End Times Dust Light

Chapter 823: Betrayal (1)

  "Boss, the road ahead is completely blocked, and the truck can't get through at all. We can't clear those obstacles by ourselves. Let's make a detour!" Scarface jumped onto the truck and pointed to the road ahead in frustration.

Lien Chan nodded and looked out of the car window. The front was similar to a big traffic accident a long time ago. More than a dozen cars were biting together like a dog's teeth. The car got into the belly of the big truck, and the long-distance coach climbed up. On the head of the small truck, the burning smell can still be faintly smelled. If you want to clear a road, you can't do it with four of you.

   "Are there any other roads?"

  Scarface spread out the map and carefully searched: "There is a trail leading to Jiutun, but it may be half a day late, so I can't come in a hurry today."

  Lian Zhan thought for a while and said, “Don’t rush for a long time, just get to Jiutun. Let’s rest at the gas station just now and leave tomorrow!”

Scarface replied, and the car turned around and quickly came to a private gas station that he saw on the road. Except for the two newly awakened zombies, no gasoline was found in the gas station, but Lien Chan didn't care. Anyway, he could go to Jiutun tomorrow. Had it not been for dragging a group of dying survivors, he would be able to walk to Jiutun by himself.

   "I will rest here tonight. The fat man will take care of the refugees. Scarface will check the surrounding situation. Don't disturb the surrounding zombies!"

  Lian Zhan walked into the gas station office with Jiao Didi in his arms. Apart from simple office supplies and a stack of banknotes, he found nothing in the room.

  "You rest here first, I'll take a look outside!"

Lien Chan is very good to Jiao Di Di, but it is wrong to conclude that Lien Chan loves Jiao Di Di deeply. Jiao Di Di is very beautiful and belongs to a woman who can pinch water out of a twist. Needless to say, she is gentle, and she is very good at serving Lien Chan. Lien Chan's head overwhelmed was nothing more than this, and it did nothing to help Lien Chan except for his physical needs.

  It is such a woman who makes Lien Chan and Lian Hai draw their swords at each other. This kind of remark also deceives the lone man and widow who has not been involved in the world. No one believes except Lien Chan himself.

   Jiao Didi responded, and looked at everything around him nervously, as if Lien Chan would immediately pop out a bunch of monsters when he left him.

  Lian Chan met the Scarface who had just returned from patrol outside the door, "How is the situation around?"

  "The situation is okay. There are no large groups of mutant creatures found. It is not a problem to rest here for one night?" Scarface patted his chest.

  "Fortunately, you have suffered!"

   "Boss, what do the brothers say these kind words... I shouldn't consider me to be a brother," Scarface said displeased.

   "I didn't mean that, you followed me for almost half a year, you still don't know who I am," Lien Chan apologized.

  The setting sun slowly went down, the dark night shrouded the earth, dark clouds obscured the stars, and the gas station fell into a quiet state, and there were no birds and insects in the surrounding silence.

   "Who's where!" A shout broke the silence of the gas station, and the fat man grabbed the gun and looked at the shadow in front of him vigilantly.

   "It's me! Scarface", the black shadow flashed, and Scarface walked out of the corner holding his pants.

   "Scared me to death", the fat man sat down again, took a crumpled cigarette that Scarface had handed over, and took a sip and said, "It will scare people to death in the middle of the night."

"Urinary urgency! Come out to breathe, smoke a cigarette", said that Scarface sat next to the short fat man, looked up at the dark night sky and said: "Fat man, why do you say we followed the boss to Jiutun? Are the rules we received in Jincheng not enough?"

Humpty Dumpty blinked his eyes and said indifferently: "We are evolutionaries, and we are free to go to the plain base, but the life of fighting, killing, and deceiving all day is scary. In fact, it’s a bit of a good rule, at least you don’t have to worry about someone. Shoot a black gun in the back, what do you think?"

  Scarface didn’t seem to hear the words of the Humpty Dumpty, and suddenly pointed to the front, "There seems to be something there?"

  A jealous short fat man looked in the direction of Scarface’s fingers. Before he saw what was in front of him, he felt a gust of wind on the back of his neck. A lazy donkey was rolling and just trying to avoid it, he lost consciousness when his eyes were dark.

  Scarface's palm stayed in the air, looked down at the pudgy man lying on the ground, took out the flashlight and shook it three times in the dark.

  Soon a few black shadows appeared behind Scarface, "Are everyone here?"

   "It's all here, there is a company of soldiers guarding it outside, and this time, Lien can't fly away with wings!"

   "Okay! Start acting right away. The goal is in the first room, with the woman Jiao Didi. Now is his best time. If he fails again this time, there will be no chance in the future!"

  Evolutionaries are very powerful, but they are also humans. People will have stress and relaxation, especially in the last days.

  It is impossible for an evolutionary to tense his nerves forever. When there is pressure, he must release it. A woman's belly is the best decompression tool. In the evening, Lien Chan drank a little wine and found satisfaction on Jiao Di Di's belly. He fell asleep in a drowsy manner. Everything that happened outside did not arouse Lien Chan's vigilance in the slightest.

  Lian Chan is not at all alert. The long apocalyptic life makes everyone like a cowardly mouse, and any disturbance is nervous. Lien Chan was no exception. At the moment when the door was pushed open with a "creak", Lien Chan jumped from the ground, "Who is it?"

"it's me!"

Before the voice fell, a bright light flashed towards the door of Lien Chan's face.

"It's you!"

  Lian Chan turned his head just to avoid the light, but it was still a little late. The light ran across his face, leaving a **** wound.

   "Why betray me!"

While talking, Lien Chan already held a slender long sword in his hand. If you look closely, you will find that this long sword is very similar to the Western sword used in sports competitions. The blade is extremely thin, and the length of the sword is less than one meter. The tip flashed cold light and pierced towards the black shadow.

"Don't resist. The company commander asked me to invite you back and return the things you took to the company commander. The company commander said, this woman can be given to you, and she will be a good brother in the future. !" The shadow flashed, and countless beams of light suddenly lit up and shone on Lien Chan.

   "Traitor! I have always trusted you in vain, but I didn't expect you to be his undercover agent!"

  Lian Chan roared, and once again approached the black shadow. The thin sword, like a possessed maggot, pressed tightly against the black shadow, and a sword was as fast as a sword, forcing the shadow to retreat in a row.

  The black shadow was not panicked. While blocking the stormy attack, as if he knew what Lien Chan wanted to do, he said coldly: "You can't escape this time. Don't you think your strength is disappearing?"

  Lian Chan was startled and stretched out his hand to cover the wound on his face, "Did you apply medicine on the flying knife?"

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