End Times Dust Light

Chapter 819: Defect to

   With a "bang" sound, the closed iron door opened, and a dazzling beam of light shot in from the outside, dazzling people staring at the door with their eyes closed.

  The door opened, and a few dark shadows rushed in from the outside, and backhanded the iron door again, and darkness once again enveloped the air defense fortifications. The candlelight flickered a few times, and everyone's eyes stayed on the few people who came in.

   "Food! Did you find food?"

  A scar face came out of the shadows, waved his fist and slammed at a thin man, "A group of starving ghosts still want food to eat, aren’t you just food?"

   "Okay!" A long-haired man grabbed Scar's face and said, "Stop it, let's think of a way to get out!"

  A charming female voice came from behind the long-haired man, “It’s really unlucky, aren’t the nearby zombies already dormant? Why are they starting to move again!”

Zombies have a characteristic. When they cannot find food, they will stand motionless, as if they have entered a hibernation state. Once the smell of food appears around, these seemingly dormant zombies will regain vitality and move around looking for food. .

"Who said no, I finally waited until the surrounding zombies were dormant, and I didn't expect to be activated again. What a **** bad luck." A short fat man squatted on the ground carrying a cloth bag and scattered the food in the bag on the ground. The people looked eagerly, no one dared to take a step forward, only showing greedy and pleading gaze.

   "Get out!" Scarface stepped on an extended palm without screaming, because he didn't even have the strength to scream.

  "Forget it...", the long-haired man grabbed a bag of moldy biscuits with broken packaging and threw them into the crowd, saying, "What are you going to do with this bunch of useless things? Think about how to get out of here!"

  It seemed to have just responded to the words of the long-haired man, and there was a “boom buzz buzzer” sound from outside the iron gate, mixed with the sore scratching sound of fingers scratching the steel plate.

The Jiao Didi woman's face paled in fright, she reached out and grabbed the long-haired man's arm: "Boss, run away, this place was found by zombies, it will be too late if you don't leave."

Scarface was holding a two-foot-long watermelon knife in his hand and carrying a semi-automatic rifle behind his back. He walked to the iron gate and glanced outside through the gap. The cold sweat on his forehead rushed towards him. Indecent, "Boss, there are at least hundreds of zombies outside. We don't have many bullets anymore. There is only a dead end to stay here!"

Humpty Dumpty didn’t know where he was just now. He appeared again at this time. He was carrying a big travel bag full of stuff inside. He didn’t know what it was. "Boss, I just saw it. The exit to the south is very Safe, is it time to go now?"

  The long-haired man does not want to go. He has been hiding like a bereaved dog for almost half a year, where can he go.

Seeing the long-haired man hesitating, his scarred face glanced over the charming woman next to him and said: "Boss, let's go back to the plains base! How can I say that even the boss is my own brother, and things are clear face to face, and it's not a hatred of evil. !"

   "Speak clearly! How to say clearly, take the woman from Lianhai, and send the person back after the game?"

Scarface and Humpty Dumpty don’t know. The long-haired man’s name is Lien Chan. He is handsome and talented. The key is to be an evolutionary. He is highly regarded by Lian Hai, and even seduce Lian Hai’s women. This woman is the beautiful woman next to her now.

  In fact, it’s nothing. Even the sea playing with women is for playing, and Lien Chan playing with women is also for playing. The problem is that you should never do anything wrong. Lien Chan also swallowed a lot of things in Lianhai, ready to stand up a hill. The plan was good, and it went smoothly at the beginning, but half a year ago, the bad luck began. The stronghold was lost, the people died, and the equipment was lost. The strength was not as good as one day. Now there are only three people left. Of course, the thin Lianmu Hungry people who can't lift a stick are not counted.

  Unlucky, drinking cold water is stuffy, and the house leaks overnight. It is hard to find a hiding place. As long as the person is still alive, there is always a day of hope to turn over.

  But what happened later seemed to be different from what we had imagined. The development of the situation was beyond control. It was also related to the Dingxian base, but Lien Chan couldn't think of it. Even if he knew it, he couldn't change it. This is fate!

  Lian Zhan is completely unable to turn over, but he asked him to go back and beg Lian Hai to forgive himself.

  From Lien Chan’s point of view, the plain base can’t be returned even if he is killed. There are many reasons for this.

  The reason why Scarface wants to return to the plain base is not that he has any feelings with the plain base. On the contrary, he does not like the plain base and Lianhai, but he does not like the Jiutun base even more.

  Without him...Order ears, there is no order in the plain base, as long as the fist is big, it will soon be able to stand up again. But the Jiutun base is not good, this is the main reason why Scarface chose the plain base.

   "In that case, the boss said to go there, let's follow there?" The short fat man didn't matter.

  "Good brother!" Lian Zhan patted the short fat man on the shoulder, looked at Scar's face and said: "Everyone has aspirations, we know each other somehow, if you don't want to follow, I won't stop you?"

  Scar's face looked cloudy and uncertain, and he hesitated for a long time: "Since the boss has decided, I have nothing to say, just go to Jiutun."

   "Okay!" Lien Chan looked at the dozens of people lying on the ground around him and said, "Leave some of the food on your hands, and give them all the rest?"

   Jiao Didi's woman is anxious. Although the food in her hand is not good, it is better than nothing. Now it is fully distributed to the half-dead survivors. What will she eat in the future? "Boss, what are you doing?"

"You don't understand! Just the four of us went to the Jiutun base. Although we won't refuse, it is difficult to leave a good impression. If we bring these people to the Jiutun base together, not to mention a reputation for benevolence and justice, we just get It is also possible to have a full-time official and a half-time job. What we lose is only food that cannot be eaten for generations. This is a good deal!"

Those who can survive now are considered elites. Those who are sick, old, etc., have died long ago and can’t die anymore. Don’t look at these people who are all sick and crooked. Just take a few days of rest and have two full mouths. After eating, he was alive and kicking again.

  Lien Zhan still had a plan in his heart that he didn’t say. If these people are brought to the Jiutun base, they can sell them all if they don’t get any benefits. This transaction is not lost.

  The survivors who received the food were naturally grateful to Lien Chan, so they had to give Lien Chan the longevity tablet. They knew that Lien Chan thought so, and then thought that he was going to the Jiutun base soon, so it’s too late to be happy?

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