End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 221: try out

Although the nucleus rifle is far from the 'beautiful' powerful, it can send hundreds of bullets in a row, and it can cause fatal damage to the four-level zombies within 200 meters. The power is better than the ordinary assault rifle that can't be broken even with the four-level fusion zombie skin. A lot more. The ‘beautiful’ let Daqin give up, and the guards can’t touch it, they can only take rifles and fire.

The zombies outside the settlement of Surabaya are considered to be bad luck today.

Originally, the location of Surabaya is remote, surrounded by mountains, and there are cliffs everywhere. I don’t care to fall down and fall into the brain. I will be killed on the spot. The worst thing is that the limbs are crushed and shattered. The heads that can't be called out, even the mutant bugs are not willing to parasitize, and finally let the mountain mutant beasts or mutant plants give a leak. It’s hard to rule out the hardships to get to the settlements of Lishui. People also have energy covers to cover them. The cold guns on the walls are so smashing. The big guys can’t make more money, it’s like a thousand mountains and waters. People send crystal nuclei. Occasionally there is a high level of what the five or six zombies lead the team to be better when they are headed, how much luck can pick up some food.

Like today, there is a six-level fusion zombie boss. I can’t see the original shape of the animal body with two rows of sharp feet under the abdomen and a thick, shiny metal tail, licking the dead gray eyes. Yang Tian’s voice was both mighty and arrogant, and the zombie army had not had time to get excited. First, several grenade bombarded the younger brothers around the boss, and then a huge power grid lowered the action of the boss from the sky. The silver stream is shining, the boss is hung up, and the boss is hanging like this! Peat, it’s just too special, it’s a zombie, there’s a wood!

The group of corpse giant earthquakes, but unfortunately not for the human armed forces, but the boss's crystal nucleus is too tempted, everyone can not resist and will fight to kill each other. The unorganized and undisciplined end is that I don’t know which thief’s brain is a smasher’s head, and the fish smashed the fish and stole the nucleus of the boss. (╯‵□′)╯(┻━┻

The cranio of 'filling the belly' slid quietly into an inconspicuous corner. After receiving the signal from the brain, the brain of the energy hood opened a mouth that could only pass through it. The cranial number swayed into the energy. After the hood, the opening disappeared invisibly in an instant, because the curious corpse fish behind the cranial **** slammed into the energy hood, and the little feet did not control the force and direction for a while, and slammed a dog to eat. Suddenly there was a flash of light, and the head of the zombie fish exploded. The mutant worm that had parasitized inside it climbed halfway out of its corpse and then lay down miraculously. And their fat, translucent body also showed a sense of twist after burning.

That's right, this is another peculiar thing about crystal nuclear weapons.

Ordinary bullets are designed to smash the brain's central nervous system by destroying the brain's central nervous system and eventually achieve the goal of 'killing' the dead zombies. This kind of attack can effectively destroy the zombies, but there is no way for the mutant worms that are parasitic in the infected infected zombies. As long as the worms of the cockroaches perceive the death of the zombies, they can quickly rush into the underground, or hide in the zombie body somewhere, waiting for humans to dig the nucleus and wait for a sneak attack to find a new host.

Until now, Yucheng has only tested parasitic medicinal agents, and there are no agents to expel parasitic worms. Once parasitized, hunters often have only one dead end, which forced hunters to be careful and even hot. The weather will also try to wrap themselves up tightly, which increases their excess burden and does not say that a little inattention will also be tricked. Once the move is done, there is no second way to choose.

As a result, the nucleation of the nucleus has become a dangerous occupation with high mortality. For the sake of their own little hunters, hunters are looking for some ordinary people with weaker physical fitness to dig their nucleus. This has given birth to the new industry of 'professional diggers', with more and more mutated worms. The industry is developing quite strongly in many settlements.

Yucheng is in a stage of rapid development. Construction, planting, factories, etc. provide a large number of jobs. The wages and salaries are not a problem compared with the end of the world. Maintaining basic life is not a problem. Therefore, unless you urgently need to spend money, the citizens of Yucheng are very Less to apply for this high-risk occupation. When the diggers are cold, the hunters can only be kissed. Fighting with the zombies for many years, the hunters who lived to the present are all sly characters. Unless there is an unexpected situation or a very powerful zombie, the hunters who simply die under the zombie mouth are getting fewer and fewer, but In the face of the ever-evolving mutant worms, there are more and more parasitic hunters, and the mortality rate is the highest.

Crystal nuclear weapons can be said to be the perfect solution to the problem of mutant worms.

Unlike ordinary alloy bullets and brass bullets, the 'bullet' emitted by the nucleus gun is essentially a pure energy body extracted from the nucleus. This energy is between the laser and the electric energy, in contact with the target. In an instant, you can rely on conductive media to spread around the target.

Although the worms are very adaptable to the environment, they are very difficult to deal with, but their bodies are far from the level of invulnerability. Fire and electric boiling can effectively kill them.

The nucleus bullet can burst a strong current at the moment of hitting the target. The small piece like the zombie fish is directly blown up. The larger, lower-level human zombies can also properly roast a tender outer coke. The mutated worms in the body of the zombies are even less active.

Mutant worms also have different levels of evolution. The lower the level of worms, the less they are tossed, and the level of zombies that are parasitic by them is not too high, and the less protection they can provide, so that even the nucleus rifle confronts The limit is only a four-level fusion of zombies, enough to kill parasitic worms in their bodies.

Although the evolution rate of zombies is faster than that of humans, the middle and high level zombies above the fifth level (excluding the fifth level) are still very few, and all add up to less than one-fifth of the total number of zombies. The real main force Still a third-level zombie and a quasi-fourth-level zombie. And this is the effective hunting range of the crystal nucleus.

"It's too energetic!" Qian Xin couldn't help but wipe the crystal rifle in his hand and excited. After his level of abilities rose, the main target of hunting was the 4th and 6th-level zombies. The ordinary sniper rifle could not be effective. Injury them. Many times, he either uses a single rocket launcher or uses an abilities. He hasn’t used a gun for some days. He used a nucleus rifle to shoot four small giants at close range and watched them fall one by one. I don't think it's cool.

A glimpse of Daqin’s shot killed a six-level zombie. Qian Xin couldn’t help but want to touch a 'beauty'. I don’t know how cool it is, but unfortunately, for those of them, this life is absolutely Two things that are unwilling to let others touch, one is that the wife is the old gun on the back, and I want the head to give him the 'beauty'. It’s better to wait for the next batch of beauty to be released.

However, the beauty is not so easy to be born. For this beauty, the military factory does not know how much material is spent, and how many semi-finished products are scrapped. He is not stationed in the water, no one knows better than him. No, I have to follow the head for a while, no, or the boss, anyway, the head is also a strong wife in the middle of the country to count the words he listens to the boss, first to the boss to report a sound, it is best to pay a deposit or something, must be guaranteed first娶 'To the next beauty, um, it’s such a happy decision!

Qian Xin has been exhausting the energy of the eight citrines from the wall. When he went to Wuye to pay the deposit, he had already had a group of people in advance to pay the money.


Qaq, peat, this group of bastards! It’s too special!

After staying in Surabaya for two days, Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua took the 1500 crystal pistols, 2,400 crystal rifles, 8 crystal nucleus guns, 1000 crystal nucleus grenades and all the nucleus. The shells returned to Yucheng with a low-key night.

As soon as he entered the city, Wu Ye received the news of Ji Xiang, saying that Feng Yu came over with the caravan yesterday. He disclosed the news that the crystal nuclear weapon had been successful to Feng Yu according to Wu Ye’s intention. Feng Yu’s kid was shocked. Stayed, I asked at least ten times today. Wu Ye, they came back. If Ji Xiang told him that he was not sure, he might have to go to the gate of the city to block people.

Wu Ye said to the rabbit boss, he said: "You look at the restaurant and let me have a table to send to my house. You will bring Feng Yu together, and I will call Zeng Xin, Feng. Yu Na's mouth is too sturdy, just let Zeng Xin rule him." The industry has a specialization, talk about the business to talk about the price of this matter has to be handed over to professionals to maximize the benefits. All the parameters of the crystal nuclear weapon have been passed back to Yucheng before, and Wu Ye, who has approved the price, has already handed it over to Zeng Xin, and now it just comes in handy.

Ji Xiang said very unclely: "I heard that Feng Yu brought a lot of money to come over. I think he is prepared." Crystal nuclear weapons have long quietly followed Feng Yu through the tone, both sides Since it is an ally relationship, it must be that the more valuable the friendship is, the longer it will be. The first batch of crystal nuclear weapons will come out. Even if it is scarce, Wu Ye will leave a little more to the allies, which will both stabilize the 'friendship' of both sides and allow more People understand that there is a reason to eat meat in the city, why not?

Wu Yeyi heard the mouth curled up: "He is a kid, hey, hey, you will come over later."

Ji Xiang nodded on the phone: "Okay, I will inform them immediately, I will come over as soon as possible, see you later."

"Well, see you later."

Back to the newly renovated city government, the guards just moved the batch of nuclear weapons into the warehouse, and Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua simply took a shower and replaced them with clean and warm home clothes. Feng Yu rushed over. .

After a simple chill, Feng Yu can't wait to cut into the topic: "Wu Shao, the crystal nucleus gun really let you get it out? Can you let the brothers open their eyes?"

Wu Ye made a look at Daqin and smiled. "I am not so powerful. It was Professor Wang who made them."

During the speech, Qin Wuhua pulled out a metal box from the sofa and opened it. Inside, he placed a crystal pistol and a crystal rifle. He pushed the metal box to Feng Yu.

Feng Yu was busy picking up the rifle and touched it. He touched it and looked at it. He said, "Good guy, still blame, how about the recoil?"

Wu Ye smiled and said: "You don't know if you try it? The trick is also an old friend of old friendship. These two guns are a brother's wish, and they are given to Feng Ge. How are you, brother, I mean enough?"

Feng Yu never dreamed that Wu Ye, who had always been dead, was so generous today that his mouth went to the back of his head in an instant: "Enough, meaning, just too interesting!" Feng Yu estimated the two guns. A few tens of thousands of crystals can never be taken down, and the value is only higher than the fusion weapon.

"With your brother, I am relieved. Feng Ge tells you honestly. I don't have much finished products in my hand, that is, you, for other people, I will not even show him." "Wu Ye slammed the sparkling red wine, and the beautiful little dimples on the doll's face looked at the savvy calculations."

Feng Yuke didn't let Wu Ye's ** soup fascinated, but instead he couldn't attend to understand the performance parameters of these guns. He asked: "Wu Shaolu is an old friend, how is this batch of goods?" I said that I also gave the brothers a lot of points. Otherwise, I can’t go back if I go back."

Wu Ye did not pick up his words, smiled and said: "Do not worry, when did I lose you? I will not talk about the nucleus gun today, wait for you to take the test tomorrow, tried to be satisfied, then follow-up I have already given Zengxin a good deal, and you can contact them directly. I have a bunch of messy things during this time. After two days, I still have a trip. In a short time, I am afraid I have no time to go to Beijing. The business over there would like to ask Feng Ge to help me more."

"How big is it, no problem, it is on me!" Feng Yu promised to come down, Li family completely fell down and faded out of the capital, except for the seven major warlords outside Feng Jia, each injury was not hurt, Feng Jia relied on The good cooperative relationship of Yucheng is the first place to sit in the capital. What can you think of Wuye’s business? He was not afraid to help Wu Ye a little busy, and he was afraid that Wu Ye would not let him help. Wu Ye would like to let him help him to look after his scene in Beijing, at least that Feng Jia still ranked first in Wu Ye.

With such a thought, Feng Yu finally had a little more confidence in the transaction. However, looking at the old fox who had sat on the opposite side and smiled at him, Feng Xin began to drum again. Although Wu Ye loves money, but he wins in the rich and powerful, he still speaks better. It is easier to get more favorable prices when he grinds him several times. Zeng Xin is different. Don’t say that he can get better prices, can not be him. The pit is not bad. It seems that he still has a little more to do.

Feng Yu ran all over the country and was very familiar with the situation of various settlements. Regardless of the crystal nucleus guns, everyone turned to the outside situation. After a while, the restaurant sent a steaming delicious food. Everyone at the dinner table ate. Talking, it’s very fun.

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