End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 38: Cooperation

Low-level protective clothing: can resist 1 time four-level zombie attack, 50 three-level zombie attacks, 500 second-level zombie attacks, and 5000 first-level zombie attacks. The impact resistance is ten times higher than that of a normal body armor, but after each attack, the protective effect of the low-level protective clothing will gradually decrease until it reaches zero.

The system knows that the stupid host must not understand the original interpretation of the low-level protective clothing, and the above description is given after it is adjusted.

If the protective clothing is thin and the **** are completely transparent like water, the touch of the hand is not the same as that of the skin. The clothes are long-sleeved and the high collar can wrap the entire neck. The flexibility of the protective suit was unexpectedly good. Wu Ye was still too small to complain with the system. As a result, he tried it and it was just right to wear it. After the upper body of the protective suit, it is tightly attached to the skin, and it is almost integrated with the body. It can't be seen by the naked eye. Even Wu Ye repeatedly touches the wrist on the boundary between the skin and the protective suit without touching any difference. . What's even better is that after putting on the protective suit, you only need to rub it a few times. The protective suit will automatically leave a hole, let the body|hair stretch out, and then retract it to the size of the pore, just like the leather.

Of course, after the protective suit is put on the body, it is not a hole that cannot be seen. Its elasticity is excellent, and there are no men and women in design. Therefore, the part above the waist is the defect. If you wear a small inner cover, you can cover it. However, Wu Ye does not like it, it will give him a kind of 'Hanging Neutral' did not wear the uneasiness of the pants.

In addition, the elasticity and breathability of the protective clothing are quite good. Wu Ye wears a little strange feeling on the body, just like the emperor's new clothes in the fairy tale.

"Aye, the dumplings are getting better." The voice of Qin Wuhua came from outside the door.

"Okay, I will come right away!" Wu Ye cheerfully promised, press | a hidden small bump in the abdomen, the protective suit will automatically slide down from him like water. Wu Ye dressed and went out, a small bowl of dumplings was already on the table.

"How do you do this drowning, so sweet!" The simmered peppers are vinegar, sour and spicy. Just like sesame oil, there are probably other things that mix and scent.

Dumplings have two kinds of stuffing, a kind of celery beef, a kind of cabbage pork, the meat is stuffed with big taste, the simmering water, the celery and the fragrant cabbage are refreshing, the dumpling skin is sore and refreshing, Wu Ye only feels better than him. Any dumplings that have passed are delicious.

When Qin Wuhua saw that he was satisfied, his eyes were smashed, and his mouth could not help but evoke a gentle arc: "This is the ancestral formula of my grandfather. You have to feel delicious. I can do it for you at any time."

Two little mouths are bulging, "Nothing, you are so virtuous, if any woman will marry you in the future, you must be happy and dead. You can't let a bad woman give harm to a bad man. If you look at it later, if you look at it Who is it, I have to give it to me, I will help you to check it out."

Although Wu Ye didn't think too much about the jade, he didn't want to live to die for the ruin of the day. Even after hearing the truth, the numbness is far more than the feeling of heartache. I doubt if he really loved Lianyu. But in fact, because of this incident, his subconscious has produced an idea that ‘women are not reliable’.

Qin Wuhua suddenly felt that the dumplings had become unpalatable. He said coldly: "No need."

"How come that, do you plan to play bachelor for a lifetime?"

"That won't be." One day, one day, I received you. Qin Wuhua gave Wu Ye two beef dumplings that he liked to eat. Some sad feelings, "This disaster does not know when it is a head. I can't live until the end of the last days. I don't know, I think so far. doing what?"

"It's definitely possible." The topic is too heavy. Wu Ye transferred the topic and asked: "You will do so many pastas, as well as ancestral recipes. What did your family do before?"

Qin Wuhua’s eyes flashed a trace of nostalgia: “My dad is a soldier like me. My mother stayed at my hometown to take care of me. After her grandfather passed away, she took over the grandfather’s noodle restaurant. All of my skills were learned from her childhood. Later, when I was in the family, my grandparents and grandparents were dead. I was left alone in my family. My dad’s old comrades looked at me poorly and took care of me for a while. When I was 16 years old, I was allowed to enter the army. At the time, I always loved to make dumplings, so my craft has not fallen."

What Qin Wuhua did not tell Wu Ye was that his father’s old comrade-in-arms was a general who was desperate to put him in the dead.

Wu Ye said: "I'm sorry, I said something wrong, and it evokes your sadness."

Qin Wuhua shook his head: "It's okay, it's all over a decade ago, and the sadness has already been sad."

Wu Ye noticed that Qin Wuhua was obviously not so happy. Don't ask him how he saw it from the face, but he knew it anyway. Two less openly shut up, eat dumplings and stop talking.

In the evening, back to the room, Wu Ye called out the control panel, specifically let the system call up the exchange price of low-level protective clothing: "When you have the opportunity to go to the city to kill more than three | level zombies, make enough orange crystal to give one away Supporting the repair agent, and then giving a protective suit to Wuhua..." Wu Ye muttered, slowly falling asleep.

Qin Wuhua lay his hands on the bed, and his mind appeared 13 years ago. In the explosion without warning, Dad kept him under his body and roared. Dad said, "Be careful..."

Be careful... what?

The opportunity to go to the city is faster than Wu Ye imagined.

The black market storm did not end easily.

After Wu Ye’s savings in his hand, these three days have been killing the zombies in the hunting area and praising the nucleus of the younger brothers. Tianma Ma Liang went out to go home, tired like a dead dog, and had no time at all. Not in the mood to go to the black market. Therefore, he did not know that the fire that the top of the city deliberately provoked on the black market had already burned on him, and even angered Zhou Sheng, Xu Yan and Chen Baoguan.

These three days, plus the previous three days, a total of six days, the black market's fixed stalls only sell very little food, gasoline and weapons every day. Under their deliberate propaganda, almost all the abilities in the black market think It was Zhou, Xu, and Chen who bought these three things. The food is still good, the difference between the city and the city is not big, but the gasoline and weapons are 1/4 cheaper than the city. These two things are expensive and consume a lot. If you buy in the city, they should spend at least this part of the day. More than five or sixty transparent crystals, and even more than two or three hundred transparent crystals.

Ordinary abilities can't be as bad as Wu Ye and others. By relying on hunting, people's daily average net income can reach nearly a thousand crystals. The average daily net income of more of these abilities is maintained at around 80 to 120 crystal clear. With the help of the black market, you can add a meal to eat meat from time to time.

These ordinary abilities and even the grassroots human beings of the whole end of the world can be divided into two types of people: one is family and has a sense of responsibility. They are often more awkward than Gelangtai, and they want to use a nucleus into three lobes. Desperately squandering money and squandering food, fearing that one day, if there is an accident, it will break the road of life. The other is that one person is full of family and is not hungry or lacks responsibility. The end of the world is precarious, and no one knows when to let the zombies give up. So, they believe that they are becoming more and more extravagant, and there are 100 transparent crystals in the bag that they can't wait to spend 200. This kind of people look glamorous, and in fact many times their bags are cleaner than their faces.

The black market's concessions just need to be monopolized!

How is this a blow to two types of people who save money and die every minute?

Zhou Sheng (Xu Yan, Chen Baoguan) rolled out of the black market!

Xx dare to come to the black market, Laozi will go to your store tomorrow!

Wu Ye did not go to the black market for three days. Even if someone wanted to pour dirty water on him, there was no way to escape it.

Zhou Sheng and other people are out of the way, and this deliberate targeting of them can be very damaging to them. Each of them has a team of more than 100 hunters. Previously, in order to hunt down the three-level zombies, some of them were folded in. They all figured out that the tax-free shops were opened, and they saved more funds after they saved some funds. The result is such a trouble, the funds are still not shadowed, and the abilities are all standing opposite them.

Do it like this?

Zhou, Xu, and Chen Sanjiao had cooperated when they were out of the mission. When they slayed the zombies in the hunting area, they had a contradiction. In general, the big faces were still decent.

Things have come to the point where they are now, and brothers have to get together to discuss countermeasures. All three people have a tacit understanding of the same idea - to the county town Nuggets.

Nowadays, it is difficult to find materials in the relatively safe rural areas. Only the cities where zombies are entrenched, before the end of the world, they were richer than the rural materials. After the end of the world, countless people were trapped in the dead city. How much wealth was scattered into it was a rich one. At the place | female land. It’s just this piece of land. The woman’s land is not a place for anyone to take it for. It’s a terrible black widow, a woman, who has no intention to go back.

However, as scarce goods become more and more scarce, more and more valuable, and individuals who are not afraid of death, have begun to look at the county.

If there is no such storm, Zhou Sheng and three people are expected to wait and see for a while, but now they can't sit still.

This evening, Wu Ye and his party just returned from outside the city and were intercepted by people halfway into the city.

"Wu Shao, our boss wants to invite you and Mr. Qin to smile and move to the Xiangxiang Restaurant for dinner. Some things I want to discuss with you." The middle-aged man waved and stopped Wu Ye's car, and politely invited.

Wu Ye looked at him and thought about it. He didn't remember where he had seen this person. "What is your boss?"

auzw.com Before the middle-aged man came to Wu Ye, he had already done enough homework. He knew that Wu Ye and others were not in the city for a long time, and they rarely teamed up with others. I don’t know him. It was Zhou Sheng’s cousin and housekeeper who was very normal. He did not think much. He respectfully and politely reported himself to the door. Once again, he invited Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua to go.

Wu Ye knows Zhou Sheng, but there is no friendship between them. Is there any good discussion? However, since others have solemnly asked for it, they have also feasted at the Xiangxiang Restaurant. It is just that he has not eaten in the only restaurant in Yucheng. It is not bad to get some taste and meet some people. Seeing Qin Wuhua also nodded, Wu Ye smiled and said: "Well, let's go back and change clothes, and we will arrive on time."

When bidding farewell to Ji Yun and others to return home, he and Qin Wuhua are left. Wu Ye asked: "You said he wants to discuss with us?"

Qin Wuhua took off his camouflage tight-fitting vest with sweat and zombie thick paste, revealing a strong and sturdy upper body. He wiped the sweat on the collarbone and said: "If I guess it is correct, it should be with the black market that day." The storm is related."

Two less silently rubbed the scorpion in the bottom of my heart and removed the sly little eyes. "I guess it is for this matter. However, what will they discuss with us?" Wu Ye vaguely guessed that it should be related to the source of supply.

Qin Wuhua saw his eyebrows fast knotted, patted his shoulder and said: "Want to do so much? If you go, don't you know?"

Two little nodded, the sight just fell on his slightly raised biceps, the sour taste in my heart is overflowing! Mom, it’s too unfair. How much exercise I have every day, for the abdominal muscles, is only a whole piece. What is the biceps? Qin Wuhua sees Wu Ye staring at his eyes very 炙 (嫉) hot (妒), Imagine, does the little guy like his body? I don't know what I thought of. A veteran's face without a trace of expression quickly climbed two blushes, but the skin color was not revealed.

Since this day, Wu Ye did not know which piece of gluten was wrong. When he returned home at night, he played bare-chested and showed his good figure in front of him. In the dark, the second less than once, he couldn’t find anything without a trace of flesh. The little muscles of the muscles sigh silently.

Yixiang Restaurant is built in the food street, next to the franchised grain store in Yucheng, which is also a franchise store shared by the five major forces. The restaurant has two floors, about three hundred square meters. The downstairs is an ordinary restaurant lobby, and all the upstairs are private rooms. The decoration of the restaurant is very ordinary, similar to the ordinary roadside shop, but the dishes are very rich and the taste is very good. The cheaper and cheaper, the expensive, and even the processing, has attracted a lot of consumption. By.

When Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua arrived, the guests under the restaurant had been filled with guests, and the unscrupulous noise was deafening.

The beautiful women who saw Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua looked very impressive. They immediately greeted them enthusiastically. After Wu Ye reported the name of Zhou Sheng, the smile on the face of Yingbin beauty added a bit of feminine style. On their way to the private room, they frequently screamed at Qin Wuhua, and they saw that the two were exceptionally sour and sorrow--that they knew that the younger brother was too arrogant.

In the private room, Zhou Sheng three people have been there for a while.

Zhou Sheng looks like he is in his early thirties. He can't see his height when he sits. He looks ugly and looks very amiable. He is honest and honest. A pair of eyes that are squeezed into quilted by fat meat will bring three points. Laughing, people who don’t know his sultry means, he is fooled by him.

Xu Yan looked at the age and Qin Wuhua, twenty-seven | eight-year-old look, Founder's national character face, strong-eyed, his face is not handsome but fully explained the words "righteousness". It is said that he had been a five-year soldier before the end of the world, and his majesty was very strict, and the hunters under his hand were not unfaithful. Of course, because the unfaithful ones have been cut off by his hands and thrown to feed the zombies.

Chen Baoguan is the youngest person in the audience except Wu Ye. Only 25 years old, the person looks handsome, that is, a pair of narrow and long Danfeng eyes are too gloomy, and the life is broken. Among them, Zhou Sheng and Xu Yan certainly have their hot side, but they will try their best to restrain others outside, and they will not hurt others for no reason. Chen Baoguan is different. His ruthlessness is famous in the city. The refugees in the refugee camps asked him to give him a crystal nucleus in front of his car. He ordered him to whipping to death; under his hand There are also a lot of madmen. When passing through the refugee camps, they often take machine guns and shoot them from time to time. They are all interested in watching the shackles of the refugees rushing to escape, and they do not take human life seriously.

Wu Yeyi walked into the box, and Zhou Sheng’s eyes flashed a fascinating look. Zhou Sheng and Xu Yan were only from the perspective of appreciation of beauty. Chen Baoguan’s eyes were sticky and disgusting. Qin Wuhua then came in and took him. The twisted greedy eyes are all in sight, and there is a cold killing in the bottom of my heart. Chen Baoguan looked at Qin Wuhua, provocatively smacked his mouth, and his eyes were hazy.

Zhou Sheng is the longest. He successfully promoted the third-order abilities after the First World War. He is the strongest of the three people. Together with Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua who are invited in his name, they naturally live as masters. I will enthusiastically introduce myself and Xu and Chen. Wu Ye’s former identity was there, and he was no stranger to this kind of entertainment. He whispered a few words, a few glasses of thin wine, and the atmosphere in the box quickly became hot. Then he waited for half of the fine dining to eat into his stomach. Everyone seems to be a long-time old friend.

Zhou Sheng sighed with the atmosphere, and slowly said the purpose of tonight: "Wu Shao, a few brothers and sisters are hard to vote, I will not turn around, the 孙 那 那 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟 龟The source of goods. Look at the goods in your store, I know that you are not an ordinary person, can you also give the brothers a few directions."

Wu Ye knows that he is tempted and smiles very sincerely: "I have a real way, I will not go to the black market to get the goods. Now the black market is not going to be, I am also looking for the source. Zhou Ge, you today The purpose of inviting me to come is not to say this? Since you have said a few brothers, why bother to say that they are irrelevant? If you have a clear statement, as long as the brothers can do it, there is no guarantee."

Zhou Sheng looked at Wu Ye face tender and like a minor, I know that his speech is so smooth, it is no wonder that Qin Wuhua was able to accept the post, even Ji Xiang shot failed to take him away. If Wu Yezhen is a little bit of a source...

Zhou Sheng’s face was deeper, and the big fat hand squeaked the table. “Good, happy! Wu Shao, I’m going to do this with my brother first, then continue.”

Wu Ye Tiansheng has a thousand cups of undiluted physique, drinking the most mixed red wine face, drinking this self-brewed low-grade liquor is as simple as drinking water, and without saying anything, he hit a cup with Zhou Sheng.

"Good wine!" Zhou Shenglang smiled and said: "Since Wu Shao is so happy, my brother is not going around the corner. I want to go to Qingyi County to get a ticket and get some good things back. I don't know if Wu Shao has any interest? ”

The meat is finally here.

Wu Ye remembered well. He remembered that Peng Zijun, who had sold clothes to him, said that his clothes were from Qingyi County.

Wu Ye put down the wine glass, and the color said: "Qingyi County is very dangerous? I also heard that two days ago, someone who had folded half of the hand went in and got some clothes out. Can these people go back? ?"

There are a few points in the audience. When you listen to Wu Ye, you know that he has actually moved his mind.

Xu Yan smiled and said: "Others may be difficult to say, it is certainly no problem for you and Qin Ge's skills." Wu Ye's amazing news is not a secret in Yucheng, he can use the guns to catch up with the special guards. It is enough for them to look at him a few times. Not to mention Qin Wuhua, the third-order Thunder abilities are equally skilled in the shooting. If he can't get away from the whole body, there is only one dead end.

Chen Baoguan originally wanted to get drunk and Wu Ye to appreciate the beauty of a drunken attitude, but he did not want him to drink a pound or two of white wine, his face did not bring red, it is inevitable that some of the gas is not smooth, yin and yang strangely said: "That may not necessarily, people I will pity the jade, but I will like to eat fine skin and tender meat."

Wu Ye hated others for taking his looks and said that Chen Baoguan looked at his eyes so that he could not wait to take his eyes out as a cannon, and now he was somewhat unhappy. However, he knows the name of Chen Baoguan’s blood madman and does not want to avenge this cruel villain. He said in his words: "Chen Ge is right. The materials in Qingyi County are really attractive, but according to my office. I know that the new zombies inside are much more than the outside. If there is no plan, I really don’t want to die."

Zhou Sheng suppressed the disgust of Chen Baoguan at the bottom of his heart and smiled and said: "If there is no plan at all, I will certainly not dare to invite you to this place. To be honest, I am afraid of death than any of you. Our old week. My family is a single seedling, my old man has been looking forward to my many branches and leaves. OK, don't pull those, I will give you a bottom, I have a detailed map of Qingyi County, I have selected the best Action route."

Chen Baoguan smiled and said: "A map is all, who are we?"

Xu Yan did not speak, he looked at Zhou Sheng, apparently also with Chen Baoguan a meaning. Second, I don’t really say that I really don’t.

"I have two men who are locals in Qingyi County. I have just sent them to explore the road two days ago." When it comes to this, Zhou Sheng has lived, and the rest, I think.

Chen Baoguan said with a sullen face: "Old Zhou is not too interesting. What is important, how can you say it now?"

Zhou Sheng said faintly: "Because it is important, it must be said at a critical time."

Xu Yan is more anxious, impatient to listen to them, and straightforwardly said: "Okay, you don't want mother-in-law in the old week, if you have all the words, let us take a closer look."

Wu Yehehe said: "Yes, Zhou Ge, let us know all the plans."

Wu Ye face is tender, Zhou Sheng is easy to see him as a generation of generations, but also like his mouth sweet, Xu Yan and Zhou Sheng, an old Zhou Sheng was afraid of losing a share, only he was a bit of a week, the words sold him enough Face, there will be more things than the other two.

"Well, Wu Shaodu is open, and I am too lazy to sell off."

Zhou Sheng has a plan, and he has also planned the most smooth route in the recent past. It takes only 15 minutes to reach the most prosperous commercial street in Xiaoxian County at full speed. According to the news from the investigation, there are many shops in the street that are good things. Of course, these things are indeed the purpose of Zhou Sheng’s trip, and what he wants most is the armored car on the street next door.

Zhou Sheng’s plan is very implementable. Everyone has no big opinions. The main difference lies in the distribution of materials.

Wu Ye and Zhou Sheng both want to distribute according to work. Whoever grabs the things in the store is the most fair and saves everyone.

Xu Yan and Chen Baoguan suspected that Zhou Sheng will occupy the most expensive shops. After all, he had already explored the route in advance, so they asked for 100 people each and the materials were evenly distributed.

The opinions of the two parties have their own opinions, and the atmosphere in the box has stagnated.

The author has something to say: It’s a little late today, what awkward, but the content is very rich~~~

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