End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 39: Qingyi County Nuggets

The dinner was destined to be unhappy, and no agreement was reached. Zhou Sheng’s allocation plan for biting death is not loose. If Xu Yan and Chen Baoguan insist on equalizing materials, then everyone will do everything and there is no need to cooperate. Wu Ye is firmly standing on Zhou Sheng's side. The reason is very simple. He wants to borrow this action to cover up the real source of his goods. In addition, he does not have so many people in Xu Yan, and he rushes to hunters. The trade union recruits nearly 100 people. Can he safely bind his own life to those people?

In the end, Xu Yan looked badly and said the next sentence: Wait three more days, and talk again after three days.

Zhou Sheng knows that he wants to use the three days to explore the route of Qingyi County. Naturally, he can't do what he wants. After some bargaining, everyone decided to go to the Yixiang Restaurant again at noon the next day, and then discuss the matter, no matter what the cooperation is. Zhou Sheng will act on the third day.

In the next day and a half, Wu Ye did not return to the task and began to actively prepare for the trip to Qingyi County.

The first is to count the equipment. Wu Ye has 3 heavy machine guns, 1 sniper rifle, 5 rifles similar to ak47, 10 or domestic semi-automatic rifles bought from the wild, and 5 ordinary pistols. In addition, there are 2,800 rounds of bullets, 5 mines and 1 incendiary bomb. Of the tens of thousands of crystal nucleus that were spent before and after Wu Ye, many of them were spent on purchasing these equipment.

It’s not enough to just go to Qinglan County with this equipment.

Not only is the equipment not enough, but the staff is also lacking. The younger brother who can fight in his hand plus his own total of only 6 people, they are likely to do not control the zombies, how to enter the store to move things?

Although the real purpose of Wu Ye’s trip is to go to the three-level zombies, but I have worked hard in Baoshan, how can I return empty-handed?

It is necessary to recruit people, but it is still the same sentence. Wu Ye does not trust his little life to be tied to people who are unclear. How to recruit, how many people to recruit, how to calculate the reward? These are the most worrying issues for Wu Ye.

He can be handed over to Qin Wuhua, but the reward must be set by himself. How dangerous the city is enough for every hunter to talk about it. At the beginning of the establishment of Yucheng, the first person in charge of Yucheng before Jixiang was the first to play the role of Qingyi County. In order to get the materials from Qingyi County, he organized a team of 5,000 hunters. Going to Qingyi County, there were less than 500 people who came back alive, and even he himself was folded in Qingyi County.

More than a year has passed, and no one knows how many zombies are in the county town of Qinglan County.

According to Zhou Sheng’s intelligence, after entering the commercial street, if they are lucky, there will be ten to twenty minutes of action time.

At this point alone, if there are fewer people, there is no material at all. If there are more people, and if you have bad luck, if you don’t get any supplies, then the loss will be a big loss. Moreover, due to the danger level of the city, Wu Ye temporarily recruited hunters, if the reward is low, certainly no one is willing to go.

How to do?

After Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua discussed it, they decided to recruit only 30 hunters. As long as they have good skills, they are not limited. The abilities give the 6000 crystal clearing salary, the ordinary hunter gives 4000, and pays half of the task before the task. If you die in the mission for any reason, you can pay the other half of the family's insurance or even the pension as the case may be. In addition, in this mission, all the crystal nuclei obtained were owned by the employer, and after the materials obtained were evaluated, 30% of the total value of the evaluation was paid as the bonus to the employed party. If the leader does not obey the commander and died, he will cancel the bonus.

In addition, the vehicles and ammunition in action are paid by the employer.

No mention of ammunition, the recruitment of hunters is only a minimum of 1 fortunately. Wu Ye luck is not bad, and it is a day of savings. In the past few days, the business of the small store has been good, and there is already enough money for the action on the account. Of course, this is only half of the guaranteed bottom payment, and the purchase of gasoline ammunition, etc., the other half of the reward and the subsequent bonus Not yet settled.

In the end of the world, the local tyrants had a penny for the first time and they were stumped by the heroic feelings and sense of crisis.

If it wasn’t for the system, he would post a mandatory task for [Qingyi County Searching Materials], and some of them would like to retreat. After all, 1 of the 160 million, this is only the data before the decline of the gold crystal nucleus exchange rate. If the local tyrants are less than two, they will also be sore.

However, like Zhou Sheng and others, they do not have to pay such a high salary, just need to buy enough petrol ammunition. Of course, on the other hand, they usually invest a lot in the younger brothers.

Therefore, in the last days, the boss is not good, and it is harder to become a party if there is no foundation.

Wu Ye’s guaranteed remuneration, ordinary abilities and ordinary hunters need to spend one or two months to eat or drink, and then add bonuses, which is quite generous.

After Qin Wuhua released the task at the hunter's trade union, in less than half an hour, hundreds of people went to the designated place for an interview.

auzw.com These Chinese people, Qin Wuhua, have seen a few familiar faces. Three of them were the first-order peak abilities who first worked with them, one was Peng Zijun who sold clothes to Wu Ye, and the other was a young man who sold his brain to Wu Ye. The first three are now advanced to the second-order intermediate abilities. After being inspired by that battle, the three have more practical ideas on the use of abilities, and the combat power is stronger than the same-order abilities.

Peng Zijun is also a second-order intermediate actor. He looks at Sven. He is actually a power-powered abilities. He is very powerful and can pinch the stone as a powder.

The young man named Mu Gan is an extremely rare dark-corrosion abilities and has reached the second-order peak. Qin Wuhua saw the unique eyes of the cultivation madman from his eyes. At the request of Zhao Ganyu, Qin Wuhua took the lead with him in public and the two agreed to stop. In the end, Qin Wuhua won the competition and Zhao Ganyu looked at his eyes like a hungry person to see a big fat chicken leg, and his face was still unfinished.

In addition to the above five people, Qin Wuhua also hired five abilities, these two are two gold, one fire, one soil, and finally a healing system, all reaching the second-level intermediate, plus On Peng Zijun and others, a total of 10 abilities.

Among the people who came to the selection, there were not many abilities that reached the second-order intermediate level, and the good shooting skills were even better, and it was easy to pick them out.

In contrast, ordinary hunters have much greater competition. For ordinary hunters, the task of giving a 4000 crystal to the bottom is really impossible. Because some people came to pick the place, Qin Wuhua spent the morning and finally picked out 20 ordinary hunters. In addition to their skills, these people have a common feature - they are veterans of the last days.

Obedience is the nature of the military.

After signing the employment agreement at noon that day and paying the corresponding guaranteed remuneration, Qin Wuhua took these people to the hunting area for the running-in training in the afternoon. One afternoon and the next morning, the 30 people from the very beginning were each After the war and later coordinated operations, the tacit understanding of the combat power has improved significantly.

Wu Ye spent a **** redemption of three small energy isolation boxes, allowing Ji Yun to weld the four isolation boxes in his hand into a large one, built in the 'cranch number' of the car, and the craniotomy The number of the car is modified into a conical shape with a very small opening. Each time the cranial number is directly placed into the isolation box with a 'hand' and the lid is closed, the efficiency is much lower. Ji Yun and Professor Li rushed to install a manipulator for the cranium. The two hands were used alternately and the speed returned to the original level.

After the disappointment that day, Xu Yan and Chen Baoguan sent their hands to Qingyi County to inquire about the news. Those who went there have not yet returned. The two had to dispel their thoughts and agreed to Zhou Sheng’s distribution plan.

The next step is strategic and tactical discussions.

Everyone moved to the single-family ‘luxury house’ rented by Zhou Sheng. Zhou Sheng took out the map of Qingyi County and shared the route with everyone.

According to the map, after arriving at the outskirts of Qingyi County, you will enter the county town from the industrial zone avenue on the outskirts of the city. On this road, you will directly cut into the destination of their trip from Cao Nan Street, an old street known only by local talents.

Zhou Sheng and Wu Ye are in charge of the upper section of the street, Xu Yan and Chen Baoguan are responsible for the next section of the street. After entering the street, they are likely to have only ten minutes of action time, so in order to avoid wasting unnecessary time, they will agree now, as long as one party enters the store, no matter what is in the store, the other three people are not allowed to Strong grab.

After the end of the operation, transfer from the other side of Cao Nan Street to Dongshi Street, drive towards the station of Qingyi County, and finally leave Qingyi County from the expressway.

The highway has long been blocked, and it can only be taken from the sidewalk. The last time, Zhou Sheng’s person successfully left Qingyi County from the side road, and there is no problem with the smooth route.

After Wu Ye returned home and once again studied strategy and tactics with Qin Wuhua and Qian Xin, they still felt that they were not at ease. They exchanged 3 vaccines with points and red crystals, plus 3 remaining in Qin Wuhua’s hands. 6 feet. The 30 people hired are not very familiar with it. It is alive and he can't control it, but the five younger brothers he admits will not be able to watch them die if they are injured by a zombie.

On the third morning, the sky just showed a trace of white belly. Wu Ye took five younger brothers and hired people to sit on the truck, followed by Zhou Sheng’s big card and three pickup trucks, leaving Haocheng. After successfully rushing out of the zombie wall, I went straight to Qingyi County, two hundred kilometers away.

Before the end of the world, Qingyi County was only a remote county with four lines. The population of the county was about 800,000, and there were about 350,000 urban residents in the county. Two or three years before the end of the world, the county magistrate of Qingyi County could not easily introduce a large investment, and worked hard to create a decent industrial area, which attracted many investors. As a result, it has not yet had time to make a big effort. Everything is turned into nothing.

After a boring three-hour drive, the team finally entered the suburbs of Qingyi County. It is far from seeing that there are many elevator buildings in the county with a height of 30 to 40 floors. In this plane, a small county like Qingyi County is simply Insignificant, but Wu Ye feels that if Qinglan County is not destroyed, it is completely comparable to the third-tier cities of c. The situation is worse than he expected.

Starting from the suburbs, the zombies were obviously more and more, and they began to chase the team madly. In order to avoid the sharp voices and alarming more zombies, no one dared to shoot, and all the heads went forward at full speed.

After entering the industrial zone, the number of zombies has doubled again. The three-class zombies began to appear in the corpse. They are extremely fast. Under the stimulation of fresh flesh and blood, they rush from all directions, chasing and intercepting, and finally entering the alley. At the time, a three-level zombie jumped directly from the upstairs to one of the trucks, and someone finally couldn’t help but start the first shot.

The screams of screaming and screaming cast an unknown shadow on the action.

The author has something to say: Rice has a comment on the Lake of Stars, directly affecting the power of the code word ~ ​​~ 么 哒, seeking power ~~~

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