Su Yuan immediately turned around and rushed to the child's bed, and opened the quilt. His heart suddenly "clicked"!

Damn it! This is actually a dead child!

The body was severely dehydrated, and no one knew how it died. There was no smell of corpse at all.

The dry and thin body made everyone feel sick. They were even more terrified by the woman's deep scheming.

This time, everyone couldn't help but believe it. The woman was indeed as Su Yuan expected, and she had been deceiving them from the beginning.

But I didn't expect the woman's means to be so vicious. In order to kill them, she even set her own house on fire.

Dugu Pang shook his hands and shouted: "It's over! Unless we have the Nine Dragons Fire Cover in Journey to the West, we can wait to smell the fragrance of our own meat. Damn, this woman may have poured all the remaining three barrels of diesel around the house. I don't know how cooked we will be."

As he spoke, the fire burned more and more vigorously with the wind. The glass on the window was blown into pieces one after another. A thick smoke wrapped in heat waves rushed in from the broken window, choking everyone and causing them to cough immediately.

Then the curtains, furniture, and plastic ceiling panels all burst into flames. Everyone's eyelashes were singed, and the smoke was even more intense.

Many people trapped in the fire were choked to death by the smoke before they were burned to death. Moreover, Su Yuan couldn't use his supernatural powers at this time, otherwise he would blow a gust of wind over and the fire would only burn more vigorously.

Everyone was sweating in anxiety and didn't know what to do.

Bai Ying is a university teacher. She organizes fire emergency drills with her students every year. Then she shouted, "Quick! Let's go and see if the fire has spread to the second floor? If not, you can take the risk of jumping out of the second floor window."

Yes, yes, yes! Jump out of the window!

And you can wrap yourself in the quilt they just covered, and continue to rush out after landing. Jumping out of the window at least has a 50% chance of escaping, but staying here will only wait for death.

At this time, the room was filled with thick smoke. Everyone covered their mouths and coughed as they rushed back to the second floor, but when they reached the window, they were stunned again.

There was an iron railing outside the window for anti-theft. No one noticed this, and now it was too late.

Seeing that their last chance of survival was also destroyed, several people felt anxious, their legs and feet went weak, and they collapsed to the ground.

Su Yuan kicked them up again, "We have escaped from a city filled with tens or millions of zombies. Are we going to die here? Stay calm! Even at the last moment, we can't give up easily!"

Xu Jiajia cried and said, "That's different, cough cough cough! Zombies at least don't plot against people, but the one who is harming us now is alive. This woman is so scary, she's better at acting than me."

As they spoke, rolling heat waves kept coming. Everyone felt that the skin on their faces was about to be burned off. It seemed that they could only hold on for a minute or two in the fire before they had to report to the King of Hell.

Su Yuan glanced at the anti-theft railing outside the window. The iron bar was a rebar thicker than an ordinary person's thumb. It was not impossible to cut it off with the sharpness of the mantis knife. But he had to chop it fiercely in front of the window in the face of the fire.

Su Yuan knew that the walls of a two-story building like this were either made of red bricks or hollow concrete blocks. In short, it was much easier to destroy the wall than to destroy the anti-theft railing in the face of the fire.

He vaguely remembered that the south wind was blowing outside today, so the north side should be considered the leeward side, and the fire was relatively small. Su Yuan stood in front of the north wall and stretched out his hands to press on the wall.

There were three "bang bang bang" explosions!

The first one was the wall skin bursting, revealing the red bricks inside. The second one was the red bricks bursting, and the wall was twisted and deformed. The third one, the broken bricks shot out like an explosion, and a hole big enough for two fat men to drill out at the same time was smashed out.

Su Yuan shook his numb palm. Three bursts of [overpressure blasting] were also a big burden for him.

The situation outside the north wall was indeed more optimistic. The fire was not close to the wall, but was burning on the ground and the first floor at a slightly outward angle, and had not yet spread to the second floor.

But the sight was still filled with flames. Dugu Pang was so burned that his hair curled up, and he didn't dare to jump down.

Finally, Su Yuan grabbed a quilt and stuffed it into the fat man's arms to force him to jump. He closed his eyes and made up his mind. He took a few steps and jumped out like a bear jumping off a cliff.

Then it was Liu Xianguang, who was also kicked hard on the butt by Su Yuan before he jumped out.

The remaining women were weak. Su Yuan was worried that they would not jump far enough and would fall into the fire. He grabbed their collars and trouser waists, and threw them out with their heads and feet up.

When everyone except the old madman was dealt with, the fire below had spread to the point where no one could stand at the entrance of the cave.

Su Yuan threw the old madman to the ground, rolled him up into a quilt, and then jumped up with the quilt in his arms!

The moment he passed over the flames, Su Yuan felt a sharp burning pain on his exposed skin.

Even though he did not pass through the flames and was not directly touched by the flames, the temperature above the flames was unbearable for humans.

It felt like his skin was broken by a steel brush and then covered with a layer of chili water. His whole body was burning and it hurt so much that he couldn't breathe.

Su Yuan let the old madman out after landing. Everyone looked at each other. Everyone was smoked by the thick smoke as if they had crawled out of a chimney. Their eyes were bloodshot, and many people's hair was half burned by the fire.

This was a thrilling and dangerous scene, but fortunately there were no casualties. Except for Su Yuan, the rest of the people were hit hard when they landed because they could not roll to relieve the force. Everyone had broken skin.

The next step was to settle accounts with "Sun Erniang". The road to survival for everyone had just begun, and they almost capsized in the gutter of the same kind. They had been holding back their anger.

How scared and desperate they were in the fire just now, how strong their hatred for "Sun Erniang" was now.

Damn it, if that woman hadn't always emphasized intentionally or unintentionally that she had a four-year-old child, Su Yuan would not have subconsciously thought that the woman would not do anything crazy, at most she just wanted to steal the food they brought.

I didn't expect that she was so vicious and wanted to kill them all right away!

As soon as the woman saw Su Yuan and his men coming out from behind the small building, she trembled all over and stumbled back a few steps.

Then she gritted her teeth, turned around and ran without looking back!

How could they let her run away?

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