End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 248: Reversal of fate (below)

Wu Ye’s attitude this time was too tough. The early entrants who joined Yucheng participated in the attack on Qinglan County or Yunzi City were fine. At least the two smooth battles gave them a certain degree of enthusiasm. Confidence, and all the time, whether Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua’s ruling style against Yucheng, or the style they have been fighting at the forefront, have brought great encouragement to the people of Yucheng and also let them The people have a very high prestige. In the end of the world, this prestige is sometimes no less than a religious belief in obscurity.

A large number of "mad believers" have never considered the possible sacrifices and failures in this war. They only saw the opportunity of humanity's turnaround and only saw the endless wealth of goods in Wuyuan.

However, the hunters who joined later were obviously not so optimistic about this counterattack, and many of them were even opposed. In this part of the people's view, Yucheng does not have such a big appetite to eat Wuyuan City. It is better to stabilize it with such a desperate adventure. First attack some small county towns, and then strengthen the strength, then consider the offensive five. The original city is not too late.

Among them, there is no shortage of people alluding to Wu Ye’s quick success and the safety of survivors. Because Wu Ye does not impose mandatory controls on the Internet, the Internet is full of all kinds of rumors and malicious speculation.

The mad believers naturally do not allow people to discredit their city owners so much, dare to say that the city's communiqué is privately enemies, quick success, arrogance, arrogance, etc., and he is irrational, first go up and paste his face and say!

The Internet is in full swing, but according to the feedback from the brain center, 50% of the hunters are very much looking forward to the action, 18% of the hunters are supportive, and 12% of the hunters are holding Looking at the attitude, only 20% of the hunters are firmly opposed to the action.

"The data is better than I thought." After reading the statistics from the brain center, Wu Ye breathed a sigh of relief. He chose to attack Wuyuan City now. It is really just to avenge Daqin or pay points. The two only occupy a small factor, and the reason why Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua really attacked Wuyuan City so much is the mutant termites in Wuyuan City.

The zombies will only be less and less diminished. The termites have a very strong reproductive capacity. If they continue to let them continue to develop, they will leave the city of Wuyuan, which is extremely lacking in food, at the latest in the second half of next year. At that time, it was the closest to Wuyuan City. Yucheng will bear the brunt of the devastating blow.

For the development of Yucheng, Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua have both in mind. In just over half a year, the overall strength of Yucheng cannot be qualitatively improved. On the contrary, if it is half a year later, there will be high-level zombies in Wuyuan City. The mutant termites will be even more powerful than the current ones, and no one can guarantee that there will be other situations at that time. Instead of waiting for the high-level zombies and mutant termites to die at that time, it is better to seize the opportunity now. At least they have eliminated the seven-level and eight-level zombies in Wuyuan City, even though there will be inevitable sacrifices. Death, but they have good reason to believe that postponing the attack time will only make the war more cruel, and can not solve the problem from the root cause.

However, although the survivors who did not oppose the action accounted for the majority, in order to stabilize the 'military' heart, Wu Ye brought together the top 500 hunter team leaders in the hunter guild to convene a mobilization meeting. .

Taking the meaning of the representative of Wuyuan City, Wu Ye did not need to talk to them one by one. Everyone has a number of hearts. Wu Ye mainly showed several video materials to these responsible persons in the meeting.

Among them, one is the terrible scene in which he, Daqin, and the entire Guards went deep into Wuyuan City, and the zombie rats and mutant termites were photographed by safe aircraft.

One is a bird's eye view of the city, which shows the distribution of zombies and the distribution of materials in the city;

There is also a detailed topographical information that the robot has returned. After the resetting of the brain simulation, the blocked area and the clear area are clearly identified;

The last one was the arms, life, medical care and other materials that Yucheng prepared for the war. Many responsible persons knew for the first time that the home of Yucheng was so thick.

Through these simple videos, everyone finally understands that attacking Wuyuan City is not a whim of Wu Ye, or a quick success. The young leader may have been secretly preparing for this.

For a time, the person in charge who was not optimistic about the action also changed his mind, and the person in charge who had expected the war to see Wu Ye had prepared so much was full of confidence.

In order to make these large hunter teams willingly contribute, Wu Ye also sent a carefully arranged 'contract book' to the hands of these responsible persons. Once they attack Wuyuan City, they can follow the area of ​​'contract book'. To monopolize all the materials in those areas, they don't even have to pay any one-percentage of 'contracting fees'.

This means that Yucheng’s recognition of their strength also means an incomparable wealth.

Even after a few years have passed, many materials may have expired, but a large international metropolis still has many sleeping treasures.

Responsible for people to think back to the prosperous and prosperous Wuyuan City before the end of the world, the eyes are red, there is only one strong thought in my heart - fight!

The heads of these hunter teams had the most direct influence among the hunters. The meeting ended only half a day, and the voice of opposition from the city almost disappeared.

Unlike the hunters, after the strict military training, the city guards gradually obeyed the command four words into their minds, plus they were directly led by Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua, and half of the guards were both of them. Mad believers, they simply do not question the rationality and risk of action, they are convinced -

This battle will win!

In 2018, January 1, the sixth year of the last days.

This year, the cold came early, this day is the same as any day in the cold winter. The dark sky is covered with goose feathers and snow. The biting cold wind screams with cold ice particles over and over again, and the endless snow white perfectly covers the decay. The body of the corpse acne, a walking corpse with a restless foot, squatting in the snow, occasionally pulling out a few foraging worms under the thick snow, slipping on the snow After a lap, I returned without success...

This day is different from every day in the cold winter. The sky is very bright. A plane whizzes through the snow. A car quickly advances on the snow. Soon, a terrible explosion is heard in the distance. In the vicinity, there was a fierce gunshot sound, and the sound and sound were woven into each other into a passionate movement.

The thick black pulp, the bright red blood, and a tragic picture on the snowy earth.


Six years ago, Huaguo had a population of more than 2 billion, and its prosperity was prosperous and prosperous.

Six years later, there are only less than 30 million people left in China. The death of hunger and desperate disease has become the norm on this land.

It is this day that the destiny of mankind is once again reversed.

Later generations celebrated this day with countless gorgeous rhetoric, celebrating the day with a variety of situations.

Even though this day, the breath of death is still spreading.

Countless shells landed in Wuyuan City, and the fire accompanied a deafening explosion. A lot of long-dead lives finally came to peace.

Outside the city of Wuyuan, a translucent wall separates the boundaries between the living and the dead, and countless streams of artillery fire harvest the life of the captive.

In this war, millions of survivors are fighting with tens of millions of undead and hundreds of millions of worms.

Gradually, the overwhelming snow can no longer cover the wild corpses, and can no longer cover the sky!

A victory with blood has finally completely reversed the destiny of mankind!

Yucheng, successfully conquered Wuyuan City.

In the cold winter, this news awakened the last warmth of all survivors.

A delightful, fanatical emotion infects every survivor on the land of China. When the survivors of the city began to count the fruits of victory in exchange for blood and sacrifice, more survivors began to pack their bags, with a kind of Similar to the pilgrimage, braving the wind and snow, cold and south...

An unprecedented wave of migration is taking shape. No matter how the high-levels of the settlements manage to retain them, the survivors are as magical as they are, with only the words of Yucheng remaining, and no more.

"...Thoughts? What?" After a month of high-intensity fighting, Wu Ye’s lazy illness was committed. He was going to go home to sleep him. He knew that he was stopped by Ji Xiang in the middle of the road. . He squinted at the traditional characters on the black-and-white documents, his eyes were dizzy, and he didn't want to look at it.

Qin Wuhua quickly scanned several documents and his face gradually became dignified. He looked up and asked Ji Xiang: "How many copies have you received in this kind of investment book?"

The effect book, to put it bluntly, is that some settlements have seen the power of the city, and they are prepared to rely on the city. Of course, this is also related to this ultra-large-scale immigration tide. Large-scale settlements are better. Many medium-sized settlements themselves are not good. The survivors learned that Yucheng had the ability to attack and recover the provincial capital Wuyuan. The heart is like a long grass, and it will migrate at all costs.

The medium-sized settlements with relatively small populations have become empty cities almost overnight. The high-level people in the settlements have no way to watch the settlements die in this absurd way. After weighing the balance, they want to save their vested interests. Invariably, the choice to change the flag to change the flag to the city.

For many medium-sized settlements, they have to rely on large-scale settlements to survive. It doesn't matter who is the master of the above. What matters is that they only need to hold real power.

Most of the large settlements are inextricably linked with the settlements in Beijing. On the bright side, they dare not submit the investment bills to Yucheng, but all kinds of good letters in private have been sent to the fastest speed. Yucheng.

"A total of 24 investment proposals for medium-sized settlements were collected, including the settlements of the capital. The high-level settlements of the large settlements have successively sent letters expressing their willingness to make good friends with the city." Shen Wenru Jixiang, the voice can not help but bring it. A little excited. He never dreamed of dreaming. In just a few years, the small Yucheng could develop to such a degree.

However, the ambitions of Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua obviously do not stop there.

The two need not say much, only exchange one look, they will know each other's mind.

New Year's Eve, 2018, February 15.

On the translucent energy cover, countless fireworks and fireworks burst into incomparably gorgeous light, and the simulated sound effects simulated by the brain are fake and true, and there is a illusion that the fireworks will return to the end of the last days. Numerous citizens of Yucheng walked out of the house and took to the streets. They looked up at the energy cover, but they did not appreciate this visual feast. In their excitement waiting, the fireworks ended, and the energy cover directly projected the scene in front of the Yucheng government building.

"...I am here to announce that Xinhua is formally established!" For the first time, Wu Ye looked at the crowd on the screen, his heart was so calm and firm. Qin Wuhua stood beside him side by side, and he slightly turned his head, just in the face of Wu Ye’s turn, and they couldn’t help but smile.

A new red dragon dragonfly flag rises, and is driven by the power, slowly fluttering...


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