End Times Dust Light

Chapter 818: Live!

In the plains base, the honorary commander Lian Hai walked back and forth with a gloomy face, the cigarette between his fingers had been burned but he didn't know, he waved his arm angrily and said, "What the **** Li Juan wants to do, don't you know how to attack Xin? The consequences of the city?"

  The actions of the Jiutun base during this period are a bit big, the big ones have already affected the survival and safety of the plain base, making Lian Hai and the Big Four start to fidget.

Sikongtai was still indifferent, and took a sip from his teacup, saying, "What are you afraid of? How does this girl like Li Juan have experienced two zombie waves? How can I not understand this? I think she has another purpose. ?"

   "I'm just afraid that Li Juan knows that there are tigers in the mountains, so he wants to go to the mountains, and it will be too late to regret then!" Wei Zipeng hated iron for not making steel.

"Don't be busy drawing conclusions first..." Luo Gangliang, who has not spoken, said: "Even if Li Juan doesn't understand, Lu Ziming can't be unclear, can you watch Li Juan mess around? I see here. Is there a reason?"

Luo Gangliang still sees it more transparently. He saw the key to the problem at a glance, and said calmly: "Look at what Li Juan has done during this period. The road from the village to Xincheng and several surrounding towns and villages eliminated the mutant creatures within ten miles of the old village. It is not difficult for you to understand that the establishment of a base must have a good environment, and it cannot be done all day long. Being harassed by mutant creatures can't live in peace...".

"But the next thing is a bit incomprehensible. It is said that the external environment of the old village is good. It has occupied a national strategic reserve warehouse. There are 8,000 soldiers under him, plus Lu Ziming's Chiyou space, although it is not It’s definitely not a problem to be strong and self-protection. If it develops steadily for a few years, it will not be impossible for Jiutun to become a medium-sized base. But at this time, Li Juan is preparing to attack the zombies in Xincheng. Does Li Juan have this strength?"

   Luo Gangliang was right. According to the investigation, there were more than three to four hundred thousand zombies in Xincheng. With the strength of Jiutun, it was unwise to provoke the zombies in Xincheng at this time.

  Can't Li Juan and Lu Ziming see this? Obviously not, not to mention bullying and fear of hardship, but what can be gained by smashing with Xincheng zombies, killing a thousand enemies and self-defeating 800, if another wave of zombies comes up, it is difficult to say whether the Jiutun base can be kept.

  A zombie is nothing, but what about a group? The zombies like to get together, angered one, and stabbed a hornet's nest. If it weren't for this reason, the small county town of Pingyuan would have been broken by the Big Four.

The gain is proportional to the effort. No one wants to do anything at a loss. Attacking Xincheng zombies is nothing more than crystals and enhanced meat. Jiutun does not have this strength, and there are not so many evolvers in Dingxian base. When the Big Four ran away, Li Juan's actions seemed intriguing.

   "Is there any conspiracy in this?"

"Conspiracy! You too overestimate the girl Li Juan. If Lu Ziming, I might still worry about it for a while. As for Li Juan?" He Taijian said with a look of disdain: "What benefits will the attack on Xincheng bring to the Jiutun base? Not being able to attack is a problem. The only concern is the impact of this incident on the plains base. You must know that the zombies in various places are not isolated. There are signs that the zombies entrenched in the city have a strong organizational discipline. , Even if Li Juan wants to attack Xincheng, he must consider this...".

"Now what?"

  "What else can we do, so as to keep the same and respond to the changes, first send someone to stare at the vicinity of Xincheng. If something really happens, we shouldn’t be helpless to prepare early!"

  "Okay! Let the first battalion be deployed near Xincheng, try not to contact Li Juan, and see what they are going to do?"

  If Li Juan knew about their conversation, she would have hit the sky. There was no Li Juan’s conspiracy in it. Lu Ziming was planning it all alone, and the Big Four saw the clues.


  In a high-tech development zone northwest of Xincheng, under a civil air defense fortification, the air is full of pungent odors with dim candles. A teenage boy holding a white animal bone in his arms, licking the animal bone with his cracked lips, hoping to pull a trace of the flesh from the animal bone, but the bone is more licked than a dog They are all clean, and no bones will be left after licking it down.

  A few skinny survivors lay beside the boy, staring blankly at the animal bones in the boy's hand, and there was a swallowing "coo" in his throat.

   "Brother, can you let me lick it?"

  A little girl with big head and big eyes looked at the boy eagerly. She was so hungry that she didn't even have the strength to speak, which reminded people of victims in Africa who had been hungry for several years. The shriveled little hands crawled on the ground tremblingly, and there was not much strength left to raise his head. If the boy hadn't found a meatless animal bone, the girl would be mistaken for a corpse if lying on the ground.


  Although the boy was reluctant to give up, he still handed the animal bones in his arms to the girl. This was the only food found in the past few days.

  The hunters have been out for three days. If no food is found, more than a dozen people in the air defense fortifications will be starved to death. Starving to death is not the worst result, because I know that if I don't even have the strength to open my eyes, it will become food for others.

  Cannibalism is not uncommon for a long time. Yi Zixiangshi still has hope of survival, but now there is no hope at all. The difference lies in the question of who will die first.

  Now food is getting harder and harder to find. The last days have occurred for four or five years. Ordinary food has long been moldy and rotten. Not to mention food, it is hard to find grass roots and belts. It's not that you can't really find food. Dark creatures are the best food, but these people have no strength. Maybe who eats who?

  The food that can be found around has long been eaten. The distance to find food is getting farther and farther and the danger is getting bigger and bigger. A few months ago, there were 30 or 40 people, but now there are less than 20 people left.

"Xiaoxin, after my mother died, remember to eat me and live...", a woman lying on the ground, reaching out and grabbing the girl's hands, tears could not flow in her eyes, and her throat was dry. In the voice, a hand with only bones and skin tightly gripped the girl's skinny little hand and said: "Remember mother's words! Someone will come to us...".


  The light in the woman's eyes was gradually dissipating. The girl didn't know the strength from there, so she rushed over and held her dying mother in her arms.

  The people around them looked at the mother and daughter indifferently. Their eyes were not sorrow, but excitement, enthusiasm and joy. They will soon have food. In their eyes, food is more important than dignity.

  Death may be a kind of relief. Only those who are alive can realize what is miserable. Who can blame all this?

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