End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 48: Return to Yucheng

Wu Ye, Qin Wuhua, Peng Zijun, and Yang Lina had weapons on their backs. They only looked at the three-level zombies who had scratched the clothes on Peng Zijun’s back. They saw a transparent protective suit flashing a white light, protective clothing and protection. The skin is not damaged. Not waiting for the third-level zombie to launch another attack, a bullet attached to the wind system quickly drilled through its hard skull, and the cranium quickly advanced, and it was very skillful to cut open its head and dig an orange crystal. Hiding in the isolation box.

300 meters, 100 meters, 20 meters...

I don't know how many zombies fell around Wu Ye and others. After a short time of 48 minutes, they finally rushed to bsp; Wu Ye took a rifle and continually shot the zombies around.

Yang Lina drives the abilities, and the great truck card will be pressed against the big trucks. The total sound of more than 40 tons of heavy landings will attract the attention of zombies in other neighborhoods. Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua secretly exchanged a look. The gun rushed to another street in the corner, redeeming a large truck full of diesel in a place that no one could see. Wu Ye also added an extra orange crystal, which made the system deliberately make the appearance of the big truck more old. At the same time, it also disguised as a classic domestic brand of this plane, mottled green paint and rust stains. Let it look as if it has been exposed to the sun for a long time.

After a few minutes, Wu Ye told everyone through the walkie-talkie that this 'good news', "I found a big truck in Yuxi Street, the fuel tank is full, I can see if I can ignite." Wu Ye said but jumped Into the cab, constantly shooting outside zombies.

On the other side of Qin Wuhua, he successfully killed several of the zombies in the armored vehicle, and simply checked the bridge and found the key. He pressed the fingertip against the ignition keyhole, and after driving the ability to input a weak current, he tried to insert the key to start the engine.

The first time, the second time... The fifth time, the engine of the armored vehicle finally made a heavy roar, and the dashboard display and the lights in the car all lit up.

Qian Xin saw Qin Wuhua rushing to flash his headlights and immediately noticed it. Then he ordered everyone to evacuate to the underground parking lot next to the elevator apartment. After throwing a few lighting bullets in, he took everyone to quickly clean the underground parking lot. The zombies in the room.

Under the driving of Qin Wuhua, there was no fear of terrain and obstacles, and all the way was crushed. The zombies who attacked madly couldn’t leave even a shallow scratch on the alloy of special material. More than forty tons of giants were arrogantly driving on the streets full of zombies, a zombie attacking her zombies in her crawler. It turned into a dry, stinky patties.

At this time, Wu Ye once again told everyone through the walkie-talkie that there was good news that the big trucks were on fire and that the means of transportation they had returned to Yucheng had fallen.

Everyone was excited, and then they started to be more embarrassed. More than a dozen assault rifles and heavy machine guns simultaneously madly fired to form a small metal frenzy, and the former corpses were screened. The roar of the armored car was getting closer, and the few zombies in the underground parking lot were almost cleaned up. Before the formation of a larger corpse on the outer street, the armored vehicle finally entered the underground parking lot.

Gao Jingshu and Xu Dan joined forces to use the metal of the surrounding used cars to condense two heavy steel gates. After Yang Lina came out from the inside, she made a perfect effort to melt the two metal gates together. The underground parking lot was closed.

The zombies outside were gradually getting more and more. Qian Xin and several other people threw twenty or thirty grenade continuously, and they blew a **** road. When they entered the apartment with trepidation, Wu Ye also drove the big card downstairs. He was wearing protective clothing, and he was not afraid of low-level zombies to bite, and he retreated. He entered the apartment smoothly under the cover and cover of others.

Despite the great care, there are still four people who have been scratched by zombies to varying degrees. Wu Ye exchanged two vaccines and handed the remaining two to Li Yuan, and asked him to inject them.

After mixing the low- and medium-level zombie eviction agents, the stunned zombies quickly lost their targets. They spent more than an hour under the elevator apartment and gradually dispersed. After eating lunch, the heavy rain turned into a light rain, and the sky was still gloomy. There were only a hundred dead zombies in the entire Cao Nan Street.

At this time, Wu Ye had already let everyone put all the materials to be moved back and put them in the safe exit of the ground floor. He asked the system to exchange 10 bottles of intermediate repellent. After Yang Lina opened the big iron gate with her power, everyone lined up with a huge package, and delivered materials from the back to the car. Ji Yun and Bao Jianping opened the bow around, and the repellent did not need money to spray out. After standing on both sides of the crowd, try to cover up the taste of the living with a repellent. The low-level zombies on the streets outside still smothered the taste of some of the abilities, slowly gathered in the direction of the elevator apartment, and when they found that the smell became more and more intense, they changed from walking to stalking and then turning into madness. Along with their excitement, the zombies in other neighborhoods lag behind for a short time, as if they received some kind of signal, they all moved.

This process took about five minutes. When the zombies who first smelled the smell arrived, Wu Ye had already loaded most of the trucks. Yang Lina closed the safe corridor of the elevator apartment. Yang started to catch fire. Others climbed while shooting zombies. The big truck, finally in the grenade and metal frenzy offensive, killed a **** road, successfully escaped from Cao Nan Street, the unnamed alleys from the original way out of the city, and finally left Qingyi County.

When the vehicle drove out of the suburbs, everyone looked back at the corpse behind the car and the small county that was shattered under the drizzle. The past five days were like an absurd dream.

Everyone in the car is thinking, what is the current situation in Yucheng?

To their surprise, the current city has fallen into an unprecedented downturn.

auzw.com A small part of the reason is because Zhou Sheng’s entire army was annihilated, Wu Ye and others’ 'death', Xu Yan and Chen Baoguan took two hundred people, and nine died and returned to life. There are fewer than 30 people in the city. The original four-order abilities of Yucheng, Zhou Sheng was dead, Qin Wuhua was killed, and four went to the second. The four energetic four hunters outside the five major forces suffered a top-down hit. The top should have been crowned, but in fact few people are really happy.

The news of the giant zombies cast a terrible shadow on each of their hearts. The 'new zombie' that has been defined as a three-level zombie has already triggered a terrible million-level corpse. If a group of giant zombies who can control the one-two-third-class zombies appear, can you still hold it? ?

The only thing that is fortunate now is that the giant zombie is trapped in Qinglan County, but how long can Qingyi County be able to sleep? When the three-level zombies first appeared, they were so rare one or two, but in just one month, the three-level zombies in the hunting area had reached the team of hundreds of hunters every day.

The speed of zombie evolution is too fast.

One or two giant zombies may still be able to get it with hot weapons. What if you get more?

The speed of zombie evolution makes people realize that the three-level zombies or the giant zombies are not the end of zombie evolution. If one day, human hot weapons have lost their role in zombies, what should humans do?

Perhaps this end of the game is only just beginning.

Such a guess, no one will feel better. Even if the tax-free shops under the names of Zhou Sheng and Wu Ye are recovered, they will not alleviate the pressure on the top of the city.

However, this pressure is not only from speculation about the future, but more from the settlements of Beijing.

What really caused the city to fall into the doldrums was not the failure of the mission initiated by Zhou Sheng, nor the terrible giant zombies, but a mandatory grain requisition order without any room for negotiation in the capital of Beijing.

In this autumn harvest, Yucheng must hand over 1/2 of the grain, otherwise the Jingcheng settlement will withdraw the special guards and will no longer supply salt, guns and ammunition, gasoline, medicine and other life-saving materials to Yucheng. Although the capital city gave some symbolic compensation to the city, it was necessary to forcibly remove half of the grain in the city with a discount. The big warlords in Beijing did not hide their ugly appearance.

The land production in Yucheng is quite impressive, and the human and financial resources invested in cooking crops are relatively small. However, in order to successfully preserve this fertile farmland, the tops of Yucheng have invested huge human and financial resources to build the walls. The price of the collection made them lose their money. But the lifeblood is pinched in the hands of others, no matter how the city struggles, the final result is only to yield.

The wool is on the sheep, and the top of the city has suffered a big loss in the forced collection. On the day of receiving the order, it has raised the price of the whole city, and all the food and materials have quadrupled on the original price. . Not only food, but also a lot of materials are generally doubled in price.

The autumn rain that broke out could not ruin the anger of the survivors of the city, violence - resistance and violence - repression, every minute and every second in the city.

The special garrisons stationed in Yucheng finally revealed their true colors, tore open the masks of the survivors, and joined the strong suppression of the top five forces in the city.

Wu Ye was trapped in Qingyi County for a few days. There were countless conflicts in Yucheng. The blood of the survivors was mixed with rain, and almost every inch of land in the residential area of ​​Yucheng was red.

The strong team of the special forces intervened to make this violent-conflict end prematurely. There are tens of thousands of survivors who have died or been wounded in this conflict; thousands of survivors living in slums can no longer afford the high consumption of the city, leaving the city, or moving into a refugee camp outside the city. Or travel thousands of miles to find a survivor's settlement that is more suitable for survival.

The world crow is generally black, both the end of the world, how come Taoyuan?

In this world where the living can't sleep, the dead can't rest, the survivors who leave are destined to be disappointed.

After a lapse of five days, when Wu Ye returned to Yucheng again, he had the hope and vitality brought by the harvest, and the mature food in the field was rotted together in the autumn rain that did not stop.

The author has something to say: What is the blue shadow children's shoes, the longest comment on Shenma's most love, the red envelope has been sent please smile, next Tuesday promised to direct the word update ~~~~ Wanzi 哟, one more to three more oh, let Long commentary is coming even harder~~o(n_n)ohahaha~

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