End Times Dust Light

Chapter 805: Ultimatum

The screens are constantly switched on the huge light curtain. This time, the information of the giant spirit world was not delivered to the participants, but was projected on the light curtain one by one. Even Li Juan and others who have seen the information still have their eyes on it. Staring at the light curtain without blinking, for fear of missing something.

While the end of the world has re-understood the world, it also makes people stronger and calmer. Even if it is said that the earth is about to fly out of the solar system, it will not be surprised, but after seeing a picture of the giant spirit world , Still shocked and heartbeat.

  "Excuse me! Does this giant spirit world really exist?"

  Finally someone began to question, just like hundreds of years ago, someone suddenly stood up and told the world that the earth under their feet is round.

  Lu Ziming smiled apologetically and said: "I have never seen it before, and questioned its existence just like you did, but the facts tell me that it is true and it exists by our side!"

   "Then what does this matter mean to us, do you want us to take refuge in the giant spirit world?"

   "I heard that the earth will soon enter the ice age and then the volcanic period with active plates. Is there any internal connection between all this and the giant spirit world?"

"I have a question, what does the giant spirit world look like, whether it is kind or malicious? Since there are many intelligent beings, are their technological level far higher than ours, will we be in danger, or whether there is something unknown? The hidden danger of this must be clarified..."


  For a time, the venue was in chaos, and there was everything to say. Many people wanted to question Lu Ziming's statement. Thinking of being in Chiyou's space, the words became more tactful, but they did not agree with Lu Ziming's point of view.

  Don’t blame these people, most of the information is oral, and the pictures are hand drawn and put together. The rest is guessing and inference, except for the so-called entrance to the giant spirit world. What was inside the entrance, even Lu Ziming couldn't tell how to make others believe it.

There is really no more evidence to prove that Lu Ziming also had the same question in his mind. Zi Xin's answer was: I don’t know. With this bit of information in the database, the giant spirit world is too mysterious to be able to collect this. The information is good, what else can be expected.

   Chiyou space is not a panacea, just like people cannot be perfect, Lu Ziming also has his own judgment, and it doesn’t matter what other people think.

Lu Ziming's gaze swept across Li Juan's face, and then slowly stared at the entrance of the giant spirit world on the huge light curtain, and slowly said the purpose of this meeting: "The discovery of the giant spirit world is for We are an opportunity as well as an adventure. Based on the analysis of the data I have already obtained, I will organize personnel to enter the giant spirit world. Before entering the giant spirit world, there are many things that must be clarified...".

  Li Juan's eyes twitched, as if she had guessed something?

"Before preparing to enter the giant spirit world, several points are very important. One is the purpose of entering the giant spirit world, the second is who can enter the giant spirit world, the third is what needs to be prepared to enter the giant spirit world, and the fourth is how to be an outsider. Survive in the giant spirit world...?"

"Many of you here are professional soldiers. As a professional soldier, you will know the purpose and plan of the battle in advance. If you don't fight an unprepared battle, a careful plan is at least half the battle. Why should we enter an unfamiliar world? Is there really treasures everywhere there? Even if I say this, you will not admit it in your heart."

  The people attending the meeting are not fools. There is no need to deceive and deceive, and Lu Ziming will naturally not use it.

"Is there any natural treasures in the giant spirit world? I will tell you responsibly, I don't know! So this time entering the giant spirit world to find the natural materials and earth treasures is secondary. It is this time to find the three missing dried shrimps The purpose of the mission. The second question, who can enter the giant spirit world, theoretically anyone can enter the giant spirit world, but judging from the great apes encountered in the car repair shop last time, perhaps there are only high-level evolutionaries. There is a chance of survival, so I will not let ordinary people into the giant spirit world."

  No one has said in person, and naturally he is skeptical of Lu Ziming's words, "Then why do we invite ordinary people like us to the meeting...".

  Evolutionists are a minority after all, and high-level evolutionists are even rarer. It's no wonder that many people are unhappy!

"This question will be explained later. Next, let’s talk about the third point. What do you need to prepare to enter the giant spirit world. The giant spirit world is an unknown world. No amount of preparation can be overstated. First of all, we assume that the information in our hands is true. Yes, the giant spirit world is completely different from our world. This is like traveling abroad before the end of the world. It is necessary to understand the customs of the destination in advance and not to do unprepared things. This is related to whether you can leave the giant spirit world alive?"

"The fourth point is the key issue for survival in the giant spirit world. No one wants to enter an unknown world and die there in the end! Therefore, the evolutionary who wants to enter the giant spirit world must first select, then train, and train. You can enter only after you have mastered the necessary survival skills. This is a collective act. All strength and resources must be concentrated to ensure that the personnel entering the giant spirit world can successfully perform this mission!"

"The following is the purpose of my meeting with you all this time. Regardless of the identity of the people present and their thoughts, there are two paths before you. For a common goal: to survive, to concentrate all the resources in hand to walk out a new path. The other is not willing to participate in this plan, it doesn’t matter, you can leave here now, but don’t talk nonsense after leaving, or don’t blame my ruthless men. "Lu Ziming stared at Li Juan, apparently speaking to her.

  Many people were still confused, but Li Juan knew in her heart that Lu Ziming was giving herself the last word.

  After reading the information about the giant spirit world, Li Juan did not make a statement. In Li Juan's information, there is a complete set of plans. It is this plan that made Li Juan hesitate.

  With Lu Ziming's current strength, it is not impossible to act alone without Li Juan, so why must Li Juan be pulled? The purpose is very simple, win Li Juan just to let her know the difficulty of doing things. Li Juan used to be the highest military commander of the Jincheng base in name. However, the real power was controlled by the four giants of the military department and could not be in charge of major or minor matters. After a long period of time, I complained to the military department in my heart, and this was the result of a later move to grab power.

  But Li Juan didn’t know how difficult it was to make a decision. In the process of interacting with Li Juan, she discovered that she had no talent for leadership, hesitated when encountering major events, and often lacked independent opinions in emotional matters.

  Now Li Juan began to hesitate again, vacillating left and right in Lu Ziming's plan, and it was difficult to make up her mind. This is exactly what Lu Ziming worries about.

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