End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 212: Year-end closing (middle)

Feng family and Li family are similar to the waters of the previous generation. After the end of the world, everyone is according to the capital. The conflict of interest between them is not too much. Finally, Li’s secret exposure reveals the loss of Zhao Wang’s settlement. Feng’s family is awkward. The city's good allies have emerged in the remaining nine warlords. As a result, there has been a tendency to lead. The Li family has returned and the Feng family is not in a hurry.

As early as after the Li family held the contest, those who received the pharmacy-related pharmacy rewards, Feng family faintly discovered that there was an undercurrent in the capital. Sure enough, not long after, the Li Wei brothers used the caravan trade as a scorpion to travel to the capital from time to time. Gradually, some high-level officials changed their wind direction. I did not know what agreement was reached with Li Jia and began to secretly confront Feng Jia and Yucheng.

Li’s high-profile launch of their various versatile pharmacies has attracted a lot of attention. If they let them develop, it is only a matter of time before Li’s return to Beijing.

To this end, he specially went to Yucheng to personally look for Wu Ye to discuss countermeasures. As a result, Wu Ye actually took people to the mainland of Europa. He had planned to go to Yucheng after the Spring Festival, and did not want Wu Ye to come over himself, but he was very confident in solving the matter.

Feng Yu has only one service word for Wu Ye.

The matter was almost the same, Feng Yu curiously inquired about the situation in the continent of Europa.

Wu Ye automatically skipped a series of actions on his continent in Europa, saying that he really was just a rescue in the past. For example, Feng Yu did not know that Wu Ye had space abilities, but he really thought that Less consciousness has broken through the sky, and it has been smashed. I don’t know if it’s more than a drink, and I’m watching the two little faces of the baby’s face.

Full of satiated food, Wu Ye was full of Feng Yu's small villa, Feng Yuma went to find his grandfather to discuss the association.

Wu Ye drove the car to another small villa a few hundred meters away. This house was personally nominated by Feng’s father, and he and his men came to Beijing to live in it. Usually, the Yang supervisor will send people to clean up regularly, and the interior is very clean. Wu Ye parked the car into the garage and used the system to confirm that no one had touched the hands and feet.

The rabbit boss has already adapted to his master and suddenly disappeared. Seeing Wu Ye appear in the living room, he is not surprised. The little guy spit out the peel in his mouth, and diligently ran to the second few feet, and the fat head pleaded.

Wu Ye took it up and shook his fingers and banged his head and asked, "What about your mother?"

The rabbit's boss's fore paws didn't scream at the forehead, and the second few cheeks were screwed from behind. A low-pitched magnetic sounded with some helpless voices. "And bully the rabbit boss, but also talked indiscriminately." It is better than the most tender tofu, and feels reluctant to move it. Daqin suspects that he has skin hunger more than once.

Two less twisted heads tried to avoid Daqin's hand, and then threw the rabbit boss out, while taking off the thick polar winter clothes, while justifiably said: "I have a chaos, rabbit boss, you said I have to be right? ”

The rabbit boss has been able to understand some simple words. The little guy heard the owner say 'I don't right', even if I don't understand what the previous two sentences mean, I still have a very good fat head, and I am a little serious. The charming little eyes, successfully laughed at the two Shao and Daqin.

"Look, the rabbit boss nodded!"

Daqin squeezed the cheeks of the two, and smiled: "Naughty."

"Paws are taken away, go and give me a cup of juice, and I will die of my thirst." Wu Ye untied the scarf and wrapped it in a group of clothes and threw it on the sofa.

Daqin put down his hand and asked quietly: "Who is a wine, who is drinking with him today?" He said, he went to the coffee table, picked up the glass, and poured a whole cup of freshly squeezed watermelon juice into it. Handed to Wu Ye.

Wu Ye Dawei sat on the sofa and sipped two big mouths before he put down the cup and said, "Who else, Feng Yuxi. As we expected, Li Jia really has a big move in Beijing."

In recent days, Wu Ye has been collecting information from the major settlements to collect crystal nuclei. Since the discovery of other high- and medium-sized settlements, there have also been special fusion infections. He and Qin Wuhua have guessed that Li Jia is behind the ghosts. According to this, they speculated that the movement of Li’s family in the capital was absolutely small, and it turned out that it was not.

"What are you going to do?" Qin Wuhua asked for a frown in the glass.


“Li’s family is preparing to open a pharmacy store in Beijing. Feng Yu said that they have at least signed a covenant with more than three Beijing warlords, and they have been concentrating on the large-scale development of special fusion infected people under their control. Fortunately, once those special fusion infected people lose their senses, the consequences are unimaginable. Therefore, I hope that this time is best to be able to do it once and for all."

The special fusion infected person combines both the d virus and a part of the gene fragment of the mutant insect. In the early stage of infection, they can rely on the two to bring powerful power, and at the same time, do not spread the malignant variant d virus like zombies, however, Over time, the d virus and the mutant worm gene will invade the human body a little bit, slowly transforming people from the inside out into adult monsters that are not ghosts. In order to suppress this change, we must rely on constant consumption of special drugs, but the drugs can only inhibit the inability to cure. These special fusion infected people will gradually lose their senses and become monsters that only know **** and eat, just like zombies. It is more lethal than zombies.

Yucheng has the most advanced parasitic test agents, which can accurately test special fusion infections, but the test agents in other settlements simply cannot reach this level. In order to save inspection costs, many settlements even if they provided them with a formula for testing drugs, they did not use them, and instead used some simple and cheap means.

Before the emergence of mutated parasites in the city, the city created an energy mask to cover the city, and with the use of parasitic test agents, the city was very 'clean' at the beginning, almost no mutant parasites. Other settlements, which were purchased directly or leased to the energy hood at the end of this year, were directly outside, and the city was infiltrated by mutated parasites. In this case, the top executives even think that it is the same to use the parasitic test agent. Of course, in order to prevent the parasitic parasites from spreading and spreading in the city, they will still do the basic parasitic tests.

However, this kind of basic test can't detect the special fusion infected person. Li family is using this empty space to continually induce the survivors to use their medicines through a means of almost spreading. Once these agents are used and become special fusion infections, they will be limited by the fact that the drugs must obey the Li family. After the late alienation, these special fusion infected people will directly obey them like worms and zombies. Infected person. At that time, the Li family can have a lot of cruel, killing, and fearless deaths without any effort.

According to the information provided by the system, these special fusion infected persons will develop to a later stage and will be more harmful than the fusion zombies and mutant insects.

After the end of the power contest, Wu Ye has been busy to explore the Europa market. There is no time to stare at the Li family and other settlements. Fortunately, Li’s current production of limited quantities of drugs is limited and develops and lurks. The special fusion of other settlements is also limited, as long as they are actively taking measures, it will not lead to a major disaster.

After telling Qin Wuhua the information collected by Yang and Feng Yu, Wu Ye said: "I intend to start directly from the capital. As long as the capital has a movement, other settlements will naturally move."

The settlements in the capital and the large and medium-sized settlements in the localities are inextricably linked. It is plainly said that in addition to Yucheng and Zhaowang, the other settlements are not the survival of the capital of Yangjing City, between the high-level forces. The relationship is complicated.

Qin Wuhua nodded in agreement with Wu Ye’s thoughts. “I will accompany you to Beijing to deal with this matter.” Finally, can you shake Li’s behemoth?

Qin Wuhua flashed the militant friendly brother who died in the trap mission, and the fierce phoenix eyes flashed through the road.

In the afternoon, Qin Wuhua took 30 of his escorts and flew directly to Beijing on a safe plane.

Wu Ye used the portal function to advance one step in advance. With the help of Feng Jia, a special fusion infected person with 3 degrees of infection was quietly caught in the city and closed into the isolation room of the Fengjia Research Institute.

In the process of arresting, Feng Yu has found that these people are not right.

Wu Ye asked the system to exchange the injection-type catalytic agent. Feng Jia found several normal people to come over and injected the medicine together for the control test. The whole process was recorded by the brain.

One hour after the injection of the catalytic agent, there was no change in the normal person, and the special fusion infected person began to redden the eyes, and the emotion became extremely anxious;

After two hours, the normal person still has no change, the infected person begins to control the violent snoring, the terrible blue-purple insects appear on the surface of the skin, and at the same time become extremely aggressive, craving for raw meat plasma;

After five hours, the normal person still has no change. The skin of the infected person is completely festered. Instead, a thin layer of insects is replaced. The hands and feet begin to be limbized. The whole head is distorted and deformed, and obvious insect characteristics appear. At the same time, Their strengths have become extremely incomparable, and the hard nails have left a long stretch of scratches in the tightly-closed all-steel isolation room, and the surveillance personnel are frightened by CCTV;

Twelve hours later, in addition to the spirit of the detained, the normal person is all normal. The special fusion person has completely disappeared from the face and turned into a non-human and non-worm monster, completely losing his mind.

After Qin Wuhua took the guards, he immediately assisted Feng to do the experiment and cleaned up the special fusion infected people in the Feng family. Wu Ye used the monitoring function of the system to start the internal test data of the Li family. The content of the information was that Wu Ye had been in the last days and still felt shocked.

Two days later, Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua prepared all the information. The Feng family's banquet was also sent to the hands of every big man in the capital. An insignificant small caravan quietly left the capital and went straight to the Zhaowang settlement... ...

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