End Times Dust Light

Chapter 824: Betrayal (2)

  Black Shadow is Lien Chan’s best brother, Scarface. Along the way, Lien Chan has never doubted the loyalty of Scarface. He didn't expect that the human heart was separated from the belly. In the end, he still looked away.

   "What did you do to the fat guy?"

   "The fat man is fine, anyway, brother, as long as he is willing to take refuge in the company commander, he will be a good brother in the future!"

  Lian Chan did not move. Scarface was delaying time when talking to himself. Vigorous exercise would accelerate the diffusion of toxins in the blood. This was the true purpose of Scarface.

   Jiao Didi was already awakened, wrapped in a bed sheet and shrank in fear in the corner, and the atmosphere did not dare to make a sound.

"Very well, I really misunderstood you. After you took refuge in me, the stronghold was destroyed. You will do the next few crises!" Lien Zhan squinted his eyes as he shot in from the window. Light beam, saw that he was surrounded.

  Lian Chan smiled secretly. If he hadn't been greedy for a large amount of supplies, Lien Hai would have been beaten into a hornet's nest.

On the surface, Lien Chan has robbed Lian Hai’s woman. In fact, Lian Hai doesn’t care about a woman at all. After a long time, even Jiao Didi’s name is forgotten. Outsiders think that Lien Chan broke with Lian Hai because of Jiao Didi. This is not the case at all.

  Lian Hai claimed that Lien Chan had robbed her of his own woman. Lian Chan did not deny or publicly rebutted, but when Scarface said that, Lien Chan knew that Scarface was a traitor that Lian Hai secretly arranged by his side. Thinking of this, no matter how stupid Lien Chan is, he knows what the inexplicable danger he has encountered in the past six months is all about Lian Hai's conspiracy, just to force himself to take out that batch of materials.

  No one knows where the materials are hidden, not even Jiao Didi and Fatty. This is the life-saving capital of Lien Chan.

  When Lien Chan was unwilling to seek refuge in the plains base, and was about to go to Jiutun, Scarface finally jumped out unbearably. All of this couldn't be better understood.

   When Tuqong saw him, Lien Chan sneered and said, "Do you think I will hand over those materials?"

Scarface stared at Lien Chan like a falcon, with two daggers in his hands crossing his chest to prevent Lien Chan from suddenly violent: "Don’t struggle to death. Go back to the commander of the company obediently with me. Seeing the love of the same clan, Lien The commander of the army will not embarrass you.

   "Okay! I want to see if the fat guy is safe?"

   "No problem!" Dao Scar shouted behind him without looking back, "Bring the fat man in!"

   Humpty Dumpty was pushed in, and saw Scarface cursed: "You balao son, son of a turtle, I think you are a brother, I didn't expect you to betray your faith. I was really blind."

  Scarface didn’t seem to hear the cursing of the humpty dumpty. He kept his eyes on Lien Chan’s left and right and said, “How about it, you can go with me now!”

"Wait a minute!" Lien Chan looked back at the shivering Jiao Di Di, and then looked at the pudgy man with a guilty expression: "Brother, I didn't expect to fall to the point where I am today, and even involve you. , You won't blame me!"

"Boss..., it's not your fault, it's all this white-eyed wolf..." The short fat man suddenly pounced at the scar face beside him, and hit the body of the scar face with his head, "Boss, run! "

  Scarface concentrated on Lien Chan's body. He didn't expect that the short fat man who was **** would suddenly violently violently, and he didn't notice that he was bumped and staggered by the short fat man.

   At the moment when Dumpty Dumpty hit the Scarface with his head, Lien Chan suddenly jumped up. The rapier in his hand shook out a few sword flowers and pierced towards the Scarface, **** and abdomen.

Scarface was not defensive against Humpty Dumpty, but he was more careful with Lien Chan. When Humpty Dumpty shook his body, he immediately realized the danger was coming. A dagger in his hand was thrown toward Lien Chan, and another dagger was directed at Humpty Dumpty’s neck. In the last one, Humpty Dumpty was caught in front of him, and he blocked Lien Chan's fierce offensive with Dumpty Dumpty.

  Lian Zhan was shocked. He didn't expect that Scarface had followed him for more than half a year. He had been hiding his strength all the time. It was obvious that his strength was not below him.

  A missed hit, even if he disregarded the humpty fat man’s life, Lien Chan knew that it was impossible to get the scar face in his current state, so he immediately abandoned his original plan. With a flimsy move, the thin sword pierced the left hand with the scar face across the short fat man's neck, trying to take the opportunity to save the short fat man.

Scar's face can be seen clearly, with a playful sneer on his face, his back shook, and the two daggers hidden behind him soared into the air. With his right hand in the air, the two daggers immediately changed direction and shot towards Lien Chan. .

  Lian Zhan sneered in his heart. Scarface hides his strength. Why didn't he hide his strength? Even his own woman can't believe it these days, let alone relying on his scarface halfway.

Seeing that the two daggers flew to Lien Chan’s face, Lien Chan suddenly picked it up with a rapier. An electric arc flashed on the rapier. The two daggers were immediately attracted to the rapier, following the rapier like sparks flashing in the air. Suddenly changing their skills, the two daggers immediately changed the attack direction and flew towards Scarface.

Scarface admitted that he had been with Lien Chan for half a year, and was familiar with Lien Chan's every move. He was 90% sure to control Lien Chan in the first place. He never thought that Lien Chan had never trusted himself, so he secretly left a hand.

  I have experienced strong winds and waves, but I didn’t expect the boat to capsize in the gutter! Underestimated the opponent's strength, but also overestimated his own strength. If it weren't for the first attack on Lien Chan, it would be really hard to say who won.

  Lian Chan was already at the end of the crossbow. The poison had flowed through the blood long ago, and he would soon lose consciousness. Lian Hai was reluctant to kill himself, and wanted to get the whereabouts of that batch of materials from him. Otherwise, Lien Chan might not survive now, and that's why he had a ray of life.

  Scarface was shocked, and the short fat man in his hand was pushed out against the two daggers. With a double "puff puff", the dagger pierced the short fat man's chest.


  Lian Zhan did not expect that Scarface would jump over the wall in a hurry, using a short fat man as a meat shield. He glared for a while, and no longer had any scruples. When he grabbed his right hand in the air, an electric arc appeared out of thin air and projected toward the scarface.

  Scarface At this time, no matter how stupid he is, he knows that he is not Lien Chan’s opponent. The injured tiger is still a tiger.

"kill him!"

Scarface screamed. Seeing that the arc had reached him, no one would be his physical shield anymore. With his feet, he slammed against the wall behind him, and put his hands on his chest, desperately resisting the last battle of Lien Chan. hit.

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