For a moment, the ground rumbled and trembled. The people on the ground who were running for their lives felt the ground shaking under their feet. Those who didn't know thought it was an earthquake.

When they saw Su Yuan hanging on the giant snake's head, their hearts were shocked and their eyes were red. Knowing that if Su Yuan died, they wouldn't survive, so the guy immediately started rushing back!

At this time, Su Yuan was shaken by the giant snake and his head was in chaos. He couldn't even distinguish between east, west, north, south, up, down, left, and right.

He simply closed his eyes, inserted his other hand into the giant snake's eye, and then used all his powers!


The next second, a howling wind suddenly whipped up around Su Yuan's body. Following the guidance of his mental power, the air rushed in crazily along the wounds on the giant snake's eyes, and was compressed to the extreme between Su Yuan's hands.


In mid-air, a yellow-brown bloody waterfall appeared. The giant snake's eyeballs split apart in an instant and deflated like a deflated ball.


The broken eyeball was blown out directly from the eye socket. You can see that the body of the giant snake has stiffened obviously, and there is blood oozing out of its nostrils and mouth.


The third overpressure blast, Su Yuan was able to unleash all the attacks at once!

Amidst the giant snake's shrill wail, the blow directly cracked its skull. A large amount of blood and gray-white liquid burst out from the eye socket and sprayed five or six meters away.

It looked like the head of a giant snake, suddenly spurting out a fountain of blood mixed with brains.

Just then, the giant snake opened its bloody mouth and let out a heart-rending roar.

This roar seemed to squeeze all the air in his lungs out of his body. Su Yuan was the closest, and he felt a sudden sharp pain like needle pricks in his ears, and his vision went dark.

Finally, the roar of the giant snake stopped. The huge snake body fell to the ground like a broken rope, twitching feebly.

Su Yuan gasped for breath. The battle just now lasted only ten seconds, but the level of danger exceeded the one with the Tree of Chaos.

He wondered in his heart why he was so unlucky in his life and met all the weird guys.

If this was the case in his previous life, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be able to hold it for nine months before getting burped.

Fortunately, I am blessed with good fortune, so what will happen to you no matter how big you are? Not dead yet.

He got up from the ground and wanted to climb to the top of the giant snake to see what level of mutant creature this guy was.

But at this moment, Su Yuan suddenly felt an indescribable danger coming over him.

Because he was right next to the giant snake's mouth, the distance was very close, and he could clearly see that the giant snake's mouth suddenly opened a gap.

The next second, the muscles in the giant snake's neck suddenly contracted, and its mouth opened, revealing two spear-like fangs!

I saw two lines of venom that looked like beer, spraying out from the fangs. At the same time, an indescribable pungent sour smell was introduced into everyone's nostrils. It felt like being punched in the nose by Tyson.

When these liquids are sprayed onto the ground, a pile of yellow foam with a pungent smell will immediately appear on the ground. The concrete floor was immediately corroded with a fist-sized dent.

The liquid sprayed onto the personnel carrier, and the scene was even more horrifying.

The high-strength alloy armor plate, which was strong enough to resist howitzer bombardment, was corroded to the point of creaking as if it had been soaked in sulfuric acid under the venom.

It seemed as if hundreds of thousands of years had passed in an instant. The hard steel decayed and oxidized in an instant, turning into powdery rust and falling everywhere.

Su Yuan narrowly avoided the spray of venom, but this time the giant snake's venom attacked not just him.

The giant snake raised its head and contracted its neck muscles violently, squeezing out the venom like a water gun. The target was actually the group of people running back!

"Get out of the way!"

Su Yuan yelled crazily, but the venom was in a line at close range. As the distance increases, it becomes a scattered fan shape.

Not to mention Cheng Xue and the others, in that case, even Su Yuan couldn't escape before the venom hit him.

There is no need to think about the consequences of being sprayed with venom that can instantly corrode concrete and high-strength alloys. It is probably worse than dying on a crude oil carpet.

Seeing that everyone was about to die, Su Yuan roared, jumped up suddenly, and actually held the tips of the fangs with both hands, and blocked the two small holes on the fangs that sprayed venom with his flesh and blood body!

Countless yellow foam immediately appeared on his hand, and the skin and flesh melted instantly like wax, which looked creepy!

Even so, Su Yuan still endured the severe pain that could make anyone collapse and go crazy. He took a deep breath and condensed the air in his mouth into a compressed air ball like an air cannon and sprayed it out.

Before the venom hit everyone's heads, the venom was blown forward a dozen meters away.

When everyone watched the venom fly over their heads, corroding the ground behind them into a honeycomb-shaped pit, they realized that they had slipped past the gate of hell.

In order to block the place where the venom was sprayed with both hands, Su Yuan inevitably stood in the giant snake's mouth.

Just when he was about to breathe a sigh of relief, the giant snake suddenly raised its head and swallowed him!


"Su Yuan!"

Everyone's eyes instantly turned red. Cheng Xue was seen chopping the giant snake's body with two mantis knives like chopping dumpling stuffing.

Dugu Pang also had a mantis knife. He stuffed the knife into the giant snake's mouth and tried desperately to pry it open. But the snake's mouth was too tightly closed, and he failed after several attempts.

He was anxious and chopped the snake's head with his knife.

Liu Xianguang, Xu Jiajia, Bai Ying and others who had no weapons picked up stones on the ground and smashed them.

Everyone tried desperately to rescue Su Yuan, regardless of the fact that the giant snake could smash them into meat paste with just a sweep of its tail.

But fortunately, the giant snake's skull was cracked by the three-hit overpressure blast that Su Yuan inserted into its eye socket. The brain was leaking out, and it seemed that the nervous system was injured.

Only the small part of its head could move, and the rest of its body could only twitch weakly.

This giant snake with one eye blinded now looked like a person with hemiplegia. Although it wanted to slap these annoying "little bugs" to death, its body was out of control.

The old madman was also jumping up and down anxiously. He circled the giant snake several times, and suddenly pointed at several places on the snake's body and shouted: "Cut, cut, cut there! Cut where I point!"

It turned out that the scales in the places pointed by the old madman were less metallic than those in other places if you look closely. They should be newly grown after the injury.

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