Chapter 520: Pause

Without looking, Qin Tian could feel that the superpower in his dantian was rapidly recovering.

He felt as if he had fallen into an icy lake, and the invisible energy in the void was constantly pouring in from all parts of his body.

"Is it because I understand reincarnation? Or is it because I created reincarnation."

Qin Tian frowned slightly and raised his hand in confusion, only to see that the skin of his palm was covered with a white mist-like substance.

He no longer has to go through his forehead, he can absorb the energy substances in the air into his body using any part of his body.

This process is very natural, just like the rational law of reincarnation of all things.

However, this law was created by Qin Tian.

As more and more energy substances were absorbed, Qin Tian's mind gradually became empty, and he felt that his body was erratic and about to fly, as if he was drunk, and he could no longer distinguish between east, west, and north.

Soon, he woke up with horror.


Qin Tian shook his head and quickly separated his thoughts from the previous state, only to find that a sunset in the distance was about to disappear under the horizon.

"Xiao Jin, how long have I been absentminded just now?"

Qin Tian drove Bai Bao to the van quickly, and then secretly said.

"Host, six hours have passed since you started absorbing the energy in the void."

"What the hell! It's been so long?!"

Qin Tian cursed secretly, stretched out his hand to wipe the sweat from his head, and then said to himself: "Xiao Jin, is there a suitable place to camp near here?"

"Scan begins. Scan ends. Host, walk another 900 meters along the road and you will reach a tunnel where you can rest."


A blue screen appeared in front of Qin Tian's eyes, and a cave-like place appeared on the screen, with the highway passing straight through it.

Originally, this kind of tunnel dug in the mountain would have lighting lights, but this is the end of the world, and there is no electricity, so the tunnel is pitch black.

Qin Tian turned over and jumped into the van and found Niu Zhuangzhuang, Zhou Yunjia, Xi Yan, Han Qiaoyu and Jiang Ming still playing chess. Ling Yun was studying the map beside them. Wang Haotian, Ying Yu, Lu Zhenhua, Lu Haoyang and Qin Junjie were playing on the bed. Playing poker, Zhang Fengtian and Xu Qiming were sitting with their eyes wide open. Bai Yun and Xu Xiaoting were staying in their compartments. As for Zhuge Qinmo, he was lying on his back on the bed, snoring and actually fell asleep.

"Well, there's a place to stay in front."

Qin Tian glanced at everyone, then walked to Ling Yun and sat down, saying.

Hearing this, Ling Yun nodded, put away the map in his hand, nodded towards Qin Tian and said: "The white leopard, the big rat, the panda and the Tibetan mastiff all have to eat, and I also have to make tights for everyone. "

"We're not in a hurry tonight. Let's just go there and rest."


Qin Tian looked at Xi Yan aside and found that Xi Yan was drawing turtles on Zhou Yunjia's face with a smile on his face. Two turtles were also drawn on Xi Yan's face, and he couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

He directed the skeletons to carry the car into the tunnel, then asked the skeletons to put the car on the side of the road, then got out of the van, built a bonfire, and let the eighty skeletons go hunting.

The skeletons were extremely agile and powerful, and could easily climb rocks and walls. Within a short time, they had hunted a large number of prey.

But some of the prey hunted by the skeletons made Bai Yun and Xu Xiaoting in the team turn pale with shock, and Xu Xiaoting even hid in the car.

"What's going on? Why are snakes, scorpions, rats, cats, and dogs all caught? We're not so short of food, are we?"

Xiyan frowned and said to Qin Tiandao.

"Well, the skeletons have such high intelligence."

Qin Tian sighed softly and explained.

"Although Changbai Mountain is inaccessible and has a harsh environment, it is affected by human activities after all."

Ling Yun squatted down, observing the prey piled on the ground that the skeletons had found, and said: "There are no large prey to catch, and there are four adult mutant beasts and six small mutant beasts in the team. The skeletons will try their best to catch them." There is nothing wrong with catching prey as long as you can.”

After saying that, Ling Yun stood up and looked at Qin Tian and said: "Let me clean up these prey. By the way, some snakes' bodies have been crushed by the skeletons, and the venom may flow out. Just don't let them go. These rats and big rats After all, they are the same kind, so if we don’t want them anymore, let’s just use these cats, dogs, and scorpions as food for the mutated beasts.”


Qin Tian waved his hand, and twenty skeletons automatically stood behind Ling Yun, cleaning up the prey under Ling Yun's command.

Except for cats, dogs, rats, scorpions and snakes, most of the remaining prey are pheasants, hares and the like.

Qin Tian asked the skeletons to sort out the pheasants and hares, and then gave the prepared meat to Han Qiaoyu and Jiang Ming, giving them the glorious task of cooking.

Ying Yu and Ma Yingying volunteered to help Han Qiaoyu and Jiang Ming.

Qin Tianze set up a large pot on the bonfire outside the car, boiled some fat with fat, and then asked the skeletons to sort out the dead cats, dogs, and scorpions, and fry the meat in oil. Sprinkle salt on them and feed the meat to the white leopard, panda and rat.

As for the giant Tibetan mastiff, Qin Tian asked Zhang Fengtian to feed it himself.


It didn't take long for the white leopard to eat until his belly was full, and he lay on the road with satisfaction, moaning continuously.

The panda hugged Qin Tian's legs and kept acting cute.

After the big mouse was full, it curled up obediently. Six small mice, each about half a meter long, surrounded it and kept screaming "squeak~!", and each one wanted to get into its arms.

However, the big mouse seemed to deliberately wean the six little mice and turned a deaf ear to their requests.

Xiyan and others were standing by, constantly tempting the little mouse with fried meat.

At first, the six little mice were very resistant, but soon, when their requests were fruitless, they had no choice but to give in and slowly eat the meat.

After all these mutated beasts had eaten their fill, bursts of attractive aroma came from the carriage.

But when Qin Tian walked into the carriage, he found that Han Qiaoyu and others had placed plates on the table one by one.

The food these grown men cooked was just stew.

Qin Tian was not very particular. He started eating after sitting down. After eating, he talked with everyone for a while. After everyone went to bed one by one, he wanted to take Xiyan, who was blushing, to do something shameless in the compartment. Something embarrassing happened, but Ling Yun called him outside again.

"There are some things that I can't ask in front of outsiders."

Ling Yun paused and said solemnly: "Qin Tian, ​​Zhou Yunjia mentioned to me before that you can now summon other types of skeletons? Have you acquired new skills?"

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