Su Yuan shamelessly cut off a piece of meat weighing ten kilograms and handed it to Dugu Pang.

The fat man was so moved that he burst into tears. He took it and put it on the alcohol block and roasted it carefully.

When Dugu Pang felt that the snake meat had been roasted to the right degree with his professional vision and professional level, he was ready to eat it.

The snake meat was suddenly snatched away by Su Yuan, and then only one-tenth of it was cut off, no! Maybe even less than one-tenth of it, and returned it to him.

"Okay..." Dugu Pang looked at the piece of meat in his hand. Although it had shrunk so much. But this piece of meat was five or six times larger than the small piece he had eaten before, which was enough for him to eat.

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As a result, Su Yuan's voice sounded again at an inopportune time, "Divide your piece into six portions, give one portion to each of Cheng Xue and the others, and share them. When you become extraordinary people, I won't stop you from eating as much as you want."

These days, Su Yuan has revealed some things about becoming extraordinary people to them. But that is a matter for the future after all, and now Dugu Pang just wants to eat a few more bites of meat.

But for the sake of his own life and health, the fat man finally restrained himself. He obediently followed Su Yuan's instructions, divided the meat into six portions, and sent it to everyone.

He ate one of the six portions first, and then Cheng Xue, Liu Xianguang, Xu Jiajia, and Bai Ying.

When it was time to give it to the old madman, he looked around but couldn't find where the old madman was!

"Oh no! Oh no! Master Qi is gone again!" Dugu Pang shouted, "Look for him quickly. I don't know where the old guy has gone to cause trouble again."

At this time, an impatient voice suddenly came from the belly of the giant snake:

"Fatty, what are you yelling about? You can't even see a living person as big as me. No wonder Su Yuan said you have poor eyesight."

Su Yuan is used to the old madman's elusiveness. This guy always disappears suddenly when the danger is just over and everyone is relaxed. Every time he causes more trouble to the tired people.

But Su Yuan also found that the old madman's physique is very special. Although he is not a transcendent, he is far beyond the limit of ordinary people. Under normal circumstances, it is not easy to find death.

I saw that the old madman quietly dug open the belly of the giant snake at some point, revealing the purple and blue narrow stomach inside.

Su Yuan's face suddenly changed when he saw it: "Seventh Master, what are you doing? Don't touch it!"

When the others were wondering why Su Yuan was so panicked, they felt a gust of hot wind blowing.

The hot wind was wrapped with a disgusting and rotten smell that was a hundred times more disgusting than the most disgusting smell they had smelled before.

It turned out that the old madman had cut open the stomach of the giant snake with a knife while Su Yuan was talking.

A large amount of gastric fluid gushed out like a mudslide along with a large mass of things that could not be seen clearly, instantly drowning the old madman standing there.

That feeling, that stench, it was like a thousand public toilets exploded at the same time!

Su Yuan jumped up suddenly with lightning speed, and jumped across a distance of seven or eight meters.

When he landed, there was even a trace of silver light in his eyes, which proved that he was overloading his mental power!

Even when he was fighting with the giant snake just now, he was not forced to this extent.

Air should be invisible and intangible, but at this time, the condensed air flow has reached the level visible to the naked eye!

I saw a gust of wind with Su Yuan as the source, blowing violently towards the turbidity ejected from the giant snake's stomach. The gust of wind swept past, carrying the stench that was enough to suffocate everyone to a distance.

Wherever the gust of wind passed, even the weeds on the ground withered instantly.

I don't know how much this giant snake has eaten, the turbidity ejected from its stomach is simply endless.

The old madman was rushed out more than ten meters away, and he barely stopped after hitting the wreckage of an infantry fighting vehicle. The old madman's face was black at this time.

He stumbled to his feet, looking as embarrassed as he could be. He wiped his face, his expression twisted, as if he was enduring great pain.

"Guji, guji, guji." The old madman was covered with mucus, and every step he took, he would make a disgusting "guji" sound when his feet touched the ground.

He walked forward for more than 20 steps, and his face finally turned from black to red, and finally purple. His chest bulged, and it seemed that he couldn't hold back a breath, and then he rolled his eyes and fainted.


Two hours later, the old madman woke up slowly. He found himself lying in a pit created by a shell explosion. The pit was filled with clean water, and there was a water pipe on the side that continuously replenished the pit with new water.

The other end of the water pipe was connected to the tap water pipe of a barracks, and the solar panels brought from Sun Er's mother's house were also set up to power the water pump.

The old madman rubbed his eyes and found that the giant snake had rotted away and only a white skeleton was left.

Large pieces of snake scales were scattered all over the ground, like ancient fossils dug out from the ground, without a trace of flesh.

This scared the old madman to death. If he hadn't seen Su Yuan and others wearing gas masks and using sticks to dig something out of the mountain of turbid substances spewed out of the giant snake's stomach, he would have almost thought he had been unconscious for several months.

So far, they have cleared out 62 ID cards, 7 or 8 lighters, a bunch of dagger handles, gun stocks, more than 20 walkie-talkies, more than a dozen tires, steering wheels, various shoe soles...

These things have one thing in common, that is, the materials of these digestion residues are plastic, rubber and wood. All the steel parts have been digested cleanly, without even a little slag left.

In addition, Su Yuan discovered something, that is, this giant snake seems to have fought with people in the military station.

There are many traces of bullets on its scales, and several places look like they have been injured by grenades, grenades and other weapons.

Moreover, the information on the more than 60 ID cards shows that the average age of the owners of the ID cards is no more than 30 years old, and they should all be soldiers in the military station.

Su Yuan muttered to himself: "Well... It seems that this guy's main food is steel. There are too many things made of steel in the military station. No wonder this thing appears here."

Imagine, armored infantry fighting vehicles, personnel carriers and even tanks, which one does not weigh several tons or even more than ten tons?

If the giant snake really survives by swallowing and digesting metal, and eats a car at a time, it is no wonder that its body size has grown to such an outrageous extent.

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