunch of strangers came to the house, and she didn't even lock the door when she slept, and she wasn't afraid of someone crawling into the bed in the middle of the night.

He lowered the flashlight a little and shone the residual light of the flashlight on the bed.

There was no woman on the bed. There was only a child facing the inside, covered with a quilt, with only a head exposed.

Su Yuan murmured to himself: "Did the woman get up in the middle of the night to pee, so she left the door open?"

While he was thinking, he closed the door and backed out. Just in case the woman really went to the toilet and saw herself blocking the door when she came back. Stop thinking of yourself as a pervert coming to rob you.

at this time!

The window suddenly became brightly lit. The raging fire surrounded the entire two-story building in an instant!

"Not good! Someone set a fire!"

Su Yuan's heart skipped a beat. He kicked open the bathroom door and wanted to tell the woman to grab the child and run away.

As a result, the bathroom was completely empty, not to mention anyone, not even a ghost!

"Hiss..." Su Yuan took a breath.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that while eating, he asked Cheng Xue to secretly follow the woman to see if there was really a child. At that time, Cheng Xue said that the child was lying on the bed with his face facing inward, and only the back of his head was visible.

Why was it that when I looked at it just now, the child was still in the same posture?

Is the child physically disabled or paralyzed in bed?

At this time, Dugu Pang and others from upstairs also ran down. As soon as they saw Su Yuan, they shouted: "No! I'm so sorry. Then Sun Erniang not only wants to make us into human meat buns, but also wants to Let’s just fucking turn us into roast suckling pigs!”

"We saw it upstairs. It was she who set the fire, and it circled the entire building. We were trapped by the fire!"

"How is that possible?" Su Yuanxin said that this was her home. How could anyone set fire to their own house? Besides, her child is still in the house. Even if she doesn’t want the house, doesn’t she also want the child?

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