End of World’s Businessman

Chapter 49: Reaction of all parties

Wu Shao came back from Qinglan County!

Wu Ye and others just arrived at the gate of the city, and the news spread quickly across the city like a long wing.

Qin Wuhua once hired a predator to go to Qingyi County with a high-paying and high-profile hunter’s trade union. At that time, I did not know how many people were envious of the rich rewards. Many people who were interested in participating in the election and who did not choose were very angry. Later, I heard that when Wu Ye’s people were all over the army, they were all smooth, and they were very glad that they had not been lucky enough to escape. But now Wu Ye and others actually came back. They not only escaped from the terrible giant zombies, but also brought back a truck of scarce and precious materials.

After hearing the news, the top officials of Yucheng frowned.

After Chen Baoguan and Xu Yan heard the news, one face was gloomy and one became thoughtful.

And four days ago, Chen Baoguan and Xu Yanru’s zombie dogs fled back to Yucheng, and Zhou Sheng and Wu Yequan were wiped out. After the news spread in the first time, Zhou Shengnian’s six-year-old son and his 60-year-old parents all Senseless. He had more than one hundred and nearly 200 hunters, and he picked one of the 100 strongest people to go to Qingyi County. After the news of Zhou Shengquan’s death in Qingyi County, more than 80 hunters left behind. The corpse and Zhou Sheng’s wealth were all taken over by his cousin and butler Wang Shiwei.

Wang Shiwei's own strength is not strong. He is a newly awakened soil abilities. After absorbing many crystal nucleus, he rushed the level of power to the peak of the first order. With such strength, he could not control the rest of Zhou Sheng. Resources. He is very smart to climb the third largest force in Yucheng, Xie Jia, Xie Yudong. Xie Yudong was greedy and ruthless. Wang Shiwei gave all the beautiful women who belonged to Zhou Sheng to Xie Yudong. Xie Yudong sent people to help him sit on the boss's position, and his team and Zhou Sheng’s former team were all beaten. Mark.

Wang Shiwei occupied the resources and wealth belonging to Zhou Sheng and still did not content. Using the power of Xie Yudong, Zhou Sheng’s son and parents were driven out of Yucheng and rushed to the outside slums. A pair of old people in their 60s, a child who is only eight years old, is penniless and stays in a disorderly slum. The ending can be imagined. The fool can take out Wang Shiwei to kill him. Zhou Sheng died for five days. His elderly parents were killed in a chaotic slum in order to protect their grandchildren. If it wasn’t for the sudden release of the grain plot in the capital of the capital, the whole city’s **** rain would be disturbed. Maybe Zhou Sheng’s son is already dead, and he is now dead, and even if he is not dead, he is destined to live for a long time if he is not injured. .

It’s so cruel to be defeated by the king.

Wang Shiwei repeatedly thanked Xie Yudong, and the duty-free shops recorded under Zhou Sheng’s name were still forcibly recovered.

However, Wang Shiwei had saved the materials in the pavement. Wu Ye’s pavement was not only forcibly recovered, but the store’s things were looted. Ji Xiang didn't know whether it was true or not, but he still had luck. After learning that no one had seen the death of Wu Ye and Qin Wuhua and others, Hao Hao had not recovered the small building that was once donated to Qin Wuhua. ', gave Professor Li and others a month, let them move out after a month.

Professor Li and Li Minsheng both have a glimpse of luck. In the subconscious, they always feel that Wu Ye will be able to get rid of the bad luck. Only after receiving the news, both of them have left their research, standing at the window every day and again and again. In the direction of the city gate, repeated anxious hands leaked the anxiety and worry in their hearts.

In a dynamic and unresting environment, children's minds are always extremely sensitive. Anan has become silent and timid. Every night, he wakes up from a nightmare. The little face that has just raised some meat quickly sinks. The little guy seems to be afraid that Dad will leave him, sticking to Li Minsheng all day long, and there is already a lot of wind and grass in the big eyes of the sneak peek, which immediately becomes horrified and makes people feel sore.

The things in the store were robbed in unprepared circumstances, and Zeng Xin and Chen Zhaoyang were very self-blaming. The two of them, like Professor Li and Li Minsheng, did not believe that Wu Ye would die so easily. Even if some people took advantage of the new sales ability and handed him an olive branch, he refused politely.

There are also dozens of fake cigarettes in the family, more than 50 bags of salt, ten packets of compressed biscuits, five bottles of penicillin, and two bottles of cold medicine. These things have not been brought to the store, and they have survived.

In the past few days, Zeng Xin and Chen Zhaoyang returned early and late, carefully selling these things and maintaining their daily expenses. Some of the family members of the hunters hired by Wu Ye had made a few trips to the small building, clamoring for the compensation of Professor Li and others. Some of them were savage and even rushing to grab things. Fortunately, Zeng Xin was enough. After the shops were robbed, I decided to put the rest of the house into the big iron box and buried it in the corner of the yard. Those people can't really grasp anything. Professor Li and others are also employed as 'victims'. The old buildings in the small building are small, small, disabled, crazy, and have a few games. Zeng Xinhe Chen Zhaoyang was slightly injured, and both of them would be wronged than anyone else. Finally, things are gone.

Now Wu Ye is finally back, everyone seems to have found the main heart.

However, Qin Wuhua recruited 30 people in the hunter trade union, a total of 36 people, and now only 18 people returned, and 18 others have completely become the food of the zombies. The news of the return of Wu Ye and others was spread, and the family members of the hunters heard the news and rushed to the small building. The family is still alive and happy, and the family has already passed away and burst into tears.

Everyone saw that Wu Ye had gotten so many supplies back, and some family members had a bad idea.

According to their initial recruitment agreement, Wu Ye only paid the remaining half of the deaths in the mission and gave them some pensions as appropriate. Wu Ye earned a handful of this mission. He didn't mind giving the family of the deceased some pensions, but he didn't want to be slaughtered as a fat sheep. The seven aunts of the deceased were bothered, and Wu Ye directly reduced the pension for the deceased. After the first three thousand crystals were reduced to one thousand, these people finally stopped, but they still refused to accept the money. Leave, cry outside the small building to grab the land.

auzw.com To be honest, Wu Ye is already kind enough. The most valuable thing in the last days is human life, especially death. A very hunter hunter will die when he dies in the mission. Who will pay you if someone is dead? There are more or less subsidies for the fixed team. For example, the team that was temporarily established through recruitment is not paying the rest of the family of the deceased, and there are even fewer people who have paid extra pensions.

Wu Ye did not know that the price of the just-needed materials in Yucheng had already quadrupled. He only felt that he was already kind enough compared with the vast majority of people, and he himself was absolutely clear-minded. Therefore, regardless of those people crying again, Wu Ye will ignore it, and finally the city defense guards come over and directly drive those people away.

"Wu Shao, Mr. Ji let me tell you, this time is a misunderstanding, please don't worry about it. As compensation, your original shop will be arranged as soon as possible, and you can reopen at noon. Mr. also said that if you and Mr. Qin are free at night, he would like to invite you to a meal at his house, and then apologize in person.” The captain of the city guard always has eyes on his head and rarely hears. They will be so polite to people outside the five forces and the special guards.

Wu Ye already knows that the things in the store have been robbed. Those things are not worth two money for him, but the attitude towards the top of the city is really uncomfortable. After all, if they didn’t deliberately condone, who would dare to go to the store to grab something? The people in the store eventually fell into the hands of everyone, and everyone was clear. Just sorting out the book is the pavement that was broken by them. Please eat a meal, half a sentence without mentioning compensation. Is such an apology too insincere?

Wu Yexing said that he said: "Let's talk about it." Wu Ye did not want to offend Ji Xiang, but he did not want to deliberately let him go to meet him. He wanted everyone to understand that he was not so bullied!

The captain's face was a bit ugly. He secretly confessed that Wu Ye did not know how to lift it. He smiled and said two soft words on the face, leaving people to leave.

"Teacher, I have collected a lot of data this time, and I am sure I can further improve the craniotomy." Ji Yun said excitedly, he is obviously more interested in scientific research than wealth materials.

Professor Li saw that they returned safely, and the big stones in their hearts landed. They also revealed the essence of the science madman. When the eyes were bright, they took Ji Yun and went to the laboratory. Li Minsheng was responsible for the intelligence. The lack of basic data has not been done. Also quickly followed the past.

Wu Ye saw An An, who stood by the side, and handed out a piece of candy from his pocket and handed it to him. He patted his big head and said, "How did the little guy lose so much? Is it not at home? Have a good meal?"

After An An whispered, he defended himself: "An An has a flaw, every meal is good, I just want to... my brother." Faced with Wu Ye’s beautiful baby face, An An is really difficult. In violation of the heart to call the word uncle.

Wu Ye did not care about his name. He smiled and picked up the little guy and scraped his little nose. "The mouth is really sweet. I don't know how many little princesses are being harmed by you."

Anan shook his head again and again: "I don't like the little princess, the princess is a delicate bag, I like the brave knight, um, like Uncle Qin!"

Nima, is the current child so precocious?

Wu Ye was unintentionally poked by the little guy, and his ears were slightly hot. He deliberately said: "You like Mr. Knight, do you know your father?"

An An is a serious saying: "Know. Dad said that as long as An An is happy, he can accept it."

"..." Two less gave. His heart flashed a thought: If the old man knows the man he likes, will he interrupt his leg? Hey, Laozi is a straight man, Laozi only likes pure girl, and the rough man rolls away.

"Brother, my father is calling me, I am going to pass." Anan said after hearing the voice of Li Minsheng.

Wu Ye slammed him down, "Go." Two less sneak peeks at Qin Wuhua, who directs everyone to carry goods. The serious side of Leng Jun is not ordinary charm, and the two less careful liver is very disappointing. few times.

Qin Wuhua turned around and just took a look at Wu Ye’s confused and dodging gaze, and his eyes could not help but become deep.

The author has something to say: I wanted to write more, the lightning outside is so scary, the baby has not crossed the plan for the time being, I have to update so much tonight, what? Thank you for your support~~

Send points and red envelopes and promise to be effective for a long time. Visually, we will work harder and more next week~~

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