Dugu Pang chopped it with a knife, and it was indeed very easy to cut the snake scales. Everyone immediately followed the old madman's instructions and changed places to chop fiercely.

The smelly snake blood sprayed Dugu Pang's face. He didn't care, and he chopped and shouted. "Hurry up! Wait a minute, the boss will become poop!"

Cheng Xue also shouted: "Be careful, be careful! Don't let Su Yuan not be digested by the giant snake, but be chopped to death by us!"

The three unarmed women also climbed onto the giant snake, grabbed both sides of the wound and tried to open the wound, so that the armed people could see the situation deep in the wound.

Just as the wound on the giant snake was getting bigger and deeper, this guy suddenly desperately shook the only moving snake head, and even planned to drag the uncontrolled body to escape!

As soon as the giant snake moved, it immediately turned over like a dragon.

The snake head dragged its long body and crawled forward like crazy. Its huge body stirred up gravel and mud all over the sky, and it rushed out in the blink of an eye at a distance of dozens of meters!

The people hanging on it were caught off guard and were carried away by it. They quickly grabbed the snake's body and stabbed it blindly with their eyes closed.

Dugu Pang cursed: "Want to run? You fucking spit out the person first! Otherwise, I swear, I will peel off all your skin to make a erhu!"

Suddenly, a broken knife pierced out from the wound cut by Dugu Pang, and then the surrounding air flow rushed into the broken knife like being pulled by a black hole.

Then, the body of the giant snake twitched violently, feeling like a loach thrown into a salt jar.

And a series of low muffled sounds came from the body of the giant snake, the sound was like someone in a KTV room with a microphone on his butt, and then let out a series of loud farts!

Even so, the giant snake still dragged its huge body and rushed out more than 20 meters away, plowing a deep gully on the ground before gradually stopping.

At this time, Su Yuan struggled to crawl out of the wound, and his whole body was covered with the sticky body fluids in the giant snake's esophagus. When the wind blew, Dugu Pang and others who were standing at the downwind immediately covered their stomachs and vomited violently.

They had never smelled a more disgusting smell than this, which could suffocate people to death directly through the sense of smell!

If the giant snake had not sprayed venom at them before, but sprayed the contents of its stomach at them, I am afraid they would have been dead for a long time now.

Even though Su Yuan had experienced many storms, his face was livid this time. He had vomited once in the giant snake's body, and he had long since vomited nothing.

And he didn't dare to speak, because he was worried that as long as he opened his mouth, the mucus on his face would flow into his mouth, and he might as well die.

So he could only jump off the giant snake with an expressionless face and walk back to the troop carrier to find clean water to wash his face.

This calm look was immediately seen by others, who were shocked and sighed that their realm was far from Su Yuan.

We were uncomfortable just by smelling it from a distance, but Boss Su was covered with poison and remained calm.

Sure enough, the boss is the boss.

There was some clean water and spare clothes in the troop carrier. Su Yuan washed himself and changed his clothes. But he could still smell the fishy smell on his hair.

There was nothing he could do about it. They were fleeing, not on vacation, so they couldn't even bring shampoo.

The alloy shell of the troop carrier had been corroded by the venom, and some places were even corroded with transparent holes.

At this time, the injury on Su Yuan's hand had almost recovered. The muscles and blood vessels that were melted by the venom had also grown back.

It was just that the newly grown skin was too delicate, like a newborn baby.

The recovery ability of the Wood God Blood was getting more and more abnormal. However, the price is that Su Yuan feels so hungry that he can swallow a cow!

He climbed onto the giant snake, peeled off a piece of snake skin, and then lit a few alcohol blocks on the snake.

He changed to a close-fitting dagger, cut off a large thin piece of snake meat, put it on the fire for a few times, and stuffed it into his mouth.

Although there is no seasoning, the taste of the snake meat itself is very tender. When the teeth bite on it, the taste is similar to eating frog meat, but it is more chewy and elastic.

Dugu Pang is a five-star chef. Su Yuan's way of eating by sitting on the ingredients and eating one piece at a time stunned him.

In his heart, he sincerely admired Su Yuan's strong nerves. At this time, he can still eat.

They are almost vomiting to death, okay?

Seeing Su Yuan eating with such relish, he was also craving for food, "... slurp, that... uh... how does it taste?"

Su Yuan was so hungry that he wanted to skip the grilling step and just lie on the snake and eat it with his mouth, so how could he have time to talk to him?

He just picked up a piece of freshly grilled snake meat with the tip of the knife and threw it to Dugu Pang.

After the latter caught it, he was about to say that he was just curious and asked, and he couldn't eat it even if he asked me to.

But a faint fragrance suddenly penetrated his nostrils. This smell was not very fragrant or tempting, but it was very unique. It was a smell he had never smelled before, and he couldn't even compare and describe it with other smells.

He tried to take a small bite with the tip of his teeth, and his eyes lit up immediately!

The taste was secondary. When he put this bite of snake meat in his mouth, he actually had the urge to rush over and eat all the snake meat!

Dugu Pang immediately stuffed the whole piece of snake meat into his mouth, and was about to join Su Yuan with his eyes shining.

At this time, Su Yuan waved his hand to stop him and said, "You are not a superhuman yet. You can't eat too much of this kind of food containing a lot of source substances. Eating too much will cause mutation. Don't be afraid of becoming a zombie, you can try it."

"What?" This news was a bolt from the blue for Dugu Pang. He wailed, "One piece, and another piece is fine!"

He drooled. The pain of looking at the mountain of meat in front of him but not being able to eat it made him unable to breathe.

This feeling is like when you are on a diet and losing weight at a critical period, but your friends around you are eating sweet and sour spare ribs, crystal elbows, fried duck, soy sauce chicken bacon, etc. in front of you...

Su Yuan thought about it and felt that the fat man was strong enough, so it shouldn't be a problem to eat another piece. But other people can only eat one piece at most.

Before becoming a superhuman, eating some food rich in source substances can strengthen your physique in a subtle way. But if you eat too much, it will be like being exposed to radiation or pollution, and your body will mutate like cancer.

So he pointed to the place next to him, and Dugu Pang, who didn't know that he could only eat one more piece, immediately climbed up happily.

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