This earth-shattering diarrhea almost killed them, and their buttocks were bruised.

Dugu Pang groaned without tears: "Diarrhea is not a disease, diarrhea can kill people. Boss, just trick me. This must be caused by eating those pieces of snake meat."

Dugu Pang was right, it was really because they ate snake meat. For ordinary people, the essence in snake meat is like giving ten thousand-year-old ginseng to a tuberculosis ghost at one time. It is normal for the body to be unable to bear it.

This is not a bad thing. What they pull out are all kinds of toxins and impurities accumulated in the body since childhood. After this physical transformation, their physical fitness will be greatly improved, and they will basically reach the physical fitness level of professional athletes.

For example, Dugu Pang and Liu Xianguang used to panting like dogs when they walked up to the tenth floor in one breath. After this time, even if I jump to the tenth floor on one leg, my face will not be red and my heart will not beat.

In desperation, Su Yuan had no choice but to drag them to the car one by one, preparing to leave here as soon as possible.

Although this giant snake that suddenly appeared was only the second level, its size was unexpectedly huge. It was simply incomparable to the second level magic flower mantis he catalyzed.

But snakes and mantises are two completely different creatures. Their mutated levels can only prove their degree of evolution and have no reference to their strength.

Who knows if this snake has any brothers or sisters? If another snake comes out, it will be impossible to find a solution even if it is crying.

This time, if Su Yuan hadn't been swallowed by the giant snake by chance, with their current strength, it would be almost impossible to kill a naturally evolved second-order mutant!

Therefore, Su Yuan felt that the Thirty-Six Stratagem was the best strategy, so it was better to run away quickly.

He spread out the map, but found that he suddenly didn't know where to go.

Not only did they find no living person in this military station, they even found that all the useful supplies had been taken away. Coupled with the heavy rain a day ago, there was no trace left here.

When he was at a loss, the old madman suddenly pointed to an inconspicuous location on the map and said: "Go this way, go this way, this is the Xuanwu Fortress."

Su Yuan said in shock: "You know the location of the fortress? Then didn't you tell me earlier?"

The old madman spread his hands innocently, "You didn't even ask me?"

Su Yuan rolled his eyes. Why are you arguing with a lunatic? Isn't that making things difficult for yourself?

He carefully checked the location pointed by the old madman on the map, and was suddenly shocked to find that the location of Xuanwu Fortress was exactly the same as the direction he was heading to Jiangbei Province!

In this way, the destination is instantly clear. There is no difference between sending the old madman to Xuanwu Fortress to reap benefits and going to Jiangbei to find his sister.

He immediately started the troop carrier, put it into gear, stepped on the accelerator, and was about to leave. However, he was shocked to find that the old man seemed to be seriously injured and could only move forward at a crawling speed, even if he kicked the accelerator to the end, it was useless. .

Fortunately, except for the slow speed, everything else is normal.

Especially after he personally added a layer of snake scale armor to the personnel carrier, the vehicle's protective performance increased like a somersault. If he was asked to give up this car and get another one, he would be reluctant to do so.

However, the advantage of slow speed is that sitting in the car is not so bumpy.

After about five hours, they drove nearly 100 kilometers. The people in the car gradually regained their energy, and after replenishing some food and water, they became even more energetic.

After driving forward for some distance, intermittent gunfire suddenly came from the distance, and occasionally there was the sound of grenade explosions that impressed him deeply.

When everyone heard the gunshots, they thought they had encountered people from the evacuated part of the military station, and immediately followed the sound and rushed over.

From a distance, I saw a small convoy, backed by a six- or seven-meter-wide river, struggling in embarrassment under the siege of a group of zombies.

Most of these zombies are the most common junior zombies. They probably emerged from a nearby village or town. There are nearly a thousand of them in a large area of ​​Wuyang Wuyang!

Looking carefully, there were two or three tall elephant-skinned giant corpses among them. Su Yuan even saw a bone-armored zombie with white bone armor growing out of its limbs!

Both types of zombies have unique shapes and can be distinguished at a glance. As for whether there are others that have reached the level of first-order mutants, we have to go deeper to see clearly.

This human convoy looked different from the elite warriors they imagined. Not only did they fight in a chaotic manner, they even shouted in terror while fighting.

There was no plan at all between advance and retreat, no effective defenses were built, and they didn't even know how to use the terrain. They just relied on good firepower to fight randomly.

The old madman lay in the car and looked at it for a while and said, "Are these people soldiers? Why are they so weak?"

Su Yuan also saw it at this time. While this group has decent firepower, their shooting accuracy is very limited. The number of zombies killed by stray bullets like "a blind cat hitting a mouse" is far more than the number of zombies killed directly after being targeted.

This group of people fought and retreated, unable to withstand the kamikaze-like impact of the zombie horde.

If this situation continues, they will retreat to the river in a few minutes and fall into a situation with no retreat.

Once the zombies rush in front of them, the group's biggest reliance - "guns" will completely lose the distance advantage. In close combat, the claws and teeth of zombies are more lethal than bullets.

In the suburbs of relatively sparsely populated villages and towns, the side effects of shooting are much worse than in cities. It is not like in cities, where hundreds of zombies will be attracted by shooting.

Su Yuan saw that this group of people were shooting and throwing grenades, and there were no more zombies in sight, and he suddenly felt itchy.

He had just upgraded his rifle to a new weapon, and was about to try the power of the fang gun made of Delaiman alloy and giant snake fangs, so he drove the [Turtle] towards the battlefield.

At this time, a bald man in the group saw Su Yuan and his car, and suddenly screamed with a pale face, cursing something, and pointed in the direction of Su Yuan and his people to let the people around him look quickly.

As a result, there was a brief gap in firepower, and the zombies rushed in again.

Su Yuan had no idea that it was their appearance that frightened the group of people to the point of peeing their pants. You know, he had covered the armored personnel carrier with a layer of giant snake scales, and from a distance, the vehicle looked like a huge monster sticking to the ground and moving forward.

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