End Times Dust Light

Chapter 804: Enlarged meeting

  Li Juan returned to the room, and then buried his head to check the information sent by Lu Ziming, and his face instantly became cloudy. Luo Lan, who was standing next to Li Juan, didn't know why Li Juan's expression changed so much, she wanted to ask Li Juan, but seeing Li Juan frowned, she still suppressed the words that came to her lips.

  Lorland also heard some rumors about the ruins. From the last time she accidentally clarified the relationship with Lu Ziming, the relationship between the two suddenly became awkward, and no one had ever found each other, and the relationship became strange again.

Luolan was embarrassed to find Lu Ziming, but ran to Xiangxiang’s room a few times. The two of them said nothing, and were even often teased by Xiangxiang, but when she asked about the ruins, Xiangxiang’s expression became very serious. It's ugly, let Lorland go to Lu Ziming and ask without giving Lorland a word.

   After all, Lorraine still couldn't let go. If Lorraine really went to Lu Ziming, it would really be possible to get information from the giant spirit world.

  After a long time, Luolan saw Li Juan making a meditation, and asked in a low voice: "Sister Li, is there any problem with the information Lu Ziming gave?"

   "Problem?" Li Juan opened her somewhat lost eyes and said, "Look at it too, it's different from what we guessed. No wonder Lu Zi's voice is so tight...".

  Lorland quickly flipped through the information, the shocked expression on her face was beyond words.

"How about it, isn't it?" Li Juan fixed his eyes on the soldiers who were training outside the window, and said slowly: "I didn't expect that there is a completely different new world outside of our world. What does this world mean? , Is it opportunity or destruction, Lorraine, what do you think of this matter?"


  As Li Juan said, the news of the giant spirit world only spreads in a small area, and even the elders just learned of the existence of the giant spirit world.

  One morning, people in Chi You’s space suddenly discovered that soldiers who seldom enter Chi You’s space suddenly appeared in the office building of Chi You’s space.

  In one of the largest conference rooms, all kinds of people were seated, and even Xiangxiang, which is rarely seen in ordinary times, was in the crowd.

   "Why did Lu Ziming call so many people today? Is there something important to announce?"

   "I heard that someone disappeared some time ago. Could it be this?"

   "It's really strange today, what did Lu Ziming invite us low-level officers to do, Commander Li doesn't seem to be upset?"


  Seeing that Lu Ziming hadn't appeared yet, many people in the meeting room were talking quietly.

Many people feel uneasy. Everyone knows that they are only able to survive under the shelter of Lu Ziming and Chi You. They can’t think about it but worry that Lu Ziming’s face will not look good. There are even rumors that the relationship between Lu Ziming and Li Juan is not good. Not as good as the rumors, it is impossible not to cause misunderstanding.

Lu Ziming suddenly invited Li Juan’s lower-level officers to participate in the meeting. If this is done in peacetime, it must make people doubt whether Lu Ziming wants to grab the class to seize power, but after seeing Li Juan, the suspicion has not disappeared, but has become more serious. .

The meeting room suddenly became quiet. Lu Ziming and Zi Xin appeared at the door, with no expression on their faces, they walked straight to the meeting table and cleared their throats and said, "Don’t be surprised, everyone, please come today. , There is indeed a very important announcement. Some people have guessed it, but most people still don’t know what happened. This incident is not just about Chiyou Space or Jiutun Base, but about changing everyone’s minds. An important trans-epochal event...".

"Many people may know that there are many relics of various colors in our world, and they even know that these relics are left over from ancient times, but what the ancient times are, I am afraid that few people can say clearly, because the ancient times are too far away from our world. It’s so far away that I wonder if it really existed. Today I’m here to tell you that ancient times existed by our side, very close to us, so close that I can see it with my own eyes, and see it with my own body...".

   "Boom!" Lu Ziming's words made the entire conference room boil.

   "I can't hear you wrong, please pinch me!"

   "What does Lu Ziming mean? Did he find anything?"


Many people questioned Lu Ziming’s speech in a low voice. If someone else said these words, they would immediately be suspected of mental problems. These words are too unreliable. When can they be touched in ancient times? Do you think this is archeology?

"Keep quiet, everyone, this thing is too sensational, and it is possible that it is difficult to accept at the moment. However, what I want to tell you is that this thing really exists and is right by your side. Let Zixin introduce you to the ancient space. ?"

  For people who are not in Chi You's space, Zi Xin never conceals her inner arrogance, but Lu Ziming still has to listen.

"The following things I want to say are top-secret information. Anyone who leaves the conference room shall not spread it out. Before the matter is officially announced, the spreader will kill without pardon," Zi Xin said with a murderous expression regardless of other people's reactions: "Let me introduce the doubts in your mind below, yes! There are a lot of rumors outside, and some news have been heard, some are true, some are just false reports...".

  The existence of Zi Xin is definitely an alternative. As long as people who know Chi You Space have heard some rumors, they have never dared to look down upon Zi Xin. He really doesn't doubt Zi Xin's words.

"A few days ago, a member of the Yiming team: Xiami suddenly disappeared. After the investigation, an ancient interface was discovered. The location was in an auto repair shop 30 miles away in Jiutun. This interface has been confirmed, called The giant spirit world. You can understand this interface as another world parallel to our world, but it is completely different from the relics we know. Inside the giant spirit world is a complete space, with people, creatures, and our cognition Everything that has existed has existed for hundreds of millions of years. As long as you can see it through the entrance of the giant spirit world that exists in our world, you can touch it personally..."

  "What is the giant spirit world? This name sounds weird, is it really the same as our world?" Someone asked impatiently.

"This is the question I want to talk about today", Zi Xin calmly opened the huge light curtain in front of him and said: "Humans have been speculating about the existence of parallel worlds. This mystery has been entangled for many years, and now finally there is a clear The answer. It really exists, so close to our world, so close that we can discover and explore as soon as we lift our feet?"

"Let me introduce the legend of the giant spirit world first, and then explain to you the difference between the giant spirit world and our world. Although the giant spirit world is a complete world, it is different from the world we already know...", Zi Xin spent more than an hour introducing the giant spirit world and its characteristics and differences, and returned the topic to Lu Ziming's hands.

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