End Times Dust Light

Chapter 817: Actual combat training

  Lu Ziming feels that Qu Xiangguo and Xia Houfang’s analysis is very reasonable. Judging from the information currently available, they only obtained a lot of information that Lu Ziming wanted from the information they were unable to obtain.

You must know that the information Lu Ziming gave to the two is not complete. On the one hand, it is examining the abilities of the two. On the other hand, it is also because some information is not easy to make public. In other words, he has a lot of loyalty to the two. Suspected, do not want important information to be leaked.

"Thank you both for your analysis. If nothing else, you should go back and rest first. I will send you the latest information. There will be many places where you will need your knowledge in the future." The following is the actual combat plan time, naturally not I hope the two will stay in the meeting room.

Seeing the two people leave the meeting room, Zi Xin walked to the light curtain and said, "Now I will introduce the actual combat drill plan that will be carried out soon. Your strength has been improved in the nutrition warehouse, and your combat skills are also in the trial field. It has been verified in China, but virtual trials can never replace actual combat, and any precise simulation can’t compare to the sudden situation in reality. Adaptation is the key to survival!"

Zi Xin called out a map and said: "This is a topographic map of Jiutun a hundred li. The next actual combat plan will be carried out around this area. Through the detection of the dark creatures under the poisonous scorpion woman, and the dark creatures we secretly sent Insect monitoring found that there are several signs of human activity near us. The actual combat plan is to rescue these survivors and bring them back to the Jiutun base...".

   There are more than a dozen red dots on the map. It is far from the old village. It is said that the old army has already taken refuge in the old village.

The news of the apocalypse is not smooth, not to mention a hundred li, even a few tens of li, you may not necessarily hear of the existence of the old village base. There are mutant creatures everywhere outside. The existence of the Tun base.

  The actual combat plan is to let the evolutionary rescue these survivors. Not to mention the hardships and dangers along the way, but to find the survivors, the other party will not necessarily believe that someone is kind to themselves.

  Taking advantage of the fire to rob and kill people and overtake goods has long been commonplace in the last days. Suddenly a powerful presence appeared in front of him, and the other party was afraid of fear.

  Trust in the apocalypse has long been missing. Selling the flesh in order to survive has long been a commonplace. Drawing the sword is the mainstream. Now suddenly a powerful existence emerges. It is not the authenticity of the other party's words, but the worry that oneself will be killed.

"The 26 of us are divided into several teams and choose the objects that need to be rescued, either in groups of two or in teams of four. The important thing is not to rescue itself, but to learn to survive in the end times and interact with other people. This is the same as the end times. It’s different before, so you have to be prepared in your heart and don’t think that the other party will believe and agree with you..."

"Each team can receive rations for 5 days, and the remaining rations will find their own way outside. Each team will be allocated standard weapons and equipment and a modified bus. If the mission fails, it can call Chiyou Space for reinforcements. If the mission fails three consecutive times, the entry will be cancelled. Have you heard clearly about the qualifications of the giant spirit world?"

   "Listen clearly!"

  "The meeting is over!"


  Leng Meiren walked into the bus with a sniper rifle. Di Huang looked around and saw that no one was paying attention to her. She looked at Lu Ziming eagerly and asked, “Team Lu, are there any seats in the bus?”

  Leng Meiren turned around and said: "What? No one else wants to take you?"

Di Huang squeezed his chest and said: "It's not that nobody is taking it, it's that I don't want to follow them...", then his tone changed, and his face flattered and said: "Following Team Lu and Sister Leng, I feel at ease, don't you? This reason!"

   "The oily tune is slippery, and you will have to drive if you don't get up again", Leng Meiren said coldly.

  Di Huang Yixi, leaped into the bus with a stride, and approached the driver Lu Ziming and said: "Team Lu, let me drive. I have been driving a car for a few years before, and my hands have long been itchy."

"Okay! You come to drive." Lu Ziming didn't insist. He gave up his driving seat to Dihuang. He was not proficient in driving a car by himself. Driving a bus might indeed drive the ducks on the sedan. I really don't dare to drive indiscriminately (driving illegally!).

The bus was modified by Yu Peng. The front of the bus was equipped with a V-shaped snow shovel head, and the tires were replaced with riot tires. The surrounding area was densely reinforced with many steel plates and iron bars. There was also a six-barreled Gauss machine gun on the roof. Thousands of mutant creatures can definitely rampage in the apocalypse.

  Rehmannia squeezed the steering wheel in excitement, and roared: When I drove, the bus roared, and a cloud of dust drove out of the old village base.

  Not far away, Li Juan, Gu Cheng, and Tie Xiong were standing on the guard tower, watching the eight buses drive out of the Jiutun base in the dust, feeling a little uncomfortable. Among the first batch of 26 evolvers who entered the giant spirit world, 15 evolvers came from the army. From that moment on, their influence on these evolvers was getting smaller and smaller. What made Li Juan even more angry was that they were On the grounds that the plan was secret, she refused to provide Li Juan with details of the plan.

  Li Juan is not unwilling to cooperate with Lu Ziming. With the support of Chi You Space and Lu Ziming, the risk of entering the giant spirit world will be reduced, and the benefits will increase exponentially.

   However, Li Juan is unwilling to be led by Lu Ziming. Cooperating with Lu Ziming means losing her independence and becoming a vassal of Chi You Space and Lu Ziming.

  This is indeed the case. Lu Ziming has no need to hide Li Juan at all. If he wants to get it, he must first give up. There will be no before, and he will not give it in vain in the last days.

   "You said what Lu Ziming is going to do now?"

"Do you still need to ask? Of course it is to train these evolutionaries", Tie Xiong frowned and said: "Lu Ziming first uses Chiyou space technology to enhance the strength of these people, and then let them conduct actual combat training. There is only one purpose, in half a year. Improve their strength and combat skills as much as possible".

Gu Cheng coldly snorted: "That said, but Master Tie must not forget that the purpose of Lu Ziming's doing this is not only to help these people improve their strength, but I am afraid that they want to show it to others. It really depends on these people. What other effects can you enter into the giant spirit world!"

  If Lu Ziming heard these words from Gu Cheng, he would definitely agree. Since the conspiracy and trickery can't play with these people, then he will compete dignifiedly, knowing that it is Yangmou, there is nothing to say.

  The most important thing in the apocalypse is not crystals, or strengthening meat, let alone weapons and equipment, but their own strength.

Ordinary people want to become evolvers, and evolvers want to improve their own strength, but strength is not easy to improve. If a person wants to improve strength, not to mention the risks involved, even the long time of training, plus a lot of talents. Dibao is absolutely maddening. Joining Chi You's space is different. The nutrition warehouse improves your strength and the trial field improves your combat skills. All of these are free, and just thinking about it makes people's heart moving.

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