End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 138: Insects

Tonight, Yucheng is destined to spend a sleepless night.

In the residential area of ​​the city, only the street lights on both sides of the road are lit. The hunter's union and the main office building are brightly lit. Countless people are looking in and out in a solemn manner. The searchlight next to the city wall shines the wall. Through the light, you can see that the translucent energy cover is covered with layers of insects.

The insects are light, even if they are mutated, they do not change their nature. A large number of worms gather in places with lights. The top of the energy hood gradually disappears. A bunch of white moonlights illuminate, and numerous worms fly around the moonlight. Many worms that used to be able to suffocate with a finger can now become big fists, big bowls, and even larger than watermelons... the worms that have become mutated and mutated, the appearance looks completely changed from the past, I am afraid It is the entomologist standing there, and it is difficult to judge the varieties of the mutant worms in one bite.

The survivors stayed at home with care, silently holding the hands of their families, standing at the window, and bothered and worried. Fortunately, the energy cover can block the mutant worms, and the energy cover can not bear. Everyone is closely gagging together and expects to draw energy from each other.

Wu Ye released a plan of war through broadcasting, and issued a call for the abilities of the city to prepare for a tentative attack on the tide of insects.

On the other hand, Qin Wuhua divided the city defense team into three groups. After further enrollment, the city defense team already had 1. The first time to enter the battlefield was the rotation team. Others went to the temporary camp to rest, maintain physical strength, and be ready to fight.

Because the outbreak of the insect tide is too sudden, many hunters, including the City Guard and Wu Ye’s own guards, are out of the task as usual during the day. Many people are in a state of exhaustion. They went to fight and the effect was not good. However, the situation is urgent. According to the latest warnings of the system, they only have to deal with the tide of insects at most one day and one night. After more than 20 hours, the corpse will arrive in Yucheng. Once the two mixed and attacked, the city had almost no chance of being able to keep it.

After the news of the energy cover was announced in Yucheng, there were many more abilities in the land, and with the big awakening at the beginning of the year, the city has two generations of abilities, but the third-order abilities are obviously more than before. A lot.

The fire system is a series of awakening. At present, there are nearly 4,000 people in the fire system registered in Yucheng, although most of them are first- and second-order abilities, and there is no fourth-order, but reach three. There are still 312 people in the ranks. Among them, there are 20 people who have reached the third-order peak.

Wu Ye brought together the 20 people. Among them, Su Jianbang and He Dasheng were guards. In addition, 10 people were city guards, and the remaining 8 were registered hunters.

"... Wait a minute, I will let people open a battle window with a diameter of 8 cm on the energy cover. The old Su and the old He first combined their abilities. Be sure to keep the worms out of the energy cover. If not, immediately Opening, I will let the brain close the energy cover."

"Yes!" Su Jianbang and He Dasheng responded loudly. The two of them had a day out of work today, and when they returned to the city, their abilities had almost been drained. When they saw the strangeness, they didn't even eat rice, and directly absorbed the nucleus energy to restore their abilities. Fortunately, both of them have contracted beasts, which are quicker to recover, and have recovered more than half of their abilities.

The brain has been running at full speed, and it is monitored in real time according to the camera and sound device installed on the wall.

Su Jianbang and He Dasheng stood in front of the energy hood and began to drive the abilities to prepare for the battle. Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua stood on the side of them and were ready to remedy.

With the sound of Wu Ye, the brain of the brain controlled the energy cover, and the energy cover in front of Su Jianbang and He Dasheng became a little thinner, and finally became a hollow with a big bowl.

At the moment of the formation of the void, the two flames vacated from the hands of Su and He, and then quickly merged into a huge fire, whizzing away from the cave. A strong protein scorched smell came out, and the energy cover ignited thick black smoke.

Wu Ye opened the system monitoring and was able to clearly see that a large number of mutated flying insects were overwhelming, all swallowed by strong flames, some flying insects were directly burned to death, some of which were burnt out of the wings, and fell, but the blink of an eye There are hundreds of bugs or death or injury that have lost their fighting power. However, more worms may be attracted by the fire, perhaps provoked by the attack, forming a terrible ‘worm cloud’ madly countering the fire. Su and He obviously felt the pressure multiply and immediately turned the power to the extreme.

Qin Wuhua immediately shot, eight thunder snakes like a life to swim in the flames, a hollow, eight lightning snakes instantly melted into a grid of 100 meters square, the huge grid maintained in the air for half a minute, Numerous insects that hit the grid were directly roasted into coke.

However, after three minutes of persistence, the fire smashed under the attack of the 'worm cloud group', and the smaller and smaller the worms, the worms would enter from the hollows. Wu Ye took the initiative and let the brains close the battle window. The translucent energy cover around the cavity quickly extends into the cavity. In less than a second, the cavity disappears without a trace. The crazy 'worm cloud group' slams into the energy cover, and the energy cover glows with a white light. Lossless. Of course, that's just what it looks like on the surface. In fact, at the moment of the impact, the instrument consumes a lot of crystal nuclei.

When the window was closed, Su Jianbang and He Dasheng were soft on their legs and almost sat down on the ground. Just over three minutes ago, their abilities were almost exhausted. Qin Wuhua’s ability also consumes half of it.

[System, help me to count their battle data just now. Wu leaves directly to the system.

The system's icy mechanical sounds are directly reported: [killing 3000 non-grade mutant worms, 1500 first-order mutant worms. A total of 8,000 injured worms were injured. 】

auzw.comThe killing of mutant bugs is the same as killing zombies. The system rewards points, but the rewards for non-grade mutants are basically negligible. The first-level mutant bugs are only one-level zombies. Half of it. Just now Qin Wuhua killed those bugs and let Wu Ye have more 300 points on the control surface.

Although the consumption is huge, in just three minutes, more than 10,000 bugs lost their fighting power. Wu Ye felt that their combat plan should be feasible.

Next, Wu Ye took everyone to change a place to continue, and after reconsideration of the combat countermeasures, he let the brains open the battle window again. This time, Wu Ye let the four third-order peak abilities perform their abilities at the same time. Qin Wuhua shot again, and he took out the special weapons exchanged from the system at the price of double rockets, and they cooperated with each other. When the abilities stopped releasing their abilities, Wu Ye fired a special fuel bomb in the huge 'worm cloud'. The diameter 8 closed the energy hood, and the fuel bomb exploded into the worm cloud and exploded. The special fuel component was in the worm. A terrible fire was detonated in the tide.

This special component fuel, once stained, does not burn, never extinguishes, and the dense worm cloud becomes a huge fireball. The nature of some of the worms' lightening makes them fly to the fireball.

This hit, so that Wu Ye's control panel points continue to climb, after a few minutes, the points increase nbsp; properly is a brush.

From the tide of the insects to the present, Wu Ye finally found a little comfort.

If the price of the fuel bomb can be cheaper, he will be more happy.

Special rocket launcher 1. Crystal, just bought two less heart and liver pain. This kind of fuel bombing point is very fast, but the citrine in his hand is really not much. It has been hard to accumulate for half a year. In total, there are only more than 110 pieces of citrine. He originally intended to keep the practice of the future. Now he can only Take it out. Every time I use a bomb, I feel as if I can feel his heart and liver twitching.

Experiments have shown that after their battle plan is feasible, Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua immediately gathered the power abilities of the abilities and other abilities to gather on the wall.

They let the fire-powered abilities, with a group of 100 people, jointly exert their abilities and burn the insects. In addition, two hundred abilities were assisted by the side to assist in the battle, while killing the worms that entered the battle window.

Three hundred people stood on the wall of 5 meters wide at the same time, facing the battle window with a diameter of only 1 meter. The distance was too open, which was not conducive to exerting power. As a result, the abilities of the Earth abilities combined to build a huge ‘mudstone desk’, where the abilities formed a square team standing above and the battle window opened from their 30-degree angle.

Hundreds of fire abilities perform their abilities together to form a huge fire column, which will firmly block the battle window. The wind abilities will assist the battle, and use the abilities to speed up the flow of nearby air and fuel the fire. Other abilities are concentrating on destroying individual worms that fly in from the edge of the weaker fire pillar.

Wu Ye debugged the weapons, focused on the system monitoring, waiting for the power of the fire column to weaken, and the insect cloud was huge, and shouted, "Stop!"

The fire abilities took over the offensive, and two long fuel bombs were fired immediately. When the fuel bombs flew out of the energy hood, the brains closed the window smoothly. After the two fuel bombs flew into the worm cloud, they exploded, and millions of giant insect clouds became a terrible sea of ​​fire. The horrible hum of the worms was deafening. The versatile hunters hunted into the hood of the energy hood at the moment the attack stopped.

The integral data on the system control panel is constantly rising, and the system chips are a little excited and slightly hot.

The recoil of the special rocket is very amazing. Rao Wu and Qin Wuhua both reached the fifth stage. At the same time, they also practiced the "Basic Breathing Method", but they were able to control themselves and their shoulders were shivering.

With the fire abilities as the main force, all abilities continue to drain and recover. Because of the limited amount of fuel bombs that can be exchanged, Wu Ye had to wait until the insect cloud was so large that he launched an attack to obtain the maximum attack effect.

Everyone continued to fight until the afternoon of the next day. Wu Ye brushed nearly five million points, and the original insects that had covered the sky had become sparse. The commanders in the bugs probably already realized that the city was a hard bone, and they were reluctant to lose the soldiers. They led the remaining soldiers and chose to leave the north to find the next target.

Wu Ye is still too late to breathe, even without a system to remind him, he can use the telescope to see the black pressure of the corpse has arrived, nearly a few kilometers away...

In the corpse, there are still a lot of big heads.

At this time, the system again issued a mandatory task: [hunting the five-level fusion infected zombies. 】

I am qaq!

The author has something to say: This is the number 24, the 25th double, what? Oh, don't say, the baby is going to sleep, so sleepy ~~~

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