End Times Dust Light

Chapter 812: Stone Ape and Poisonous Fly

  Leng Meiren quietly lurked in the grass, and a colorful flying butterfly landed in the flowers more than ten meters in front of her. Everything looked so harmonious and beautiful.

Colorful flowers, emerald green grass, weirdly shaped boulders, the boulders are covered with vines, some are thicker than the waist, layered on top of each other, it looks like a gray-black staircase, this is the cold beauty in front of her eyes. What she saw reminded her of the stone forest in Yunnan.

  Flying butterflies danced among the flowers, the breeze blew, the fragrance of the flowers overflowed, mixed with the fragrance of the grass, and penetrated into the cold beauty's nostrils.

  The cold beauty shows her eyebrows frowning, not because of the chameleon under the flying butterfly, nor the poisonous snake entrenched on the vine, and fused with the vine, these are not the key.

  An ape howl came from the depths of the stone forest, amazed countless birds hovering over the stone forest, unwilling to fall for a long time.

  This stone forest is too big, if you want to go around, I am afraid it will take a long time to go around, don’t go around! Danger, very dangerous, extremely dangerous! Because there are a group of stone apes entrenched in the stone forest.

   Speaking of the stone ape is a very peculiar monster beast, said it is peculiar because the stone ape is not a flesh and blood life, but a standard ape-shaped stone. These stone apes don’t know when they began to entangled in the stone forest. They have never left the stone forest for half a step. No matter how you lure or stimulate these stone apes, as long as you can run out of the stone forest, the stone apes will not chase them.

  This is not the strangest place of stone apes. It is said that the number of stone apes in the stone forest has never changed. Countless years have passed. There is not one more stone ape, and there is no one missing. You say it is strange.

   Even more strange is still behind. These stone apes can't be killed or chewed. Leng Meiren shot a stone ape with a sniper gun from a distance, and the stone ape immediately shattered into countless pieces of rubble. It is said that things are acceptable here, but what happened next is puzzling. The stone ape next to him didn’t panic. He gathered up the gravel of the stone ape. I didn’t know what to do. It was exactly the same as before. The stone monkey appeared in front of Leng Meiren again, and roared in the direction of Leng Meiren's shooting, which was regarded as venting the anger and dissatisfaction in his heart.

  This is troublesome. If you can't kill it, you won't be able to rush through. She is really unwilling to admit failure like this on a detour. Leng Meiren has thought about it for ten minutes, but she didn't think of a good way.

"What to do?" Leng Meiren's gaze stayed on a distant river. The river was unremarkable and calm. The clear water was flowing slowly. There were shocking bones everywhere on the bank. No animals were willing to be there. Staying by the river, even if it is drinking water, it will walk away, as if there are some ferocious beasts in the river.

  This is indeed the case. Just half an hour ago, when Leng Meiren approached the river, a poisonous worm with a length of more than ten meters sprang out from the bottom of the river. If it hadn’t been for Leng Meiren’s preparations, he was almost dragged into the river by the poisonous worm.

Leng Meiren's inspiration flashed, "Yes! Just do it!" Fei Shou jumped up from the grass and plunged into the nearby woods. When Leng Mei walked out of the woods again, there were a few more **** sticks on her hands. Meat strips.

  The river is still rushing, and the cool river water under the scorching sun makes people want to jump down, soak it happily to wash away the dust all the way.

   "Pump", a piece of meat fell on the calm water, splashed with a splash of water, and blood spread on the clear water.

Leng Meiren stared at the flesh and blood in the water. Suddenly, ripples appeared under the water surface. The ripples became bigger and bigger. Suddenly the water surface sank down, forming a huge vortex, and the water surface began to boil. The shadow appeared from the bottom of the water.


   "Boom!" A gunshot sounded.

The poisonous worm that just came out of the water opened a huge mouth, swallowing a full 50 or 60 kilograms of flesh and blood, without chewing slowly, and swallowing it directly into the stomach in three or two strokes. When it was about to enjoy a delicious meal, the gun sounded. NS.

This time, the poisonous dragon was irritated. I was disturbed while eating. The poisonous dragon could not tolerate the poisonous dragon. The poisonous dragon completely surfaced with a "wheezing". The poisonous dragon more than ten meters swung its tail and jumped out completely. On the surface of the water, it rushed to the shore two times, and rushed towards the cold beauty who fired a black gun.

   The speed of Poisonous Flood Dragon was far beyond Leng Meiren's expectation, but Leng Meiren was not panicked. Instead, Xinxi picked up her gun and ran into the stone forest, looking behind her as she ran, for fear that the poisonous flood could not keep up.

   Poisonous worm followed, and the speed was extremely fast, his limbs hit the ground hard, and the whole earth was shaking. The huge tail swayed violently, whether it was a boulder or a big tree, as long as it was swept by the poisonous dragon's tail, it would either break or shatter.

The distance between Poisonous Dragon and Leng Meiren is getting closer and closer. The Stone Forest is just in front of Leng Meiren. The stone ape standing on the height of the stone forest began to roar, as if to warn Leng Meiren and Poisonous Floodwater not to come close. The warning is ignored.

  Leng Meiren ducked before the poisonous hawk and hid in the gap of the stone forest. Before she had time to look back, she felt the sound of the wind above her head. Blocks of boulders fell from the sky and fell towards the gap where Leng Meiren was hiding.

The size of the stone ape is not too big. The small one is only the size of a car, and the big one is no more than a truck (compared to other monsters). He likes to stand on the top of the stone forest and throw stones and knock on sticks. It looks very courageous. . However, Shi Yuan's territorial consciousness is extremely strong, no matter who is close to the stone forest, even a behemoth like a poisonous floodwater, will never stop dying.

  Leng Meiren avoided a huge boulder falling above her head, squeezed in through the narrow gap between the stones, and has led the poisonous scorpion into the stone forest. Now is the time to escape.

  The stone ape is very cunning. Seeing Leng Meiren hiding in the narrow gap, it is impossible for the boulder to hurt Leng Meiren, but the stone ape is not going to let this culprit go. I don't know where to find the hard cane, like a sharp spear, standing on the cliff of the stone forest, and stabbing it towards the cold beauty hiding in the gap.

  Leng Mei was shocked, and she never dreamed that Stone Ape would play this hand. Is this head really made of a stone?

   "Boom!" The poisonous dragon behind Leng Meiren rushed into the stone forest. The gap in the stone forest was too narrow, and the poisonous dragon's body was suddenly stuck in the gap in the stone forest. The poisonous dragon didn't seem to worry about being trapped. The rough-skinned poisonous dragon shook in the gap twice, and even pushed down the seemingly sturdy stone forest abruptly.

These stone forests don’t know how many years of wind and rain have passed. They couldn’t stand the poisonous scorpion’s impact and collision. They dumped on both sides one after another. This caused the stone apes on the top of the stone forest to anger. Here are these stones. The ape’s home was demolished, and it was impossible not to die. Just as the poisonous dragon squeezed through the gap, the huge boulder above his head fell towards the poisonous dragon.

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