End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 247: Reversal of fate (on)

The geographical environment of Wuyuan City is quite complicated. According to the information collected by intelligent robots, there are a total of more than 45 million zombies in the city, including 2 8th-level first-level fusion zombies, 15 7-level integrated zombies, and more than 2,400 6th-level The order merged zombies, more than 14,000 five-level zombies, nearly 100,000 four-level giant zombies, and the remaining zombies accounted for 75% of the three-level zombies.

If it is not the robot that has carried out very detailed and in-depth information collection, it is easy for Wu Ye to ignore the most terrible existence in Wuyuan City - the zombie mouse group.

Two 8-level fusion zombies, one of them is a zombie giant rat.

In fact, there are not many human zombies in Wuyuan City. The total number is less than 150. The real ones are the zombies that grow in the wet bottom. Zombie rats are very good at hiding and escaping after they die. They are plucking out numerous criss-crossing passages in the ground.

Variants are not the same as zombies. They need food to sustain their lives. In cities where zombies are smashed, because of the scarcity of food, worms often choose to leave, but there are exceptions left.

There is a huge mutant termite nest in Wuyuan City. After several years of free breeding, the number of termites has already exceeded 100 million. They are not picky eaters and eat almost everything. Occasionally they are so hungry that they don’t even let go. This group of mutant termites is generally small, most of them are only as big as adult fists, and the single attack power is even less than the first-level zombies, but when they appear in groups, even the six-level zombies should avoid three. ruler.

As the robots sent detailed data back, Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua found that attacking Wuyuan City was more difficult than they initially thought.

However, in any case, since the attack plan is in place, it must be completed step by step!

Time passed by, and the other high-level hunters and hunters thought that Wu Ye had already given up the attack plan. On the day before New Year's Day, Yucheng announced without a warning that he would attack Wuyuan City at all costs!

When the news came out, not only the entire city, but all the settlements of the entire country of China were shocked.

From the top of the various high-level settlements to the survivors who rely on the sale of hard work, they all discussed the matter enthusiastically.

As one of the main forces of this counterattack, the hunters of Yucheng are constantly discussing this matter.

However, Wu Ye did not give them too much time to consider. For the first time, he forced all registered hunters in Yucheng to participate in the battle with an extremely tough attitude. Without any justification, he would be expelled from Yucheng and refused for life. Entering the city registration.

Wu Ye’s different attitudes made some intuitional people faintly smell a strange smell. It was linked to Qin Wuhua that he had not appeared in front of people for a month or two, and they could not think about it.

As with those who speculated, Qin Wuhua was indeed injured, and he was not hurt. If there was no systematic help, he might be confessed to Wuyuan City.

At that time, even after a long time of thinking about it, Wu Ye still felt very thrilling. Almost, when he was only a little bit, he completely lost Daqin...

"Aye, don't think about it, do you think I am not good now?"

Time returned two months ago, according to past experience, Qin Wuhua and Wu Ye decided to eradicate the high-level zombies in Wuyuan City, and then the city guards and hunters to solve the remaining zombies and worms.

This plan will undoubtedly minimize the sacrifice of attacking Wuyuan City. However, the geographical environment of Wuyuan City is very complicated. The first thing you want to kill the two eight-level zombies is to go deep into Wuyuan City. This means that most of the risks fall. Wu Ye, Qin Wuhua and the entire guards who performed this mission.

After several trade-offs, Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua decided to try the plan first.

According to the detailed information provided by the intelligent robot, plus the system assistance, Wu Ye and his party successfully entered the Wuyuan city center and found two eight-level zombies.

At that time, Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua teamed up to gain a dominant position in the battle, but did not expect a sudden change in the battle. One of the eight-level zombie rats attacked the seriously injured human zombies without warning in the battle, and then directly Swallowed its crystal nucleus and promoted it to a middle-level zombie. If it is only a level 8 middle-level zombie, Qin Wuhua and Wu Ye are both in the eighth-order abilities primary, but the two have a subtle skill to rely on, join hands to deal with it, and use the nucleus Bomb, the number of wins is not low.

The problem is that the younger brother of the eight-level zombie mouse has already made people invincible. The mutant termites that have not been moving for a long time have no idea how to figure it out. Suddenly, they have been copied from all sides and trapped the Wuye group.


The mutant termites act too suddenly, and it is too late when the system takes the initiative to issue a dangerous warning.

The so-called ants are more than dead, even if Wu Ye, Qin Wuhua and the guards have higher combat power, they are only 50 or 60 people in the district, facing the overwhelming hundreds of millions of variant termite tides, the energy cover prepared in advance When it was turned on, it only took ten minutes to completely collapse. All the attacks and defenses were like the sea throwing stones, and it was impossible to stir up the waves.

The eight-level zombie rat smashing machine once again assembled countless younger brothers. When it was promoted to the eighth-order middle class, it did not learn from the talents and learned the talented bones, screaming at the lightning-fast speed, hiding in the zombie mouse group and constantly launching surprise attacks. .

If Wu Ye had a systemic vaccine, it was not only a guardian, but also the fate of him and Qin Wuhua who could not escape into a zombie.

Endless rats and ants not only destroyed the energy cover, but also destroyed the combat power of the system brand energy chariot department in Wu Ye, and the ten safety planes that came to rescue, four of them were when they dropped the ladder. Directly caught by these rats and ants along the ladder to destroy.

At this time, Wu Ye’s shortcomings of being lazy and not willing to train physical strength were finally revealed. When the ability is exhausted, the power attached to him is disappeared. Although the ability has greatly changed his physique, many times the good constitution has not been painstakingly honed, and the greatest physical strength is not exerted. . Especially in the moment of life and death, Wu Ye's explosive power is far less than other hard-working training.

In the process of running away, he and Qin Wuhua were scattered by the rats, and unconsciously fell to the end. When he finally pulled the ladder, the eight-level zombie hidden in the rat group suddenly launched a storm.

When I saw that Wu’s calf was wrapped in a zombie-like tail like a diamond, and was stabbed by blood, and dragged him away from the ladder, Qin Wuhua’s mind was blank. I completely forgot that Wu Ye could use the system to transmit. When the door escaped, he jumped directly from the ladder of more than ten meters high, driving the power at all costs, even using the secret method that Wu Ye exchanged for him, squeezing his life potential to force up the level of power, and madly attacking the level eight. Zombie mouse...

That battle was destined to be unspeakable.

When the zombie mouse fell completely under Qin Wuhua’s Jedi counterattack, Qin Wuhua could hardly find a piece of good meat. If Wu Ye spent a lot of money asking for help from the system, they would all be killed by the zombies who lost the rat king’s mad madness. The group was torn into pieces.

Although they eventually escaped with the help of the system, Qin Wuhua was seriously injured. The corpse poison seriously invaded his body. When Wu Ye tried his best to carry him on the safety plane, he was almost half dead, plus He had a high level of abilities, and the ordinary d-virus vaccine had little effect on him. Finally, Wu Ye signed numerous unequal treaties with the system, and finally bought a senior biomedical cabin from the Tuen Mun system. Advanced medical drugs for side effects.

In the face of the unconscious Daqin, Wu Ye had no intention to consider how long it would take for the white workers to get the huge debt and snowball-like interest.

The system suddenly bought such a valuable thing for Wu Ye, and almost exhausted the energy that it had accumulated in the past few years. He had to shut down most of the functions and entered the standby state, leaving only one of the most basic tasks. The function includes the transfer door and is closed. The system did not forget to remind the stupid host before hibernation, only when he paid off the system debt, it will be turned on again.

Even with the system card advanced biomedical cabin, Qin Wuhua was fainted for nearly half a month before he woke up. This half a month can be said to be the longest and most painful time in Wu Ye’s life.

The growth of the snake needs to grind off its skin a little on the rough gravel, and Wu Ye finally smashed the lazy scent that he almost melted into the bone during the coma of Qin Wuhua, as if overnight, he finally completed the big Boy to man's transformation.

After Qin Wahwa wakes up, he is gratified by the growth of Wu Ye and feels sad for the pain he has experienced in his growth. He still prefers Wu Xiaoye, who is very jealous of him in his memory. He is distressed except for his distress.

After listening to Daqin's words, Wu Ye whispered, and still followed his side. The owner of the rabbit boss, Daqin, and other contracted beasts did not participate in the battle. I don’t know what happened at the time, but since Wu Ye came back, it felt that the host’s emotions were obviously not right. The big ash was implicated in the contract because of Qin Wuhua’s serious injury, and he was almost sleepy every day for the past half month. When I was a big family, the younger brother ignored it. The master ignored it. Daqin ignored it. The lively and active rabbit boss was almost sick. Now see Daqin finally woke up, the rabbit boss did not hesitate to make its housekeeping skills.

Looking at the performance of the fleshy little hairy ball, let’s take a look at the gentle smile of Daqin’s eyes. The big ashes are not far from the interesting tails. The shadows that have been shrouded in Wu’s heart these days are This moment has finally vanished.

Daqin saw that Wu Ye slowly tilted his mouth and smiled slightly. He laughed and laughed at the rabbit boss who was dizzy and put it into Wu Ye's arms. Both hands held their heads and smiled softly.

Time is fixed at this moment.

This time, the attack really made Wu Ye grow a lot. He began to learn to share the chores with Daqin. No matter how tired, he insisted on doing gravity training with Daqin every day, and locked the little prince filled with various games. Safe, all the time spent playing games is used to practice abilities and so on.

By the end of December, when he announced the attack on Wuyuan City, Wu Ye’s ability for the first time exceeded Daqin’s first step into the eighth-grade mid-level. This time, the second less is no longer just thinking about the cool show, his only thought is— - 攒 points pay debt qaq!

Nima, the person who owes hundreds of millions of points can not afford to hurt, every day is enough interest, he is busy from morning to late, always think that he seems to be put together by the system of small bastards! Bad review! Tired of not loving (╯‵ □ ') ╯ (┻━┻

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