End Times Dust Light

Chapter 816: Analysis (three)

  Lu Ziming has been confused by Qu Xiangguo's words, let Qu Xiangguo and Xia Houfang come to study the history and social form of the giant spirit world in order to learn more about the giant spirit world. This is like a person who travels to work in an unfamiliar country. It is impossible for a person to go to a completely unfamiliar place with a black eye. If it is lighter, it is irresponsible. If it is more serious, it may be fatal.

  A country has been passed on for hundreds of years and thousands of years, and it has naturally formed a unique set of culture, environment and taboos, not to mention two completely different worlds. Any speculation and research are necessary before entering.

  However, Lu Ziming did not expect that after Qu Xiangguo's analysis, the matter had become so complicated that he hadn't expected a lot of his own considerations and judgments at the beginning, and Lu Ziming was scared into a cold sweat.

  Intellectuals are not the same. Finding so many problems from a bit of information, Lu Ziming feels too lucky that he has found Qu Xiangguo and Xia Houfang.

"I just said that the giant spirit world is a different existence from earth civilization. The civilization of the giant spirit world is built on the foundation of spar, just as our world is built on the foundation of industry. If we just use our eyes to understand In the giant spirit world, the results obtained may be too far from the actual situation. Now let Professor Xia talk about the giant spirit world from a sociological point of view. Maybe it will open another window for us..." Qu Xiangguo took a look. Xia Houfang said.

  Xia Houfang had a bad life. She looked like a woman in her sixties and seventies in her forties. Her silver hair was reminiscent of her situation.

"Thank you Lu Shuai for giving me this opportunity," Xia Houfang bowed deeply to Lu Ziming: "Professor Qu has already expounded his views from the history of the giant spirit world. Let me talk about the giant spirit. Social issues in the world".

"Professor Qu and I share the same view. It’s very abnormal but not surprising that the giant spirit world cannot find the heritage of civilization. The living environment of the giant spirit world is not much better than the current earth. There are everywhere around the city. They are all monsters. It’s hard to imagine how the cities in the giant spirit world survived the beast wave! If this is the case, it’s not surprising that the giant spirit world did not find the heritage of civilization. ."

  Many people have seen the beast tide on the earth. It is said that the beast tide in the giant spirit world is ten times or a hundred times larger than that on the earth. It will not be easy to survive such a harsh environment. Let's talk about the inheritance of civilization.

"As for why there is no country in the giant spirit world, this is actually not difficult to understand if we analyze it from another angle. The establishment of a country depends on the strength on the one hand, and the environment on the other. Just imagine that the surrounding monsters look around. In the current situation, the first priority is the need for survival. If there is no guarantee for this, there is no way to establish a country. I agree with Professor Qu on this point."

"Population is the cell of the city, the city is the organ of the country, countless cells make up the country, but the large number of monsters in the giant spirit world hinders the establishment of a country. If you want to establish a country, you must have a stable external environment. Obviously There is no spiritual world. Professor Qu and I made a model to demonstrate the possibility of the establishment of a country from various aspects, but the results failed."

"The establishment of a country will inevitably be through war. Even if it is a federation, it must be based on mutual understanding and communication. However, from the information we have, there are very few such ways of communication between the cities and cities in the giant spirit world, even Some people have never left their cities in their lives, and many people don’t even know the specific locations of other cities. That is to say, the cities in the giant spirit world are also closed to each other. Such a world has no foundation for establishing a nation at all!"

Lu Ziming nodded, Xia Houfang's guess is correct, at least the possibility is very high, this is very similar to the early days of human civilization, when the tribe has just formed, a person doesn't even know what the world around him looks like, let alone. Knowing that there are other tribes, there will be no tribal alliance, let alone the country.

Xia Houfang said again: "There is a very strange phenomenon in the giant spirit world. There is no country, only cities. The cities are threatened by the surrounding monsters and the survival pressure is very high, thus creating a lot of strong people. If the giant spirit world is the earth Tomorrow, then the earth is now on the old path of the giant spirit world. There is less and less news between the various bases, and it is difficult to exchange information between each other. Over time, the base and the base will be between the cities and the cities of the giant spirit world. There is not much difference between...".

Xia Houfang has come up with the idea. The bases on the earth are really very similar to the cities in the giant spirit world. Imagine that in the near future, the communication between bases will be cut off. The bases are like isolated islands in the sea. I know that there are other bases outside, but I can't contact them. Beast tides appear around him from time to time. Who has the mind to take care of other bases.

   "In this way, the historical fault and social division of the giant spirit world is not accidental. The culprit of all this is the monster beast. Before the monster beast is completely defeated, it is impossible for the country to appear, and it is impossible for the society to have exchanges?"

   "Maybe it is true. The giant spirit world is forcibly separated by the ubiquitous monsters, the city and society are divided, the living environment is extremely difficult, and a brand new social structure has appeared?"

  "Before I talk about this question, I want to ask Lu Shuai a question?" Xia Houfang said cautiously.

"Please say!"

   "Does Lu Shuai think of the social structure of Chi You Space in a few years, even more than ten years, or decades later?"

   "What do you mean? Does this have anything to do with the giant spirit world?"

   "Of course it does matter. I just said that today in the giant spirit world is the future of the base. From this point of view, the social structure of the base is developing in the direction of the giant spirit world!"

  Lu Ziming is not a sociologist. He was still a student a few years ago. This problem is too profound and profound, even if I make myself think about it.

"From the data point of view, there are four levels in the giant spirit world city: ruler, evolver, civilian and slave. The ruler controls the city, the evolver has the highest status, and the civilians and slaves live at the bottom of the society. This kind of social structure It has already begun to appear in the base, it will not be long before it will be recognized by the base, and will exist for a long time. Does Lu Shuai think this phenomenon can be avoided?"

  Lu Ziming understood what Xia Houfang meant. A new social structure is being quietly formed in the base. It won’t take long for everyone to be surprised and take it for granted.

The ruling class is high above the top, and the evolutionary is born to death and fights with mutant creatures. It is impossible without a comparable social status. Those ordinary people with no combat effectiveness and low survival skills will become vassals. Such a situation is inevitable, Lu Zi Ming can't fight the historical trend. It's as if soldiers were loved and honored in a war. Otherwise, there would be no soldiers to fight on the battlefield.

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