End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 220: 'beauty'

In the past two years, the factories in Yucheng and Lishui have become more and more, half of them are officially operated, and half are in the name of Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua. The factories in Yucheng are mainly producing medicine, daily necessities and grain processing. In the light industry, the heavy industry that mainly uses weapons, machinery and ore refining is produced on the other side of the river. Therefore, the Lishui Industrial Zone is more meticulous and strict in terms of personnel arrangement and safety management.

The crystal nuclear weapons plant was built in the settlement of Lishui, close to the original military factory. Unlike the original military factory, the crystal nuclear weapons plant no longer relies on natural gas wells. The energy used for alloy smelting from weapons to sanding is derived from modified crystal nucleation machinery, which is only as strong as conventional energy.

The energy on the side of the water is mainly based on natural gas, followed by solar energy, and finally coal, diesel and gasoline transported from other settlements.

The gas well in Surabaya was originally an old gas well in a semi-removed state, and the gas supply is becoming insufficient. The solar energy of this plane has been applied to the industry in large quantities, but the solar panels are not enough, and there are more than one hundred solar generators. It is difficult for the women to be able to cope with the increasing use of electricity and solar energy. The energy provided is also stretched. With the constant evolution of zombies and bugs, the caravans are very difficult to get to and from the base. If you are not careful, you will face the danger of being wiped out by the whole army. Therefore, you are more willing to sell tobacco, alcohol, medicine and cosmetics than with bulky and heavy trades. Supplies and the like are easy to carry luxury goods with high value.

Of course, there are also energy-type settlements under pressure to survive, and they have to set up large caravans to trade energy fuels in exchange for food, weapons and other household items.

The coal and fuel used in Yucheng and Lishui were exchanged for grain before, and the caravans from outside were actively transported, and the caravans in Yucheng were exchanged from outside. The value of coal is low, and the caravans that went out of the city will not waste energy for them. They are basically transported by the outside caravans. The value of fuel is high, but the output is not good. It is basically only enough for transportation to transport back to Yucheng and Lishui. After completion, it has to carry out certain strategic reserves, so that there is not much left, unless it is necessary to take fuel. Used in industry.

At the end of the zombies, the nucleus energy undoubtedly solved the problem of industrial energy consumption to the greatest extent. It is no exaggeration to say that nucleus energy has opened the fourth industrial revolution in the true sense of this plane, if not costly. It is so exciting to let the human society fall apart completely, the millions of souls are devastated, and the vast environment of the entire planet is almost completely changed.

"The city owner, this is our best product of this time." Huang Qianmu's eyes are light and pick up one of the silver shapes that resembles the super killer in the Barre weapon. This makes Huang Qianmu love the hand to the crown. The beauty of the nickname nucleus sniper rifle is a true artifact.

7mm bullets, low noise, can attack light vehicles from a long distance. Now, you can also kill four-level zombies at close range, effectively harming the five-level zombies, and are regarded as a defending weapon by each settlement. It is extremely precious. Less than two years, however, compared with 'beautiful'>

First of all, the 'beauty' has a precise range of 3.5 kilometers and an effective range of 4.5 kilometers. The 'beauty' is equipped with a miniature brain-analysis system. The brain can effectively assist the attack and further enhance the accuracy of the attack, even if it is rough. People can also do things without fail. These are not the most powerful places. The most powerful part of the 'beauty' is that its bullets can easily kill the four-level zombies at a distance of about 4 kilometers, effectively harming the five-level zombies, and can penetrate the five levels within a distance of less than 2 kilometers. The zombie's brain, within a distance of 500 meters, can effectively harm the six-level zombies that have been stunned by countless survivors.

Unlike ordinary sniper rifles, 'beauty' has a very powerful burst function, which can send up to 30 rounds of 'bullet' at a time without generating a change in the temperature of the recoil barrel. It will not exceed 10 degrees Celsius. As the energy core, the four-level zombie huangjing can launch 50 bullets, and can load up to 8 citrines at a time, that is, fill the citrine, and the 'beauty' can fire 400 bullets.

It is no wonder that the function of horror is so horrible that Huang Meimu is just like a wife. She wants to hold it twenty-four hours a day. In order to compete for the trial rights and protection rights of ‘beauty’, Huang Qianmu and Zheng Daping’s two good friends almost turned into a hate.

The meaning of ‘beauty’ is not only its horrible killing ability, but its birth means that ordinary people can also kill the fourth and fifth zombies, and the more powerful abilities of the abilities will be even more powerful.

The abilities of Huang Qianmu and Zheng Daping have successively reached the fifth-order intermediate level and junior level under the unremitting efforts. They only serve as ordinary members of the patriarchs without the various skills and techniques provided by Wu Ye friendship to kill the four-level zombies. The five-level zombies of the same level are particularly difficult, especially when faced with the five-level fusion of zombies. However, since the ‘beautiful’, the special forces were born with two guns that were not weak, and one shot of a four-level zombie was not too cool. It’s easier to shoot a radish than a radish.

Even if you deal with the five-level fusion zombies, you won't run as before. If the ‘beautiful’ is out, even if it is a five-level fusion zombie, it will only be flat and let them touch the body. It is simply not cool! In conjunction with the use of abilities, the two of them also worked together to turn over a six-level zombie yesterday. They screamed and screamed 'Qian Xin' Zhao Qianyu's life-savings' when they encountered a six-level zombie. In a moment, they turned over and turned the serf to sing. Sour and refreshing.

Looking at Wu Ye’s fluttering and not paying attention to picking up 'beautiful people', Huang Qianmu and Zheng Daping subconsciously reached out and looked at the 'beautiful' with their eyes, fearing the claws of Wu Ye’s white tender meat. One did not take it and gave it to the ground and broke it. In fact, the ‘beautiful’ made with special alloys will not hurt when it comes to crushing heavy tanks hundreds of times.

Wu Ye’s love for guns only comes from the man’s instinct. After trading with Daniel so many arms and seeing all kinds of hot weapons, this kind of love is naturally linked to money, so in Wu Ye’s eye. The best guns in the market are also commodities that can be measured by value. Since it is a commodity that can be quantified by value, then more love will be limited.

Qin Wuhua is not the same as him. For more than a decade of military career, guns have become the most important partner in his life. No matter how busy he is, Qin Wuhua will never forget to maintain his guns. Wu Xiaoye, the lazy guy, always came back home and only loved to love each other with the little prince. Using his **** technique to make the blame over and over again, the maintenance of guns naturally became the work of Daqin.

When Da Qin, who had a tendency to love guns, saw the ‘beautiful’, he was almost sucked away from most of his mind. As calm as he did, he said urgently to Wu Ye; “Show me.”


Wu Ye raised his hand and threw the 'beauty' into the arms of Daqin. He smiled unconsciously: "I like it when you like it." According to the system, the 'beauty' is just a threshold for entering the intermediate-level nuclear weapons. Potholes, but if he really wants, he can't afford it. It's rare that Daqin also has two eyes to shine.

Daqin took the ‘beautiful’ and touched it. The gentleness of the eyes quickly caught up with the time of the second Shaoshun Mao. The mouth was full of praise. “Good, yes, it’s a good guy.”

The disappointment of Huang Qianmu and Zheng Daping’s eyes quickly overflowed, staring at the five words of 'be envious and hateful’ on the face of the beauty.

Wu Ye was amused by the expressions of both of them. He couldn't help but laugh: "Look at your point of interest. The next batch of ‘beauty’ is produced and you will be left with two, but are you ready for the banquet of 娶美人?”

Huang Qianmu whispered his face and said: "The daughter-in-law has already been lame. The city mainly does not marry the beauty to me this time?" Huang Qianmu is the deputy head of Lishui. The owner of the city, the salary is very considerable, as a standard bachelor, three meals a day are solved in the Guard, no bad habits, his usual extravagant consumption is just to buy two packs of cigarettes and drink, hand There are a lot of crystal nucleus in it.

Wu Ye said seriously: "Are you sure you want to grab your head?"

Zheng Daping is not afraid of Taigao when he is watching a movie. He said: "Is it really big wood, do you really want to grab the beauty with your head?" He said, he also specifically pointed to Wu Ye’s aiming, followed by Wu Ye. The guards who came over immediately expressed their feelings, and they all picked up. Qian Xin’s big door was so quick that he gave the roof.

Qin Wuhua looked up and looked at Huang Qianmu with no expression. "Do you really want it?"

Huang Qianmu instantly remembered that he had punishd him for 30 kilometers of heavy-duty running, and he did not give food to eat, and he was tempered by his devil instructor. His legs and stomach were soft and soft, and he smiled and said: "Thinking. If I want to, but I want to see something in my head, next time, I will wait for the next time." He said that he couldn’t help but blinked Zheng Daping. It’s not a thing, he’s just private. The two city owners are doing well, and there is no other meaning. He even said nonsense in the face of the city owner and the head, and then find him to settle the bill later!

Zheng Daping unambiguously squats back, sour thinking, a color embryo, deserve it!

After a brief rush, everyone regained their gaze on the weapons.

Beyond the expectations of Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua, the first batch of crystal nuclear weapons produced a total of 2,000 crystal nucleus pistols and 3,000 imitation ak47 nucleus rifles in addition to the nucleus sniper rifle that reached the intermediate crystal nuclear weapon standard. Twelve-door crystal nuclear cannons, as well as 240 powerful single-armed nucleus rocket launchers are still in active production.

It is worth mentioning that the military experts have also developed nucleus grenades, which are similar to ordinary hand-held grenades. The internal energy placement is smaller than that of ordinary low-grade crystal nucleus, but the power is very large. The power of the crystal nuclear grenades is equivalent to the power of 5-10 ordinary grenades, but the shortcomings are also very obvious - although the performance is stable and powerful, but the structure is complex and expensive, the current output is only enough for emergency, temporarily unable to supply bulk .

In addition, this time, we also developed and produced some powerful nucleus bombs. Like the crystal grenade, it is still only enough for emergency. If we want to achieve mass production, we have to wait for further research and development improvements in the future.

Just like this, Wu Ye is quite satisfied.

The military experts have made great efforts to transform and produce four perfect crystal nucleus gun production lines. Under the condition of abundant materials, these production lines can be put into production and can produce thousands of low-level crystal nucleus guns per day. It will not take long for each of the city’s city defense teams. The guards can all have a crystal nucleus gun. Not to mention how much bullet money can be saved, just on the value of force, Yucheng will rise more than one level overall, and it will be just around the corner and even surpassing the capital's super settlement.

The guards took the nucleus gun and couldn’t wait to find a place to use. Wu Ye played a small crystal pistol with a rich smile on his face, and the two beautiful dimples on the cheeks look good. Extremely, "Da Qin, what do you say is the price of this batch of goods sold and sold?" The brilliant peach eyes stared at the silver-white crystal nucleus gun in his hand, as if he saw a bunch of fans stalking and flying over him. Small crystal nucleus, the picture is simply beautiful.

Daqin’s mind was all on the powerful ‘beautiful’, and it’s rare to look at Wu Xiaoye and ask: “What did you just say?”

Wu Xiaoye looked up at Daqin, and then looked at the 'beauty' touched by Daqin Wenyou. The cheeks of the meat swelled at the speed visible to the naked eye, and the heart was sour and sloppy - the **** (╯‵□')╯ (┻━┻.

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