End Times Dust Light

Chapter 811: Black wing tiger

  Old Qian is famous for being cautious (this is to praise him), it is not surprising that the [Teleport] skill appeared on him, but the five tiger sword technique he now cultivates is incompatible with his personality.

  In Lu Ziming's view, the best career for old money should be an assassin, even if he becomes a scout, it won’t surprise anyone.

Unexpectedly, there is still a spirit of martial arts in the old Qian’s mind, which makes everyone’s eyeballs fall to the ground, pulling and pulling. If you don’t see the old Qian’s practice of the five tiger swords, he still thinks that he is not awake. Awake.

  The old money also knows his own weaknesses. People who are older and almost forty years old can't compare with the young people like Xiami no matter how hard they work, so hot weapons are usually the first choice for old money.

  Old Qian crossed a turbulent river, threw the monitor lizard behind him on the other side of the river, climbed a small slope, recognized the direction, and plunged into the mountain.

  Speaking of speed, apart from Leng Meiren in the Yiming team, no one is faster than Lao Qian. If it weren't for the fear of [teleport] into the monster's mouth, now the old money might have reached the destination, and he is on his way back to find the treasure of heaven and earth.

  [Teleport] is not a panacea. It is very likely that stealing a chicken will not be a counterfeit. If the teleport point happens to be a piece of wood or stone, no one can even find the place where the old money died. [Teleport] The best distance is the farthest distance visually. Unless you know the situation and environment of the destination, you must not use [Teleport].

Just over a mountain, Old Qian was dumbfounded immediately, and a white mist shrouded the valleys in front of him. Not to mention [Teleport], the scenery around 5 meters away is hard to distinguish. This is what Old Qian never did. The situation encountered.

  It’s definitely not possible to teleport out. If you can’t see the situation in front, teleport is definitely looking for death, go to the top of the mountain! It looks good. When thinking of the mysterious birds, even Lu Ziming would not dare to do things, the old money would not do it, so he could only bite the bullet and move forward.

  Suddenly, the sound of "Shusha" sounded around Old Qian, and a few green lights flashed in the nearby mist, which happened to be discovered by Old Qian.


Before the old money could scream out, a green glow shot out from the mist, "Puff-puff-puff!" The energy-condensing gun in the old money's hand shot at the green glow, and several roars disappeared into the mist. In the midst, old Qian was so scared that his tail vertebrae sweated coldly.


It doesn’t matter whether you can kill monsters or not. The problem is that killing monsters will attract more monsters. If you can’t kill monsters, it will be more troublesome. The injured monsters will summon more monsters to besiege the old money. Neither kind of result can be dealt with by old money, what else can be done except running.

   He said that he would run without a trace of clouds, but Old Qian found that he was lost and could not find the direction when he came. This is not good news.

  "What to do?" Old Qian thought quickly in his mind. This is a trap. If you can't get out, you'll be a dead end. Look for one direction and rush out. Go out first.

   But Old Qian was wrong, a big mistake because he ran for a little while and found that he had not rushed out before he was surrounded by monsters.

To be precise, Lao Qian was pinched back and forth by two black wing tigers. The black wing tiger looks like a tiger, but it has a pair of three-meter-long fleshy wings. There is also a one foot long on the tiger's head. With sharp corners and extremely fast speed, running is impossible at this time, only one battle is left.

  It’s useless to panic. It’s faster to die in despair. There may be a ray of hope for a fight. Old Qian took the shot, seeing that the black wing tiger that was flanking back and forth was about to pounce in front of him, his figure disappeared in a flash, and appeared strangely behind the black wing tiger, with the energy-concentrating gun in his hand facing the black wing tiger. It was a sweeping sweep.

  The black wing tiger is not only ferocious, but also more agile. It found that the old money in front of him disappeared in place. The huge fleshy wings suddenly fanned, and the speed soared to the extreme, disappearing into the mist.

Lao Qian secretly shouted badly in his heart. The black wing tiger would not easily give up the prey it got. The hidden enemy was always much more dangerous than the enemy in the open. As soon as the black wing tiger disappeared, Lao Qian felt the strong wind behind him. Yihu did not know when he came behind him.

  There was no time to think about it. The energy-generating gun in his hand was out of ammunition. It was impossible to reload it. He smashed the energy-generating gun in his hand at the black wing tiger without hesitation, and rushed towards the black wing tiger.

  The speed of the old money is not much slower than that of the black wing tiger. Even when sneaking and rushing, the old money’s [Teleport] still has a great advantage.

  I have to say that the old money is still superb in mastering the escape skills. [Teleport] is used by him. It is not ordinary difficulty for the black wing tiger to catch the old money.

  The black wing tiger and the old money are equally matched. Between you and me, the black wing tiger does not have the slightest chance for the old money. The five-tiger steel knife in Old Qian’s hand is even more vigorous. For a while, the shadow of the knife and light sword flashed, and the old Qian’s figure has appeared beside the black wing tiger. Tiger.

With a tiger roar, I remembered that the side of the tiger's head was abruptly cut open by the old money. The old money was more confident in winning the first battle. When the black wing tiger was injured, he slashed on the tiger's head again. .

  One knife after another, one knife was as fast as one knife. The old money was too unreasonable, and he didn't notice that the other black wing tiger had already circled behind him.

"Puff!" Just when the old Qian thought that the fighting situation was under his control, he suddenly felt a deep pain in his ribs. He looked down and saw that a thorn pierced his body from behind, and the tip of the thorn came from behind. He came out in front of him, with red blood.

  The old money was sweating from the pain, and he almost threw away the five tiger knives in his hand, but he knew that he would never give up, so he gritted his teeth and cut his backhand behind him.

A scream came from behind, and the five tiger steel knives in his hand slashed on the top of the black wing tiger's head. The tiger's head was not split, but the five tiger steel knives were stuck tightly by the tiger's head. I already felt that the strength was being lost. His old money did not have the strength to hold the five tiger steel knives in his hands.

The black wing tiger was enraged. With a flick of the tiger's head, the old money was thrown from the tip of the thorn, and it fell heavily to the ground, followed by the fleshy wings inflaming the hurricane and flying into the air, opening its cannibal mouth, revealing a flash With cold fangs, pounced from the air towards the old money on the ground.

Lao Qian lay on the ground, struggling to stand up, but found that his whole body couldn't get it out. Looking at the black wing tiger that was about to pounce, the old Qian was not reconciled. He saw that he was about to win, but he fell. The final step to the victory finish line.

  Unwillingness, anger, and despair surged from the bottom of my heart together, turning into the last trace of strength, and a shiny dagger appeared in the hands of Old Qian, "Come on! Even if you die, you have to drag a back."

  The black wing tiger pounced on Lao Qian’s body, his fangs pierced Lao Qian’s neck, and the dagger in his hand was deeply inserted into the black wing tiger’s abdomen...

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