End Times Dust Light

Chapter 837: acquaintance

  No matter how intelligent the purple heart is, it is also a high-performance computer, allowing her to perform deductions and calculations. It will be difficult for her to make correct judgments.

  Lu Ziming suddenly found that he was missing a key group around him: the think tank, the science and technology team is under construction, and the management team has taken shape. The only people and groups that can make correct judgments have been forgotten and failed! A complete failure!

"Okay! Three heads arrived at Zhuge Liang. We have already thought a lot about this matter. We will temporarily suppress this matter. We will discuss it after the actual combat training is over a month later, and strengthen the alert of the auto repair shop. I I think Sombra will not just give up!"

  Lu Ziming also has a headache. If Sombra is just an isolated incident, there is nothing to worry about. The big deal is to remove the protective cover and let Sombra enter the giant spirit world without any loss to Lu Ziming.

If this matter is not isolated, but planned and organized, it will be tricky. I am afraid it is beyond the scope of one's own ability. Even Chiyou's space must be afraid of three points and set himself a big enemy for no reason. That is unwise.

  In the next two days, the shadow did not reappear. More automatic weapons were arranged in the car training ground. Once the alarm was issued, these automatic weapons could lock the target in the first time. The monitoring probes were all replaced with top-level high-speed clear probes. Even if a high-speed bullet flies over the car repair shop, the traces on the bullet can be clearly seen. Everything is properly arranged, quietly waiting for the occurrence of the second invasion.

Of course, Lu Ziming could not sit at home and wait for Sombra. The one-month actual combat plan will continue. The next day he will go out again with Leng Meiren and Dihuang, and this time the three have no clear plans and tasks. There is only one goal to collect crystals and strengthen meat.

The place with the most crystals and fortified meat is of course Xincheng City, where there are at least three to four hundred thousand zombies. Although there are many, it is not the best place for "killing people and overcoming goods". Unless it is Erzengzi, or has the strength of Sombra, it is A dish was delivered to the zombie's mouth.

  Lu Ziming and the three chose the villages, towns and suburbs around Xincheng. The number of zombies here is not many and not dense, but they add up to a lot.

These are not the main reasons. The key purpose is to train soldiers. The three skills and combat skills have their advantages and disadvantages. Needless to say, the strength of Rehmannia is not strong. Needless to say, Lengmei’s remote attack lacks melee skills. There is no chance. Lu Ziming's melee combat ability is not weak, but he relies heavily on psychic energy. Sword aura, vigor hand, etc. are all psychic consumers, lack of pure swordsmanship, and poor marksmanship, and almost no long-range attack skills. This is Lu Ziming's shortcoming and the main purpose of training at this stage.

  Rehmannia holding two half-moon scimitars in his hand ran across the village, and the corpses of several dark creatures behind him were forcibly dismembered. A mutant domestic cat quietly rushed to the back of Rehmannia, preparing to launch a fatal attack.

At the moment when the mutant domestic cat just jumped up, "Bang! Bang!" Two gunshots sounded from a distance, and Di Huang turned his head and found a black shadow leaping behind him, waving his hand in the direction of the black shadow as a knife. The knife slashed on the black shadow, and the black shadow trend continued to hit Di Huang's body and threw the ground yellow to the ground.

"Ziming! The target distance is 400 yards, the bullet's flying speed is 500 Ma, and the target's moving speed is 80 yards. The bullet is fired from the muzzle to hit the target, the flight time is about 1 second, excluding the advance and the target's initial take-off speed , The shooting point is 40 cm directly in front of the target before it can hit the target's head!"

   "So complicated!"

  Lu Ziming is not a waste material, shooting fixed targets out of ten is not a problem, but when shooting a moving target, the problem arises.

  I don’t know if it’s the reason for practicing archery. Shooting is always a little bit worse, and it’s a lot worse. It’s not bad to hit the **** with the head. To explain in Leng Meiren’s words, archery is not the same as shooting. Archery has an arc, and the flight time of an arrow is a little longer than that of a bullet. In addition, Lu Ziming has been in contact with bows and arrows since he was a child. Can't do it.

  Lu Ziming felt that he did not have the talent for shooting. This, like those who studied science, would surely let him completely subvert his science and three perspectives.

   "It seems that I am not born to play guns, so I should use bows and arrows!"

  Rehmannia pushed away the mutant domestic cat that was pressing on him. This is not the first time Lu Ziming and Leng Meiren have rescued him. Normally, a combination of three, two melee combat, one person is responsible for long-range killing.

  Now it’s a month of actual combat training. The mutant creatures around are not high-level, and Lu Ziming doesn’t need to take action at all. The main purpose is to help Dihuang and Lengmei improve their melee level. The melee level of Leng Meiren is higher than that of Rehmannia, and when he encounters a few mutant creatures, it is usually Rehmannia that is fighting by himself, and Lu Ziming and Lengmei are on guard next to him.

Lu Ziming seldom makes shots, and Leng Meiren makes occasional shots. This makes Dihuang, a low-level evolutionary, kills from morning to night until his hands and feet become soft. When he starts to rest at night, if it weren't for Lu Ziming to supplement Dihuang. Psionic, Dihuang couldn't even move a finger the next day.

  Lu Ziming felt that he had returned to the age of nanny. This situation continued until the third day and night, because he saw a person whom he didn’t meet and had to see. It should be said that he was not a normal person.

  There was a bottle of wine and a piece of barbecue beside the bonfire. Lu Ziming did not move, as if he was asleep.

A dark figure came out of the dark scene and sat right beside Lu Ziming without speaking. Instead, he took a sip of the wine, then grabbed a piece of meat and ate it, completely ignoring the people around him, as if The people around you don't even exist.

   After Sombra drank and ate, he snorted and said: "Yes! Knowing that I am coming, are you afraid that I will attack you?"

   Lu Ziming, who has not spoken, said at this moment: "If you were to make a sneak attack, I'm afraid I would have died long ago, and you wouldn't be able to eat any good things?"

"Haha! Good point! Courageous, not seen in a few years, your progress is very fast, beyond my expectations, let's talk about business now", the shadow man reached out and wiped his clothes, "You know I'm back Looking for you? Know why I came for you?"

Lu Ziming looked back at the black shadow and nodded: "I really can't think of anyone else with this strength. You saved me but didn't kill me. Although you don't want to say it, I know this time. You won't kill me either. In that case, you can only find me for one thing. You want to enter the giant spirit world. You are the one who broke through the protective shield that night!"

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