End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 137: Insects attack (middle)

"The worms will arrive in Yucheng in about 30 minutes." Wu Ye said that he was going quickly in the direction of the parking lot. He must now go to the city gate to stabilize the situation.

Qin Wuhua said: "30 minutes should be enough for most hunters to withdraw to Yucheng. If you want to test at the gate of the city, this time is not enough."

Wu Yehao, who has been a city owner for so long, will not rely on others to give him an idea. He thought about it: "If you don't, put these people into the city and arrange them for testing in the city. ”

"It can only be done now. I will immediately inform the City Guards to lead these people to the temporary quarantine area and conduct inspections in the quarantine area."

Wu Ye added: "I immediately called Ji Yun, let him take the small isolation cover to the isolation area, cover the isolation area, try to avoid the spread of mutated worms." The target of the zombies is still relatively large, at a glance It can be seen that even if it is bitten, there is a vaccine that can be saved. If it is parasitic by mutated worms, there are no drugs that can be effectively treated, and once they spread in the city, the consequences are unimaginable.

The two said that they called each other to inform the relevant personnel, and then drove to the entrance to the city at the fastest speed. When they arrived, it was already ten minutes later. After receiving the order, the City Guards maintained the order for the first time. More than 10,000 City Guard personnel used the barriers to seal the roads. Only one left in the middle was allowed. The road through which the truck passed. The city defense guards stood in the car with their live ammunition. The black muzzle was aimed at the center of the road. The hunters who had just entered from outside the city did not dare to be lucky. They could only follow the direction of the road and go to the quarantine area.

The parasitic parasite has appeared so far, and it has been a few months. Everyone knows that once the gadget is touched, there is only one dead road, so care is taken when the task is out in the wild. Even if the weather is hot again, try not to let the body out. Some people even put a leg cover on the leg with a thick plastic film or animal skin. The heat is hot, the effect is good, as long as you wake up a little, at least not in the first time.

However, no matter how vigilant, as the mutant worm continues to multiply, there will be more and more mutant worms outside the city. Other variant worms are gradually showing their awkward side showing aggressiveness, and the situation of human survivors is not optimistic.

Time passes by, and the hunters still in the wild are desperately rushing back to Yucheng. However, some people have been overwhelmed by the raging insect tide. The mutant worms have gradually become disciplined. They are not as eager to eat food as zombies, but they are honestly leaving food to the female worms who can contribute to the reproduction of the ethnic group.

Numerous worms poured into the bodies of these settlers. After a moment, these people were wrapped in white silk into a huge crowd. In order to ensure that their eggs have a comfortable hotbed, the female worms avoid the human body. Fill the eggs with every inch of flesh and blood in their bodies, while secreting special treatments and paralyzing fluids to ensure that these people will not die until the 'energy' is exhausted.

When the person ruptures, there will only be a lot of young worms in it. Except for the hair and the hollow bones, the host will not leave anything. These young bugs are not high in grade, and it usually takes no more than a week from spawning to hatching, and it takes about half a month to grow into an adult from hatching.

The insects that hatch in the human body are more mutated, more ‘clear’, and grow faster. The size of the worm is obviously larger than other worms, and even the nucleus energy contained in the body is stronger.

The hunters who placed the orders were only a few, and most of them rushed into the city before the worms arrived. When the first army of the worm was only 1 kilometer away from Yucheng, Wu Ye ordered that the energy cover be completely opened, leaving no gaps. Within the scope of the sight, the three pickup trucks had no time to rush back to the city, in the desperate cry for help, More than a dozen people were quickly overwhelmed by the insect tide.

Wu Ye was on the monitor, and the dense insects could not stop his sight. He watched countless worms pouring in from their eyes, nose and throat, and then under their extremely painful expression, their body surface gradually Some clear liquids are secreted, and they are slowly wrapped up, and the liquid turns into a soft, white silk thread until it is finally turned into a human ear.

Under the white clam shell, Wu Ye can clearly see the painful and distorted expression of these people, as well as the slight fan|moving nose, opening and closing the mouth, silently begging for death...

Survival is not allowed to die.

"Aye, are you okay?" Qin Wuhua saw Wu Ye's face instantly become pale, and he was worried.

Wu Ye was so hard to hold back the nausea, did not spit it out, barely shook his head and did not speak. Qin Wuhua secretly clenched his fist and loosened it. Once again, he secretly blamed his selfishness. If Aye is in another world, he does not need to be like this...

Soon, the worms came down, and the translucent energy hood isolated them. The mutant worms angered the energy hood, licked the energy hood, tried to destroy this **** barrier, and then got in touch with their favorite food. . Not long after, the isolation cover was covered with dense insects, and the sky in the city was completely isolated, and there was no light in the opening.

Further afield, a large number of zombie fish squirmed with tiny feet and ran rampant in the corpse. If you look closely, you will find that many translucent worms leave their bodies and turn to human zombies and animal zombies. On the body, as the sunset has not crossed the horizon, the horrible corpse is undergoing terrible changes in the dark.

Wu Ye Jixiang, other members of the guards, senior managers of Yucheng and deputy heads of the guards of the Guards were all convened to meet in the conference room to hold emergency meetings to study strategies and tactics.


The survivors in the city looked at the worms in the sky and hugged them with their loved ones and friends. Regardless of whether they had had faith or not, they prayed piously at this moment, praying who could help them through this terrible life. disaster.

The place where the crystal nucleus energy hood equipment was stored has been closely guarded, and a box of crystal nucleus has been carried over. Professor Li and others have played the full spirit to hold the instrument. At this moment, absolutely no mistakes are allowed. The upgraded brain is also fully operational, calculating the tolerance of the energy hood equipment in a second, monitoring all changes in the energy hood at any time, promptly reporting to Professor Li and others, and proposing appropriate solutions.

Fortunately, the energy hood theory that has been identified by the system is still very good. So far, the energy hood instruments have been working well, even if they have been attacked by the mutant worms, there is no heat.

Ji Yun participated in the meeting, he proposed a very critical issue, "Now the city uses solar energy, once the insect tide covers the energy cover, the light does not come in, the solar panel will fail, we store it in the solar cell China Energy can only supply up to forty-eight hours in Yucheng. Now it is impossible to determine when the insect tide has passed. I suggest to immediately cut the power limit and ensure that the necessary machines are running, so that we can get a longer time."

There are many places where Yucheng uses electricity, such as brain-brain operation, such as pumping groundwater, etc. Of course, Yucheng also has generators such as gasoline and diesel, but as Ji Yun said, no one can predict what will happen in the future. In the case of energy, it is natural to save the province.

Wu Ye nodded: "You will go to the notice immediately."

After Ji Yun left the conference room, Qin Wuhua said: "This time the insect tide is fierce, the energy cover can't isolate our breath. For a while, the insect tide will definitely not disperse. The corpse will also be outside. Getting closer and closer to us, we must make the worst plans."

The worst intention Wu Ye has heard from the system once, that is the mixed attack of the worm tide and the corpse tide. The theoretical limit of the energy hood is to resist the 70 worms reaching the level of 10 million. If the corpse tide is added, the load of the energy hood will be seriously exceeded.

After the last exchange of super metal, Wu Ye and the bound 'comrades' almost killed the zombies every day, and saved more than 600,000 points, plus the previous points, now he has a total of 8 super metal to make an energy cover Come out for a rainy day.

Wu Ye calculated and said to everyone, "Yes, we must fight, or even if there is an energy cover, there is only one dead road."

Qian Xin knows more about the properties of the energy hood. He immediately raised the question. "The worms are pervasive. Once we open the battle window, the worms will come in. When the worms are infinite, the worms are not like zombies. The target is big, one shot, and no more. The gun has three shots and can always kill. The worms are a group of people, small in size, fast in speed, capable of parasitic reproduction, and it is simply impossible to prevent.

However, sometimes, too much density will give people a chance.

"...fire attack, control the battle window within a certain range, let the fire abilities guard the window, burn the insects with the abilities, the wind abilities and the soil abilities to help protect, and isolate the mutant worms as much as possible. Outside the window, the intelligence brain increases the monitoring strength, and monitors the state of the battle window at any time. Once the abilities are not good, the window is closed immediately.” Qin Wuhua said, looking at Ji Yun who returned to his seat, asked "Is the brain now able to meet my requirements?"

Ji Yun nodded: "Exactly."

"Let Li Minsheng and his team stand by, the brain can't make a mistake." Wu Ye said to Ji Yun.


"First conduct tentative battles and adjust the combat policy at any time. In any case, the insects must not be allowed to enter the city. Now the situation is not optimistic. It is best to disperse the insects before the corpse eruption." Wu Ye said, "Ji Xiang, you are responsible Arrange all the logistics work, all the hunters enter the state of preparation, and other types of work work as usual in their respective positions, absolutely no chaos, and no one can make negative and negative comments."


Next, Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua studied the operational policy with the guards who fought in battle.

The battle is on the verge.

The author has something to say: What is it? Two more monarchs~~ In order to sprout and smash two more, the stupid is fast and the death is over~~tat

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