End Times Dust Light

Chapter 838: The way of life for the weak

The black shadow laughed and did not deny: "Before that night, I hadn't thought that the person in charge of Chiyou's space was you, which made me look around for a few days. If I knew it was you, I would come to you first. Now, how can you let go of the protective cover and let me in?"

   "Of course, others may not. You are my savior. If you can't do this, you can't justify it."

  Lu Ziming handed the werewolf a cigarette. The werewolf shook his head, looked at the barbecue on the bonfire, and tore off another piece, "Is there still alcohol?"

"I don't know how to drink, but there are still a few bottles of wine", he took out a few more bottles from the space ring and threw them to the werewolf: "I won't inquire about you and the demons, but I want to know why you If you want to enter the giant spirit world, you alone want to enter the giant spirit world. Is there anyone else who wants to enter the giant spirit world? How did you know that the giant spirit world exists? If it is not convenient for you to say, just pretend I didn't ask?"

"It's not a secret. There is nothing I can't tell you. For the sake of your delicious and delicious treats to me, just ask if you have any questions. I can tell you all that I can answer." The year hasn't changed at all, but it would be a big mistake to think that there can be some demon and fairy clan news from the wolf population.

The werewolf continued: "The Giant Spirit Realm is a secret to you, and it’s not a secret to us monsters who have lived for thousands of years. You now have control of Chi You’s space in your hand, and understand the Giant Spirit Realm no less than me. How much, the giant spirit world is also a mysterious existence for me, and it is also an opportunity. I must enter! After the end of the world that mankind said began, I was paying attention to things in the giant spirit world, and found that the entrance to the giant spirit world had been opened, so Came here...".

"If you think that no one knows about the giant spirit world except you and me, it is wrong. Many people know that the giant spirit world is about to open, and they are secretly looking for the entrance to the giant spirit world. People want to enter the giant spirit world, then you will be busy...!"

  Lu Ziming usually has a very accurate premonition of bad things. He holds a time bomb in his hand. According to the meaning of the werewolf, the giant spirit world is a bright piece of gold. Whoever picks it hot can not throw it away.

"Don't worry. People who are incapable of entering the giant spirit world are looking for death. When the entrance to the giant spirit world was opened last time, tens of thousands of people entered the giant spirit world, and there were not a hundred people who came out. Knowing this, you just discovered the entrance of the giant spirit world by accident. As long as you let go of the entrance of the giant spirit world, no one will be embarrassed for you!"

  "It’s the Chiyou space in your hand. There are a lot of people who are greedy. Of course it is impossible to grab it, but the trouble will not be less. Coupled with the things of the giant spirit world, you will not have a better life in the future," the werewolf gloated.

  Lu Ziming said humbly: "Then what should I do now?"


"Unless you don’t want to enter the giant spirit world and run quickly with Chi You’s space, you can only face it! I'll give you a piece of advice. You can't hide from misfortune or blessing. Think of a way earlier. I guess it will be at most two or three months. Someone came to the door. In addition to the demons and immortals, there are people from other bases. Don't underestimate the strength of other bases. Some bases have to retreat even our demons, so you can do it yourself!"

  If this is said from someone else's mouth, Lu Ziming will never believe it, but the werewolf should not lie to himself, and there is no need to lie to himself.

Lu Ziming felt dizzy when he thought of the other forces that were about to swarm, and suddenly realized that he was still as weak as before the end of the world. A powerful enemy would rush to bite at any time, and he would die if he was not careful. .

The werewolf stood up satisfactorily, and took a bottle of Lu Ziming's wine without hesitation, and said, "Tomorrow, I am going to the entrance of the giant spirit world. I don't know if I can meet you in the giant spirit world. Hope your kid can come out alive!"

  "I will notify you to remove the protective cover tomorrow night. You and your companions can enter the giant spirit world. Just one last question? Did you move the equipment in several scientific research institutes in the suburbs of Xincheng?"

"Yes or not", the werewolf took out a crystal-like stone and shook it: "This detection stone can sense whether the giant spirit world is turned on, but the specific location is not known. You need to find some equipment to measure the approximate direction. , Calculate the distance based on the background radiation intensity generated by the giant spirit world on the earth, this is how I found the entrance of the giant spirit world, and other people will also find the entrance of the giant spirit world.”

  "Good luck to you! Hope to meet in the world of Djinn?"

"Thanks!" The werewolf took a few steps, then turned around: "I'll give you a suggestion. The strong have the way of survival of the strong. In this world, the weak can also survive. The difference is how to survive. I believe you can Understand the meaning of this sentence", after speaking, he disappeared into the dark night.

Lu Ziming stared blankly at the direction the werewolf was going away, recalling the last words of the werewolf in his mind, and let out a turbid breath, turned his head towards the direction of the bus and said: "The man has gone far away. , Come out!"

   "It's really gone, my God! This is the strong man in the transformation stage, why I haven't noticed it at all", Di Huang jumped out of the car and looked around vigilantly.

  Leng Meiren walked to Lu Ziming's side and found that Lu Ziming's back was soaked. If someone attacked, none of the three could run away. Fortunately, Lu Ziming's acquaintance came: Werewolf.

   "Did you know that he was here just now?"

Rehmannia touched the back of his head and felt afraid for a while. The werewolf appeared completely out of thin air and disappeared mysteriously. Lu Ziming only felt it when the werewolf entered within ten meters. Such a close distance didn't even have enough reaction time, let alone Leng Meiren. And Rehmannia two.

Lu Ziming took out a pack of beef jerky and chewed it in his mouth with relish: "I don't know who will come, but Zixin said that the protective cover can block the entry of the strong, and these strong want to enter. The Giant Spirit Realm will definitely find me. I'm betting that they won't do anything. I didn't expect it to be a werewolf?"

   "Ziming! What if they kidnap you and force you to open the protective cover?"

Lu Ziming spread his hands and said: "Then open it. I just want to know who wants to enter the giant spirit world. That's all. I don't want to monopolize the giant spirit world. It seems that it is impossible to block news now. Things are better than mine. The imagination is serious!"

Even if the person who came tonight is not a werewolf, Lu Ziming is ready to let go of the protective cover. The reason why he has not closed the protective cover and wants to learn some news through the entrants, now that the goal has been achieved, the next step is to consider how to deal with the influx of people. It is a headache to think about the various forces.

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