Chapter 519 Realm

"Scientists tested the cells and found they were human cells."

Ling Yun pushed up his glasses, looked around at everyone, and said, "In other words, the creature in the jade coffin is actually an ordinary person."

"How can it be."

Qin Tian slightly stared and exclaimed: "Didn't you just say that the creature in the jade coffin is like an animal? It still has scales, so why has it become a human again?"

The rest of the people were also surprised.

Ling Yun smiled and then said: "Qin Tian, ​​I speculate that because the molecules and atoms that make up living things are constantly moving, the person's body has been in the jade coffin for too long, so the cells of all races that make up the jade coffin are The molecules, in constant motion, ran to the body of the corpse."

"But because of the repulsion of the tiny particles, the two did not merge, and what the scientists extracted was exactly the human part, so."

Hearing this, Qin Tian's eyes lit up and he said, "In this case, who is that lying in the jade coffin? Is it a cultivator from thousands of years ago?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out."

Ling Yun paused and then said, "But in addition to discovering that the corpse in the jade coffin was a human being, those scientists also discovered something even more bizarre and miraculous."

Hearing this, Qin Tian frowned slightly and couldn't help but said: "What is it?"

"The corpse in the jade coffin shows signs of life."

Ling Yun looked at Qin Tian and said.

Except for Xu Qiming, who knew the inside story, everyone was stunned.

"What the hell?"

Qin Tian stared in disbelief and said, "What did you say about that corpse?"

"Signs of life."

Ling Yun repeated, and then added: "Half a month after the jade coffin was discovered, the corpse actually groaned. Although the sound was very weak, it was captured by the scientists."

"The base in Mount Emei began to be established at that time, and what happened after that is not recorded in the mainframe."

Ling Yun paused, looked at Xu Qiming, and said, "Commander Xu, I think you'd better tell what you know."

"I, I don't know anything."

Xu Qiming's face changed slightly, his eyes were erratic, but his tone was very firm.

Seeing this, Qin Tian frowned slightly and shouted softly: "Xu Qiming, we are all grasshoppers on a rope now, don't be pretentious and tell the truth!"

Hearing this, Xu Qiming shrank his neck, but still said: "If you don't know, you just don't know."


Qin Tian stared, quite angry.

Ling Yun reached out and patted Qin Tian on the shoulder, and said to Xu Qiming: "It doesn't matter if you don't tell me. When we get to Emei, we will find the answer ourselves. There are signs of life in a corpse that was ten thousand years ago. In addition to the soul, , I can’t think of a second explanation, and this soul will be the key to deciphering the document.”

"And only by deciphering the documents can we deal with this catastrophe. This is the main reason why I want to go to Emei."

Hearing this, everyone fell silent.

After a period of silence, Zhang Fengtian suddenly stared at Xu Qiming and said, "Xu Qiming, if you know anything, just tell me. Don't hide it. When did this happen?"

"Yes, Commander Xu, please tell me quickly if you know anything."

Wang Haotian also said from the side.

The rest of the people also spoke out to persuade him.


Xu Qiming also hesitated. After a while, he sighed quietly, took a deep look at Ling Yun, and said: "The firewall of the base host is the highest level artificial intelligence system. You can actually decipher it? You are How did you do it?"

"Because I have a better, more advanced intelligent system."

Ling Yun said calmly.

Qin Tian coughed softly.

Xu Qiming snorted coldly and said: "Do you think I am a three-year-old child? The Skylight System is the fastest intelligent system in the world in terms of computing power. In terms of thinking ability, it is infinitely close to the human brain. How can there be anything better than it?" Strong intelligent system.”

"Believe it or not, I don't need to explain it to you."

Hearing this, Xu Qiming glared at Ling Yun fiercely and said, "No wonder my nuclear explosion device failed. It's really unlucky for me to meet a scoundrel like you."

After a pause, Xu Qiming suddenly looked dejected and said, "Okay, I'll tell you what I know. The corpse on Emei Mountain does have signs of life, and as time goes by, this kind of The signs of life grew stronger, but just as it was able to speak a complete note, disaster struck."

"Then, I don't know what's going on there."

Hearing this, Qin Tian frowned slightly, observed Xu Qiming's face for a while, and then secretly said: "Xiao Jin, did this old man lie?"

"Retrieve the data. After the data has been retrieved, start the analysis. After the analysis, the host, Xu Qiming, should not have lied. Of course, if his acting skills are superb, he may also be able to hide from my detection."

Hearing this, Qin Tian pursed his lips, still doubting that Xu Qiming was hiding something.

At noon, everyone ate canned food.

Those cans were filled with potatoes and meat, and could be eaten with a little heat.

One can is enough for ordinary people to fill their stomachs.

But the taste is a bit lacking.

Qin Tian frowned after taking two bites, but because he was on the road at the moment, he couldn't go hunting, so he could only eat one can and started chatting with Xi Yan.

The sofa in the car is not small, but it seems a bit crowded when more than ten people sit together. After eating, most people started to sit on the bed.

Niu Zhuangzhuang and Zhou Yunjia put on the chessboard, and Jiang Ming, Han Qiaoyu and Qin Junjie quickly joined in.

Ling Yun was busy building compartments for Qin Tian and Xi Yan.

Yingyu and others found a pair of cards from somewhere and started playing poker on the bed. Qin Tianze felt that the car was stuffy, so he said hello to Xiyan, then ran out of the car and rode on the white leopard. , followed the car leisurely.

When Xi Yan in the carriage also joined the chess game set up with Niu Zhuangzhuang and others and stopped observing Qin Tian, ​​Qin Tian eagerly took out a cigarette and lit it.


Qin Tian took a deep breath, and after the familiar and bitter taste spread in his mouth, he exhaled the smoke comfortably.

"It's so cool."

Qin Tian smiled contentedly and observed the surroundings while walking.

The road extends to the bottom of the mountain. On one side of the road are stone stacks, and on the other side are towering mountain walls.

Qin Tian stretched his neck and looked towards the roadside with piles of stones, only to see steep slopes extending down one after another.

Countless trees line the area, full of greenery, and the chirping of birds and insects continues.

Qin Tian raised the corners of his mouth slightly, and suddenly felt a gust of cool wind hit his face, and couldn't help but close his eyes.

At this moment, he felt very peaceful, but he could hear the murderous intent and cruelty hidden in the complicated cries of nature.

Prey, survive.

This is the eternal cycle of life.

This is also reincarnation.

Qin Tian slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were unusually clear and flashing. At the same time, a majestic supernatural power suddenly grew in his body, flowing into his dantian in an endless cycle.

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