Dugu Pang put on his gas mask and said angrily: "Boss, you have searched them all. There is only the one you found, and there is nothing else made of iron."

He was talking about a black and reddish hollow iron pipe that Su Yuan was holding in his hand, as thick as an egg. Standing on the ground, the height just reached Su Yuan's eyebrows.

This is the only steel product they found from the giant snake's stomach. It has a brushed pattern on the surface and is very heavy to buy.

I don’t know what kind of alloy this steel pipe is made of, but there is no sign of corrosion even after soaking in the giant snake’s stomach.

After Su Yuan heard this, his expression was very disappointed, but this result was also within his expectation.

When he found the iron pipe from the giant snake's stomach, he had just pulled the iron pipe out of the giant snake's body. The giant snake's huge body immediately rotted and melted like cheese thrown into the stove. , it seems that the power of the giant snake comes from this ordinary-looking iron pipe.

Su Yuan studied for a long time but could not see that the iron pipe was special, but he found that after adding the fangs of the giant snake to the front of the iron pipe, it became a hollow spear that seemed to be tailor-made for him!

So he immediately led a group of people, wearing gas masks that made it difficult to breathe, and rummaged through the disgusting pile of semi-digested food for a long time. Just because I want to find another iron pipe like this, so that I can pair it with another fang and become a little prince with two guns.

But since he couldn't find it, he could only use the other fang as a dagger.

Seeing that the old madman woke up, Su Yuan brought the iron pipe to the old madman and asked the intellectual leader in the team to identify the material of the iron pipe.

Unexpectedly, after the old madman saw the iron pipe, his eyes suddenly lit up like light bulbs, and he even acted rogue, planning to take the iron pipe as his own and refuse to return it to Su Yuan.

Of course, Su Yuan would not tolerate the old madman's improper behavior. He directly pressed the old madman to the ground and rubbed him, then took back what belonged to him.

In this way, there is no need to expect to learn anything from the old madman. But looking at the old madman's reaction, I knew this thing must be a good thing.

As for the specific name, it doesn't matter to Su Yuan anyway. He uses it to stab people, not for scientific research.

But Su Yuan couldn't resist the curiosity in his heart. In the end, he had no choice but to use the second-order crystal core dug out from the giant snake's head to finally know the name of this metal.

I saw the old madman cherishing the crystal core like Gollum holding the Supreme Lord of the Rings in "The Lord of the Rings". After admiring it for a long time, he said to Su Yuan with a look of reluctance:

"The material of this iron pipe is called Deleman alloy, which is a B+ superconducting metal material second only to yttrium-barium alloy. At present, it is known that any form of energy can operate well in it."

"It is very difficult to make. It needs to be built molecule by molecule using a molecular builder at temperatures close to absolute zero."

"It would take two years to build such a long and thick piece of wood, with the builder operating at full capacity."

Su Yuan's mouth opened into an O-shape, with a look of unknown severity on his face. He didn't expect this thing to be so rare.

But if it falls into his hands, he can only use it as a gun barrel to stab people, so he is more concerned about the hardness and toughness of this thing.

The old madman curled his lips and said: "The Rockwell hardness of Deleman alloy is 7.93 times higher than the so-called hardest alloy tungsten steel in the world, and its ductility, that is, toughness, is comparable to a two-dimensional carbon structure."

"What I'm telling you were all state secrets in the past. If you don't have the corresponding qualifications, you won't be able to understand them at all."

Su Yuan nodded, feeling lonely after hearing this. These technical terms confuse him, but it looks like this iron pipe is awesome.

As soon as he was in a good mood, he praised the old madman, "Master Qi is indeed a national treasure-level science and technology master, and his knowledge is vast. Awesome."

Unexpectedly, the old madman didn't have any humility or reserve that a senior figure in academia should have, and he almost raised his tail to the sky.

"Hmph, this is nothing. I once personally presided over a project and used this material to make a long-range laser cannon. One shot can even scratch the moon."

Su Yuan smiled and said: "Old guy, just brag. If our technological level is really that high, can all the countries in the world fall apart without any ability to fight back in the face of the apocalyptic disaster? Lift up your human cannon Come out, how many zombies haven’t been wiped out in one shot?”

I saw the old madman looking at Su Yuan as if he was always looking at an idiot, with an expression that almost printed the word "ignorance" on Su Yuan's face.

"Are you stupid? Have you ever heard of the principle of conservation of energy? Do you know how much energy it takes to shoot that thing out? The entire city's electricity consumption for a month is not enough to last for half a second. Now where do you ask them to find it? Such a stable and sufficient energy supply?”

"Energy! Energy! When civilization develops to a certain level, the biggest problem it faces is energy."

I don't know why, when the old madman said this, he suddenly looked deeply at the crystal core in his hand with an indescribable look, and then continued:

"And do you think such a precise instrument can be operated by one person? Without strict training, you can't even find the muzzle. Each of these operators is an important weapon of the country. Once one of them turns into a zombie, no one can I couldn’t find a substitute.”

Su Yuan was speechless after being bombarded by the old madman. After thinking for a long time, he suddenly felt something was wrong. "I say...are you really crazy or pretending to be crazy? Which madman is as logical and eloquent as you?"

The old madman rolled his eyes at Su Yuan and told him to go to the mental hospital to find out.

Just when the two guys, one old and one young, were arguing, several people who were watching the excitement suddenly rushed into the armory with their stomachs covered.

Each of them had a blue face, raised their hips and abdomens. Although their faces were extremely anxious, they still had to clamp their legs together, shake their heads and buttocks and take small steps forward.

Then, a shocking "puff" sound came from the armory. After a while, these people walked back slowly with bitter faces and holding the wall.

Dugu Pang rubbed his stomach and opened his mouth to say something to Su Yuan, but suddenly his face changed and he turned around and went back in a hurry.

This scene would repeat itself every once in a while, until Su Yuan cleaned up the remains of the giant snake and used the intact scales to cover the outside of the troop carrier with a layer of snake scales.

The group lay on the ground, gasping for breath, without the strength to move a finger.

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