End Times Dust Light

Chapter 810: Double-headed Falcon

There are no zombies in the giant spirit world, but there are endless monsters (the name of the dark creature in the giant spirit world). In some respects, the living environment is not much better than the end of the earth. In Lu Ziming's view, it will be another 100 years. , I am afraid that the earth will become another giant spirit world.

   Killing, fraud, and barbarism exist in two different worlds. Today in the giant spirit world is the tomorrow of the earth.

  Lu Ziming smiled and said: "Your hands are itchy! Come on, let me see the results of your trials during this period of time...".

  The fun of the battle is not to find the treasures of heaven and earth, nor is it to kill each other, it is more like a game between human nature.

Before the game starts, no one knows where their companions are, where and when they are in danger. The mutual relationship will only be revealed when the incident breaks out. It is a bit like the popular Three Kingdoms game on earth, of course. This is a virtual live game, which is similar to actual combat.

  "Location jungle mountains, start teleporting!"

  The scenery in front of Lu Ziming changed. He appeared alone on a big tree with no one around him. Where other people are and what their relationship with him is will change with the progress of the competition game. The only thing I know is the distance between the heaven, material and the earth treasure, and the light screen shows the distance and route from the heaven, material and earth treasure. Take it back to the destination.

It seems that it is not difficult, but it is not. The dangers encountered along the way are randomly set. We must avoid the powerful monsters that appear at any time. There will be unpredictable traps on the way forward. At the same time, we must beware of other people's maliciousness. Robbery, even siege and hunt down.

  For Lu Ziming, this is not a game, but a real battle, a preview before entering the giant spirit world!


  Giant Spirit World is a very peculiar continent, where is the peculiarity? Some people say that the giant spirit world is an isolated island, and this is not without reason, because the giant spirit world is surrounded by the sea, and no one knows what the opposite shore of the sea is. A long time ago, someone driving a flying boat wanted to explore the other side of the sea, but he didn't see the end after flying for decades. After running out of spar, he had to return regrettably. This is the sea of ​​the giant spirit world.

Let's talk about the shape of the giant spirit world. It is funny. The shape of the giant spirit world is very much like a poached egg fried by a crappy chef. The shape of the Earth’s Pangea.

  The topography of the giant spirit world is also very characteristic, because it is a whole continent, in the center of the continent is a huge desert, which is more than one hundred times the size of the Sahara Desert on the earth. It's off the beaten track, not to mention people, even most monsters won't come close there. Only a few extremely rare and highly adaptable monsters live on the edge of the desert.

The main residences of the giant spirit world are close to the edge of the mainland. There are only two types of landforms, one is the jungle river, the other is the lofty mountains. Humans live near the jungle river, and the monsters are entrenched between the lofty mountains. The two sides are clearly separated. From time to time, large-scale beasts attack the city.

  Lu Ziming is now located in the typical jungle environment of the giant spirit world. There are generally no high-level monsters here, but there are many low-level monsters. Monster beasts are not all ferocious, at least in the jungle, most of the beasts are vegetarian. As long as they don't provoke them, they usually don't take the initiative to attack humans.

"Buzzing...", a roar came from far and near, passing over Lu Ziming's head, the sky dimmed instantly, swarms of flying beetles flew low against the treetops, and each flying beetle had the size of a palm. , These flying beetles are extremely courageous, and any wind and grass will run around.

   "There is a situation!"

The flying beetles made Lu Ziming alert, and quickly hid behind a giant tree. Before he could react, he heard a whistling sound from the air, and then the wind suddenly rose in the forest, and the fallen leaves flew around. , "Huh...", a strong wind slammed down from the top of the head, the leaves on the giant tree were like snowflakes in the sky rolled up in the strong wind, and the flying beetles that were flying around among the treetops fell from the sky one after another. The flying beetle just hit Lu Ziming's head.

   "Two-headed Falcon!"

The double-headed falcon has two heads as its name suggests. The wingspan of the young double-headed falcon can reach 2 meters, and the adult double-headed falcon has a wingspan of more than 9 meters. It usually lives on cliffs and often appears around the cities of the giant spirit world. , The favorite food is not flying beetles, but evolutionary.

   "Unlucky! No way, was it discovered by the two-headed falcon?"

  The two-headed falcon is extremely sensitive to the scent of the evolutionary, except for its sharp eyes. It is said that it can smell the scent of the evolutionary from ten miles away.

  "The two-headed falcon must not be discovered." Today, Lu Ziming meets the two-headed falcon, and there is only one result, and only one: the two-headed falcon is eaten by the two-headed falcon, or the two-headed falcon catches back to the nest to feed the young falcon.

Lu Ziming's body was tightly attached to the back of the giant tree, even if the flying beetle crawled on his body, it would not move a bit. The two-headed falcon swept over Lu Ziming's head, and a black spot gradually disappeared into the distant sky. middle.


  If you observe Lu Ziming at this time, you will find that the direction he is running is not the destination, but the deeper part of the jungle. The two-headed falcon must have spotted Lu Ziming. Compared with the size of the two-headed falcon, Lu Ziming is too small, and it is indeed difficult to be found hiding behind a tree. If you think that the two-headed falcon just gave up like this, then Lu Ziming's days will come to an end, because the two-headed falcon will not give up until it reaches its goal.

Just when Lu Ziming turned and dashed, a black shadow on the cloud fell from the sky, but it approached Lu Ziming in a breath. Just as he was about to approach the treetops, the two-headed falcon pointed at Lu Zi with one mouth and two white glows. Ming stabbed straight from behind.

   "I want to attack! Dreaming!"

Lu Ziming dashed forward without turning his head, and rolled on the ground, hiding behind a giant tree, and two white awns inserted into the ground with two "pupu" sounds. They were actually more than a foot long. Of ice cones.

  To escape from the claws of the two-headed falcon, one is to use the terrain to hide and deal with each other, and the other is to compete with the two-headed falcon for patience, but there is no other way.

  The dense jungle hinders the attack of the two-headed falcon. If you encounter a two-headed falcon in an open area, you can't think of a good way other than dig a hole to bury yourself.

  "A beast is chasing me!" Looking at the figure of the two-headed falcon, Lu Ziming raised his **** toward the two-headed falcon, turned his head and continued to run deep into the jungle.

Not long after    ran out, the two-headed falcon appeared in the sky again. This time there was a huge boulder under the two-headed falcon’s claws, which seemed to weigh a ton.

"Unexpectedly changed the strategy and tactics, okay! I will accompany you to play well." Lu Ziming is not panicked. This is not the first time to simulate a two-headed falcon in the jungle. If you can't even handle this, Don't enter the giant spirit world.

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