End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 211: Year-end closing (on)

"Mr. Xin, this is the crystal nucleus that I have received recently. The details are here. Look at it." The director of the Beijing City Residents Office of the Yucheng Savings Office handed a tablet brain to the young people in front of him. Young people look at no more than 28 years old, and the five senses are plain and ordinary.

Yang’s supervisor, who has already had some foundations in the settlements of the capital, did not dare to neglect him. He was joking. Mr. Xin is the crystal nucleus transporter and intelligence liaison who is hand-picked by the deputy city master. He is directly responsible to the city owner and the deputy city owner. Listening to the characters, Ba Jie is too late, the fool will go to offend.

Mr. Xin’s whereabouts are secret and good at easyness. Every time he comes alone, he escorted the nucleus but never made a problem. His strength is unfathomable.

Mr. Xin was silent and the last supervisor paid him a bribe. He was not polite to receive the ceremony, and the position of the supervisor fell to his head. Since then, he did not know what happened in other settlements. He did not dare to think about this Mr. Xin’s head. The number of meetings has been many. He found that Mr. Xin is not a particularly difficult person to get along with. As long as he is doing his job well, Mr. Xin will report it truthfully.

In the past two years, as long as he provided valuable information to Mr. Xin, he will receive a generous reward. There are both material rewards and contribution points. He can quickly become the fourth grade of Yucheng in the capital of Beijing. Citizens rely on these rewards.

Yang’s supervisor thought of this and his face became more respectful.

What he didn't know was that Mr. Xin, who was kind and unobtrusive, was disguised by the lord and his lord.

In order to avoid people's eyes and ears, Wu Ye exchanged a medium-level biological easy-to-capacity mask with the system at a high price. This mask can adjust the face at will, and I can change what I want. The intermediate mask also comes with the function of adjusting the sound. Come, Wu Ye can use the system to transfer the door between the settlements without any doubt.

Wu Ye took over the brain, opened the ‘savings’ icon, entered the highest administrator account and password, and the background data quickly appeared in front of him in the form of a table. After a few glances, he compared the data of previous years and found that the sales of materials and the number of crystal exchanges in the same period have dropped by more than 20%.

The days of the settlements in Beijing were very difficult. In the turn of the seven-level zombies and corpse tides, the survivors died and left, and the population dropped by more than 5 million. This data has not been removed this year. The number of survivors who moved to the capital around the city. From more than 40 million survivors from four years ago, there are only less than 20 million survivors left. The more than 5 million people who dropped sharply this year are definitely not a small number.

If you calculate this sharply reduced 'consumer', the sales and exchanges for the same period are basically the same as last year.

Wu Ye sent the data to the little prince he carried with him, then quit the system login, handed the tablet brain to Yang, and then asked: "Is there any new situation in Beijing recently?"

Yang is one of the heads of intelligence assigned by Wu Ye in Beijing. At present, the intelligence department headed by Qin Wuhua will allocate a certain amount of crystal nucleus to him as an activity fund. He uses these crystal nucleus and the branch of the Yucheng Savings Office. The identity of the person in charge of the long-term material dispatching constantly meets with the upper-class figures in the capital, collects the news and information circulating in the upper-class society, analyzes and grasps the intentions of the high-level leaders of the city as much as possible, and reports to Mr. Xin.

Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua have this information, it is easier to judge who in the capital can form an alliance and who needs to be prepared.

In order to grasp the news more comprehensively and directly, Yang is only one of the main intelligence personnel they have placed in the capital. When Qin Wuhua was identified by Li, and the city became stronger, he would contact the old department and several other warlords in Beijing. The military has inserted the corresponding nails, and the hunters, ordinary laborers, and management have also taken some money with their money offensives. These people will sort out the information they collected and hand them over to them. principal. The responsible persons then handed over the integrated information to the intelligence officers sent by Yucheng.

The intelligence officer is not only Mr. Xin, who is disguised by Wu Ye. He just took the information when he went to the various gathering places to collect the nucleus. The main responsibility for transmitting the information was the guards or guards who often went to the various settlements to sell the materials.

Yang executive took a special encrypted chip from the underwear bag and handed it to Wu Ye. He said: "Recently, Li Jia has been active again in the capital. There is exact information that Li Jia seems to have developed a success rate of more than 75%. The ability to stimulate the drug, as well as the success rate of 100% of the ability to enhance the pharmacy, Beijing, in addition to Feng Jiadu are very interested in these two agents. Li family waiting for the price and 暄闵, Li Wei frequently come to Beijing in the past three months, a few The top executives tried to win over him. I heard that a senior executive sent a store in Lijia, and will sell some materials in the future. Which is the top executive, but I haven’t figured it out yet. However, this time is for our mall. The movements were obviously more and more. We sent a few letters to let us shut down and rectify. It was Feng’s block for us. I suspect that Li’s family should be bad behind.

If the Li family continues to grow bigger, then those who unite together, I am worried that the Feng family will want to help us and be powerless. ”

Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua have been opening up the market of Europa in the past few months. Feng Yu took the caravan to the city several times to find him. He did not find anyone. The specific situation can only be told first. After Wu Ye returned to the city, he also listened to Ji Xiang.

In the beginning, he did not pay much attention to the alliance formed by this kind of interest. He is very optimistic that after the nuclear power converter, crystal nucleus engine, and crystal nuclear weapon will be listed one by one next year, those high-level leaders will turn around and conclude an unbreakable interest chain with him, but Li’s actions are faster than he expected. Hey, after discovering special fusion infected people in the high-rises of various large settlements, Wu Ye found that his previous thoughts were too naive.


There are remedies for the treatment of these special fusion infections, and the price is too high to be ridiculous. Once these treatments are injected, the power of the special fusion infected people will disappear through the banned drugs, even if they are originally abilities. After using the medicine, it will become an ordinary person.

In the end of the precarious night, power is definitely more addictive than any kind of drug, get strength, taste the sweetness brought by power, and let them do it back to ordinary people, it is definitely more uncomfortable than killing them.

When the side effects do not reach the peak, in those people's eyes, you give them pharmacy instead of harming them. This kind of unrewarding thing, Wu Ye is impossible to do, and there are not so many points to do.

The only thing he can do is to curb the source, prevent the incident from continuing to develop, and prevent the Li family from continuing to blame the ignorant people.

It is not difficult to use the system to collect some of the best information in the Lijia Secret Research Institute. As long as these materials are exposed to the top and the public, it is difficult for Li to think that it will not become a target.

Even if you want to gain strength, no one wants to be controlled. In the end, you completely lose your mind and become a marionette in the hands of others.

"You will arrange it right away and find me a quiet place outside the city. I am useful."

Yang’s supervisor did not dare to ask, and quickly nodded: “Yes!”

When Yang’s supervisor went out to arrange things, Wu Ye did not stay too much, and inspected the face and drove away the crystal nucleus that Yang’s supervisor had prepared for him. He drove directly away from the capital of Beijing. After leaving the city, he parked the small truck in a quiet and unmanned place. After confirming that there was no one around the system through the system monitoring, he first took out a modified military version of the off-road vehicle hidden in the space ring. Then take the pickup truck in.

After getting on the bus, Wu Ye turned his hand on an inconspicuous copper-colored hollow ring. After a flash of light on his face, Wu Ye carefully took off a mask that was almost transparent and thin like a silkworm. He put the mask on the ring. The mask quickly shrinks to the size of the rice grain, and is embedded in the hollow of the ring. For a moment, the mask becomes a grain of rice that is easy to melt into a single color, and there is no trace of hollowing out.

Wu Ye took the mask of Yi Rong into the space ring, and took a set of clothes out of the ring and put it on. The temperature in the winter of Beijing was colder than that of Europa, reaching a temperature of minus 20 or 30 degrees. The wind was fierce, Wu Ye did not dare to play handsome. He wore a thick polar winter suit and replaced it with a thick-soled military boot. He wrapped himself into a sphere and drove back to Beijing.

After Wu Yeyi Road passed the security check of the Jingcheng City Gate, the city immediately opened Feng Yu’s phone.

Less than a week is the New Year. Feng Yu had already returned the last batch of freight back to Beijing a few days ago. He had planned to wait until the year later to go to Yucheng to find Wu Ye to talk about Li’s business. I did not expect Wu Ye. Instead, I found him first.

The two met in Feng Yu's small villa. When Wu Ye arrived, Feng Yu was ready to give him a catering banquet. The screened back Feng family arranged a helper Auntie, Feng Yu personally gave Wu Ye a glass of wine: "Wu Shao, this cold day, you also personally ran a trip, it is really hard, Fengmou first do it!"

Wu Ye also took the wine glass and sipped the white wine in the cup. The warm spirits went down, and a hot air rushed to the brain. Wu Ye immediately felt that the body was warm and a lot, with Feng Yu, a half table wine After the belly, Feng Yu finally could not help but cut into the topic.

"Wu Shao, Li Jia, you must already know what to do, what should we do next?"

Wu Ye hooked up the lips, and the beautiful doll's face showed two lovely dimples: "Is this not going to be a New Year? After two days, you will let General Feng hold a fraternity, and bring all of them to the scene. I will ask them to watch a good show."

Feng Yuyi knew that there was a play and asked: "Is it only a few of them, or?"

"Of course, the more people, the better." Wu Ye picked up the glass and slightly narrowed his eyes, dare to bully his family, Qin, hehe. (╯‵□')╯(┻━┻通通揍平!

The author has something to say: bless all the bachelors who are the same as the ones, and they are happy to see that this chapter is actually a bachelor. It’s good to say hahaha, it’s really destined to be lonely forever~~~

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